Wild ramson is a spicy-aromatic perennial plant of the Onion family. Outwardly, it is very similar to a lily of the valley, in taste it vaguely resembles garlic (which is what market workers use, selling marinated garlic peduncles instead of wild garlic).
Containing vitamins and nutrients, wild garlic early greens are great for restoring and awakening the body after a long winter. Its benefits are manifested in lowering bad cholesterol in the blood, improving the functioning of the digestive organs, and stimulating the work of the cardiovascular system. Vitamin micro and macro elemental cocktail helps to restore the body, relieves spring fatigue and drowsiness.
Fresh leaves last no more than 4 days. An excellent storage variation is pickled wild garlic. In its raw form, it is indispensable in the preparation and decoration of salads and snacks. It can alsoadd when preparing soups and second courses, and the combination of the taste of wild garlic with sour cream and cottage cheese makes it indispensable for sauces. Perfectly preserved frozen and canned.

When going to "kebab" in the forest, take some honey and mustard grains with you - suddenly you are lucky enough to come across a wild onion clearing. Pickled wild garlic (instant recipe) will perfectly complement any meat dish, especially such as shish kebab.
- 2 bunches of leaves with wild garlic bulbs;
- vegetable oil;
- lemon zest and juice (1/2);
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons mustard beans;
- a teaspoon of honey;
- s alt.
Chop wild garlic into pieces of 2-3 cm, s alt and mash a little. In a separate bowl, prepare a dressing from lemon zest and juice, honey, mustard and oil. Add sauce to bear onion, mix thoroughly. By the time the barbecue is ready, the salad is ready.

Marinated wild garlic
60 bear onion stalks Wash and soak in cold fresh water for 2 hours to remove bitterness. Prepare the marinade: put 1 tablespoon of s alt and sugar in 1 liter of boiling water. Boil and add 150 ml of 6% vinegar.
Tie the stems into small bundles (10-15 pieces each), which are placed vertically in the appropriate dish (jar, glass or enamel pan). Pour, completely covering the stems, marinade at room temperature. Leave for 5-7 daysrefrigerator. After the specified time, the wild garlic is ready for use. It can also be rolled up in jars.
Marinated wild garlic (canned)
For 700 g of wild onion we need:
- water - 1 l;
- sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
- s alt - 4 tbsp. l.;
- 6% vinegar - 250 ml;
- bay leaf;
- allspice;
- 2 large garlic cloves.
Put the washed wild garlic, garlic and spices in jars. For the marinade, dissolve s alt and sugar in water, boil. After adding vinegar, bring back to a boil. Pour the marinade into filled jars, cover with lids and put on pasteurization (one-liter jars 10 minutes, two-liter jars - 15 minutes, three-liter jars - 25 minutes). Turn sealed jars upside down. Keep under a blanket until completely cool. Pickled wild garlic is considered usable after 14 days.

Vitamin salad
- marinated wild garlic (canned) - 150 g;
- green peas (canned) - 150g;
- fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
- sour cream - 200 ml.
Cut the wild garlic into strips, cucumbers into cubes, add green peas, mix. Dress salad with sour cream.