Wild strawberries: the benefits of vitamins

Wild strawberries: the benefits of vitamins
Wild strawberries: the benefits of vitamins

Everyone is familiar with the fragrant wild berry - wild strawberry. Not only does it taste great, but it is also considered a very he althy plant. Moreover, not only fruits, but also leaves can be used in this regard.

strawberry forest benefit
strawberry forest benefit

For many diseases, especially for various metabolic disorders, it is wild strawberries that are used. Benefits can be obtained by eating both fresh berries and canned ones. Pies and pies with the fruits of this plant are considered very tasty. Even after heat treatment, they do not lose their useful properties. From the leaves, a healing decoction or infusion is often prepared. In what cases can strawberries be useful?

Berries and strawberry leaves are a storehouse of he alth

The berries of this plant contain useful substances such as ascorbic acid, carotene, folic acid, malic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other vitamins and minerals. The fruit of wild strawberry has a pleasant aroma due to the presence of essential oil in it. Dried berriescan be stored up to 3 years. The leaves also contain ascorbic acid and carotene. They also contain tannins. You can store them up to a year.

wild strawberry fruit
wild strawberry fruit

What diseases can wild strawberries help with

Wild strawberry, the benefits of which are manifested primarily in the diuretic effect, can be used for diseases such as arthritis, gout, cholelithiasis, arthrosis, etc. Fresh berries, as well as decoctions and infusions contribute to the removal of s alts from the body. You can also take them for bedwetting, various pathologies of the bladder and kidneys.

This plant also has antiseptic properties. Wild strawberries, the benefits of which in this regard are primarily in the wound-healing effect, are applied to the damaged area of the skin in the form of a slurry. You can also mash the berries, wrap in gauze and make lotions. Eczema is treated in the same way.

Alcohol tinctures from the leaves of this plant are used for heart failure and anemia. At the same time, 6 g of leaves are taken per glass of vodka and insisted for a week. Take 30 drops three times a day. This infusion will be useful as a tonic vitamin remedy, especially with a lack of carotene in the body. You can take it in the same amount for colds.

Wild strawberries, the benefits of which are undeniable, should still be used for he alth purposes with caution. There are some contraindications to the use of tinctures and decoctions from its leaves and fruits. The fact is that this plant belongs to fairly strong allergens. Pregnant women should be especially careful in this regard. Frequent eating of berries is also contraindicated for small children.

growing wild strawberries
growing wild strawberries

Growing in the country

Growing wild strawberries in the garden is not much different from growing a regular garden variety. It is best to plant it in slightly shaded places - under fruit trees or bushes. Watering is done only in dry weather. It will be useful sometimes to pick up the bushes. And, of course, it is worth weeding the garden from time to time. Of course, such a rich harvest as garden, wild strawberries will not give. But you can please yourself with much more fragrant berries with a rich taste.
