Which of us does not like to eat delicious, ripe strawberries in the summer! Someone grows it in their garden plot, someone buys imported from the southern regions. But there is, after all, another type of berry - wild strawberries. In terms of its taste and useful qualities, it is in no way inferior to garden!
Strawberry or strawberry?
It's a common misconception that strawberries and strawberries are the same thing. This is especially true for wild berries - they do not see any differences between them at all. Actually they are. Botanists call strawberries monoecious and strawberries dioecious (meaning they have both male and female plants). Strawberries, especially forest strawberries, are quite small in size, and their color is not as rich and full as strawberries, most often pinkish, but not red.

Wild strawberries also have other names: midnight, wild strawberries, meadow strawberries and green strawberries. Perhaps that is also why it is often confused with wild strawberries. In fact, it is quite simple to distinguish them: green strawberries (that is, wild forest strawberries) are spherical, not oval, its fruits are sweeter, and the leaves are fluffy, silvery in color. In the photo of wild strawberries and wild strawberries immediatelythere is a noticeable difference between them.

They also differ in their habitat. Wild strawberries can often be found in pine forests. Where do wild strawberries grow? Mostly - on grassy slopes, forest edges and clearings, in meadows. The time when wild strawberries ripen is July-August. Strawberries ripen a month earlier - they can be harvested from June.
Why such a name?
The confusion with strawberries and wild strawberries continues in their name. It is believed that in the English ethnonym (strawberry) the first part of the word is consonant with the word stream - flow, flow. So they called this berry (by the way, the British have both strawberries and strawberries named the same) because of its antennae, which seem to “flow” in different directions. Another option is a consonance with the word strewn (scattered): after all, strawberries are widely scattered here and there.

But the Russian word "strawberry" comes from "tuber", because it is round in shape, looks like a ball (unlike more elongated strawberries). At the same time, oddly enough, it is customary to call strawberries … musky, garden strawberries. This has been the case since the 18th century, since this species was more popular than green strawberries. It is for this reason that various names have appeared in everyday life (including wild strawberries), specifying where the berry grows.
A trip to history
How did people find out about the wonderful taste of this unpretentious berry? The fact that wild strawberries have been growing everywhere since ancient times is an indisputable fact. Pliny the Elder wrote about this, andOvid, and Virgil, mentioning her as a savior berry. Slavic countries have been familiar with wild strawberries since the Middle Ages, but at that time it was not cultivated as it is now. Some Europeans ate wild strawberries already in the 16th century, but only “tasted” them a couple of centuries later, when a certain French naval officer, while in the mountains of Chile, was so impressed with the taste of the local small berry that he brought it home. In France, the plant ended up in the Paris Botanical Gardens, next to another strawberry - Virginia. Botanists crossed varieties with each other - this is how a new type of strawberry turned out, which gained immense popularity.
Useful properties of wild strawberries
Strawberries, not only wild, but also of any other species, have a lot of qualities that have a beneficial effect on the human body. To begin with, this berry contains absolutely no cholesterol and fats! But due to many other reasons, it is considered truly healing (this is discussed below). Strawberries are absolutely not high in calories, therefore it is recommended for people who follow their figure. Due to the presence of fructose and glucose in strawberries, it is also classified as a diet food. It perfectly quenches thirst and improves appetite, and when dried - as in the photo - wild strawberries are a diaphoretic.

Useful properties of wild strawberries also lie in the fact that, in addition to medicine, they are also successfully used in other industries - cosmetology and cooking. In the latter case, a very popular dish is strawberries with cream.or milk. Often, various sauces are made from berries, for example, for meat. Strawberries are used in baking, marmalade, jams and jams are made from it, compotes and liqueurs are cooked. Also, the fruits can be dried, and then added to tea.
Already under Hippocrates, strawberries were widely used as a medicinal plant. Firstly, it perfectly strengthens the immune system, and is also rich in vitamins and minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamins B and C, and so on) so much that it is a leader among other berries. Little of! There is even more iron in it than in grapes and apples. Thanks to the organic acids contained in strawberries, it accompanies the removal of harmful substances from the body. This berry is also recommended for diseases such as atherosclerosis, indigestion or rheumatism, as well as anemia. Since it reduces the amount of sugar in a person's blood, doctors advise it to be consumed by patients with diabetes. Strawberries also contain flavonoids, substances that can slow down the growth of cancer cells. By the way, about the substances: they are present in strawberries and those that are close in composition to aspirin. And this means that a wonderful berry can serve as an excellent analgesic for headaches or joint pain. Women suffering from uterine bleeding should also eat it.
Separately, it is recommended to include strawberries in your diet for older people - because of the rejuvenating properties of this fruit. It improves brain function and memory, restores the functioning of the central nervous system, compensates for the lack of iodine in the body. Speaking of iodine, it's worthnote also that due to its large amount, strawberries are successfully used in the treatment of Graves' disease (hyperthyroidism). The berry is also good in the prevention of various eye inflammations and infections.
Various infusions are made from its leaves, which can be used both as a preventive measure and for the treatment of colds or pressure reduction. A flower decoction will help with heart ailments.
Strawberries in cosmetology
First of all, the berry is used to treat skin (acne) rashes, since it has the ability to narrow pores. As a rule, a mask for the face or hands is made from strawberries - they are mashed and applied to the desired part of the body, previously wrapped in gauze or a bandage. Often some other ingredient is added to the berry - for example, cottage cheese or lemon juice. You can make strawberries at home and a facial tonic - mix with vodka and let it brew for a month, and then strain and dilute with water. With the help of strawberry juice, it is good to fight age spots and remove freckles.

When is the berry banned?
Do not, however, think that strawberries have only useful qualities. There are a number of reasons why the use of this fruit is highly undesirable for some people. For example, allergy sufferers: after all, pollen is stored in the structure of strawberries, causing an exacerbation of this disease. However, you can reduce the risk if you use the berry along with fermented milk products. You can not eat strawberries and those who suffer from stomach problems.diseases: cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis, ulcers. Berry is strictly forbidden for appendicitis! It is not recommended to give it to babies - this is fraught with the appearance of dermatitis and diathesis. But when the child is already more than three years old, you can introduce him to a wonderful berry. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should use strawberries with caution. In addition, there are people with individual intolerance to various components contained in the fetus.
Storage Secrets
It is necessary to store strawberries in the refrigerator, having previously sorted and discarded all damaged or rotten fruits. It is best to keep it in a closed container, otherwise it will be saturated with moisture. At room temperature, and even more so under the influence of the sun, it is not recommended to store the berry - it can instantly deteriorate. So that strawberries do not have time to lose all their good properties, you need to eat them for a maximum of two to three days. It is possible later - only there will be no benefit from this.
Some prefer to freeze strawberries so they can eat them in the winter. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse and dry the berry beforehand, and also add lemon juice to it - this will preserve the original color. It is important to remember that frozen whole strawberries retain their nutritional qualities worse than cut strawberries.

Thus, wild strawberries are not just a delicious treat and eye candy. It is also a whole storehouse of useful properties, so there is a wild strawberry!