Wild garlic is popularly known as wild garlic, although in fact the correct name of this plant is “wild onion”, or “victorious onion”. Harvested in April-May, this is the first green plant that can replenish the supply of vitamins after a long winter. What is wild garlic? The plant is two or three oblong oval leaves, formed from the root bulb. Its height is about 20 cm.

Cheremsha loves shady, wetlands in coniferous and mixed forests. Wild onion grows in the B altic States, the Carpathians, the Urals, the Far East and Central Asia. In these areas, you can collect a particularly rich harvest of wild garlic. The plant is also found in central Russia, but in smaller quantities. Collect and eat most often leaves of wild garlic. But the bulbs of the plant are no less useful. Delicious wild onion salad. Cut wild garlic leaves, boil a couple of eggs, also chop, mix everything, s alt and season with sour cream. Such a dish increases appetite, enhances the release of digestive enzymes. Going for a vitamin harvest, you should know what wild garlic is, how it looks.

It is not at all necessary to go into the forest to getit is a valuable plant. After all, modern gardeners have long known such a culture as wild garlic. Growing a plant at home is not particularly difficult. The easiest way is to dig up the so-called leaf seedlings along with the bulbs and plant them on your site. It is better to choose places with a decrease in relief and under trees. Given that the plant is moisture-loving, try to keep as much moisture in the soil as possible. This is achieved mainly by autumn mulching, that is, powdering the roots with fallen leaves.
But you can plant wild onions with seeds, although this way is more laborious. It is better to do this before winter, scattering the seeds over the surface of the earth and sprinkling with peat or humus. Then you need to water and wait for shoots in the spring. You need to be patient, as wild garlic grows slowly. It will be two or three years before the first real harvest is gathered.

Connoisseurs of this wild vegetable will be interested to know how wild garlic is useful. First of all, it contains large reserves of vitamin C. There is more of it in the plant than in citrus fruits.
Those who do not know what wild garlic is, why eat it, the following information will be useful: wild onion is useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis. Ramson is an effective remedy against worms, and the phytoncides contained in it are a strong antibiotic. During epidemics of cholera and plague, wild garlic helped fight diseases well.
Not only salad can be prepared from wild onions. There are a lot of food options. Unusually delicious pies stuffed with wild garlic. The plant can be harvestedin winter - s alt and sour, but first you need to pour boiling water over to eliminate a strong specific smell.
Infusions and decoctions from a wild plant are used in medicine. Raw chopped leaves rub the skin for various rheumatoid diseases, as well as wounds and skin injuries.
Now that you know what wild garlic is, be sure to arm yourself with a basket in the spring and go for wild onions - the first spring vitamin plant.