Everyone knows that the floor is of great importance in different rooms. This is not only the comfort of movement, but also the durability of any floor covering. Therefore, after building a house, everyone tries to pay due attention to this. And many are trying to change the already existing floors. This is not so difficult to do, you just need to find a method and stick to the technology. Only then will leveling the floor give the desired result. There are enough techniques, and each process has its own characteristics.
Using concrete
The first stage is the creation of the floor, and only after that it is leveled. There are enough ways to deal with irregularities. The process is built depending on the existing rough and finish coating. In addition, you need to consider how the floor surface will be used in the future.

I seethat for concrete pavement, the most suitable option is a cement screed. The result is a smooth and durable surface. Leveling the floor with a screed is done frequently. Really stack on it:
- Tile (any orientation).
- Laminate board.
- Parquet.
- Linoleum, etc.
There are enough advantages. It is also important for many that under such a coating there is waterproofing and warmth. It is quite possible to place it.
Wet screed
Not so long ago, a person could use only one option - a concrete structure. Today it is divided into wet, dry and semi-dry. The first is a classic, which includes cement-sand filler. The execution process is simple, but in time it will take a long time to work, and also wait for complete drying. The result is the most reliable design that can withstand any mechanical impact.

Let's take a look at how the floor is leveled using classic flooring:
- Working with the surface. It will be necessary to completely eliminate dust and dirt. The spots are cleared. If there are differences on the floor, they are cleaned to a minimum. But the depressions and holes are preliminarily silted with the same solution. We'll have to wait for these improvements to dry.
- When the initial stage is completed, you will need to go over the entire surface with a primer. It will create a stronger adhesion of materials and remove the remaining dust. When work is carried out in the room where the levelhumidity is high, then a mixture of deep penetration is taken. There are many different products on the market today, so it remains to choose the right one.
- Waterproofing is indispensable. For this, roofing material or a film with a high micron index is used. They fit with a margin on each other and a little on the wall. It is possible to strengthen protection with other materials.
- Leveling the floor is done in stages. Next come the measurements. It is required to evaluate the unevenness and understand where the mixture will be more. It is necessary to measure the zero level, after which, using the equipment, spread it around the entire perimeter. As a result, all points should be on the same line relative to the horizontal surface (but not the floor - this is the main reference point).
- Further, it is easy to find the differences: the distance from the point relative to the floor is measured. Here it becomes clear where the error is higher. The screed should stop at the highest point, pouring the rest. Do not be lazy - you need to make a lot of measurements. Then the accuracy will be high. Such a screed is one- and two-level. The first is poured in one layer and creates a perfectly flat surface. And the second is work in two rooms, which should lead to the fact that on the threshold the surfaces will be equalized. When working, much attention is paid to calculations and measurements.
- Next it's time to install the beacons. These are metal profiles. To put them in place, alabaster or fasteners are used. The minimum distance between these parts is half a meter (but may be more, depending on the sizepremises).
- The next step in leveling the floor is laying out the reinforcement. If the room is small, then this is not necessary. After all, the reinforcement allows you to make the screed as strong as possible. Most often it is a network. It is stretched and carefully poured so that there are no voids.
- Floor leveling does not occur without insulation. This is expanded clay. It is better to purchase a composition of a different faction. This is how the maximum effect is achieved. An embankment is made of expanded clay, which reduces the height of the walls, so it is not recommended to use it with low ceilings.

- After the mixture is already being prepared to level the floor. It is necessary to apply sand and cement in a ratio of one to three. Today, there are special fillers on sale that can improve the performance of such a coating. It is good when the solution is quickly in place around the entire perimeter. It is better to work with at least two people - one makes the composition, and the other distributes it over the surface.
- Start moving towards the exit from the opposite wall. Having laid the solution, you need to pull it out with the rule regarding beacons. When the surface is completely filled, the control sticks are removed and the grooves are filled with the same compound.
- After the design is left for four days. Periodically sprinkle water on it. If moisture quickly leaves, then cracks cannot be avoided. After that, a plastic film is spread over the entire surface. One week is enough for the top layer to dry completely.
- Don't rush to finish, because the work can bewill start only after 28 days, not earlier. This is precisely the big minus of the classic wet screed. Not everyone has that much time.
- Some subsequently apply polymer compounds to make the surface perfectly smooth.
This is all the technology required to create a wet screed. Everyone can make it on their own, without resorting to the help of professionals and without overpaying extra money.
Dry and semi-dry
Since the concrete screed dries for a long time, it has an alternative. As a result, do-it-yourself floor leveling is done with dry compounds. The drying time increases, because the composition contains a lot of liquid. If its volume is reduced, then the time will be reduced. That is why modern compositions began to attract more and more attention. In this case, the surface is smooth and without errors.
How is the operation performed?
Main stages of work:
- You need to remove the old screed, even if it is reliable. This process will take a long time, create noise and discomfort. You need to be ready for this.
- It is clear that by removing the old structure, you will need to get rid of dust and degrease the surface. If necessary, new waterproofing is laid (by the way, when the floor is leveled with plywood, this is a mandatory step).
- Checked by the building level for the probability of drop to determine the thickness of the embankment.

- How is the concrete floor leveled next? Thermal insulation is laid on the waterproofing. The composition of expanded clay is considered good. But today, slab material is more used - polystyrene foam and stone wool. There are many more in stores, the only difference is the price.
- No reinforcement required. To maximize the reliability of the entire plane, special additives are used. This makes it possible for the material not to crack during the drying process.
- You can fix the beacons in the same way as in the previous version of the screed. Then the classic scheme of work is repeated. The only difference is the amount of water in the solution. The consistency of the solution is loose, so that when squeezed, a small amount of water appears. You will have to make sure that when leveling the surface with the rule, pellets do not form.
- Starting to stretch the sand-cement composition over the area has to exit. Beacons should also be taken into account, along which alignment is carried out.
- When the whole process is finished, cover the floor with polyethylene and leave for a day.
- After 24 hours, the film is removed, the beacons are removed, and the surface is carefully rubbed. In a day you will be able to walk on it. If this is floor leveling for laminate, parquet, etc., it is allowed to lay the finish coat only after four days. You can also fill in corrective compounds, but this is at the discretion of the owner.

Today there are completely dry floor screeds. As a result, the presence of concrete is excluded altogether. This design is lightweight, but no less reliable and complete. Also, many do alignmentplywood floor. This option is fast and quite suitable for small rooms. In addition, modern masters talk about other effective compositions that allow you to create evenness and beauty in the room.
Self Leveling Compounds
Those who do not want to wait a long time have the opportunity to use more modern formulations. This is floor leveling with a self-levelling compound. The main advantage is that it is easy to start finishing after a couple of hours. In terms of strength and service life, this finish does not lose to analogues. However, some compositions do not even require cladding or decoration.
The main positive aspects of leveling the floor with a self-leveling mixture:
- High level of durability and reliability.
- Long service life.
- Easy to create.
This layer will be five millimeters thick. If the room has low ceilings, and at the same time it is necessary to level the floors, then this option will be the most advantageous. You can always find a couple of minuses even with an abundance of positives. This is the preparation of the coating. Thus, the presence of irregularities, depressions and cracks is completely excluded. In addition, there should also be no dust and dirt. And the cost of modern materials is high. Therefore, often people, trying to save money, donate their time.

Today there are several options for floor leveling mixes. You need to make a choice not only from your desire and capabilities, but also taking into account the surface of the basethe treated floor, as well as the finish coating. Below we list which formulations are available.
Cement based
This is a budget option, so its service life is three years. As a result, there is no shrinkage, and adhesion to any surface is high. Such a coating cannot be decorative and will dry for more than 14 days.
They are suitable for dry conditions. Gypsum mixtures themselves create a warm base. They are completely environmentally friendly for the body, do not shrink. Surface must be dry prior to application.
Ideal self-leveling floors that help remove any errors and irregularities. You can not lay them in the bathroom, because when in contact with water, they become slippery. The most suitable room can be considered a living room or bedroom.

They are always on sale in stock. They are used depending on how important the performance and cost are. But the polymer composition will have an undeniable advantage - this is the most reliable surface that can withstand weight and mechanical stress. Such a coating can be found on loggias and basements, because it does not react to temperature changes and is not afraid of humidity. There are not many cons - relatively high price and the need for surface preparation.
It is important that the leveling of the concrete or wooden floor is carried out strictly according to the instructions, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desiredresult.