How to grow garlic from bulbs? How to store garlic bulbs before planting

How to grow garlic from bulbs? How to store garlic bulbs before planting
How to grow garlic from bulbs? How to store garlic bulbs before planting

You rarely see a garden or summer cottage, the beds on which garlic does not occupy. This culture, loved by many, is necessary for conservation, gives a special attraction to various dishes, and the plant has more than enough useful properties.

Garlic is propagated by dividing the bulb into cloves and bulbs - air bulbs that grow on the arrow. Full-fledged bulbs grow from cloves in the first year, and in order to get a crop from bulbs, it will take three years. Because of this, some gardeners refuse this method of reproduction, and in vain. Having become acquainted with the advantages of this method of cultivation, they often change their minds and ask questions: "When, where and how to plant garlic with seeds?"

Benefits of propagating garlic bulbs

Garlic shrinks over the years, so it needs to be rejuvenated every five years, and preferably three years.

If there are only 4-10 cloves in a garlic bulb, then each arrow lays 20 to 150 bulbs. This methodreproduction allows you to get a large amount of he althy seed material, maintain the grade of garlic, grow a full-fledged crop that is resistant to diseases and pests.

how to grow garlic from bulbils
how to grow garlic from bulbils

Garlic has a feature: bulbs do not infect fungal, viral and bacterial infections. Clean planting material has great potential for higher quality crops.

When growing with cloves, about a seventh of the entire crop is spent on planting, and when propagated by bulbs, there is no cost of marketable garlic. This is another plus in favor of air bulbs - profitability.

How to grow garlic from bulbs

As you can see, there are many reasons for using this planting material. Having studied the benefits of propagating garlic from seeds, gardeners are starting to think about how to grow garlic from bulbs. And rightly so, because not every garlic is capable of producing air bulbs, this property is inherent only in winter arrow varieties.

planting garlic bulbs in autumn
planting garlic bulbs in autumn

There are two ways to grow sevok - planting garlic bulbs in autumn and spring. And there is also a technique developed by experienced summer residents, with the help of which large air bulbs are obtained that can give a full crop in the second year of the growing season.

How to grow large planting material

Experienced gardeners know how to grow garlic from bulbs in such a way that they will get it next summernot a small set, but a large single-tooth. The secret of this method is simple - when planting, the clove is placed in a growth limiter, which will serve, for example, a piece of plastic pipe.

Teeth are sown before winter. In early spring, plants begin to grow and form flower arrows in early summer. So that sharp gusts of wind do not accidentally break them, it is recommended to tie arrows to stakes.

The limiter prevents the tooth from growing and developing, as a result of which all the nutrition is directed to the development of the frog. The air bulbs obtained in this way are much larger than in the traditional vegetation.

In the middle of summer, the development of garlic comes to an end, the tops turn yellow. The arrows are cut and tied into bundles. To prevent the bulbs from shedding, the balls of the peduncle are tied with gauze. The bundles are turned over and hung up in the attic.

Planting garlic bulbs in autumn

Collected bulbs need about a month to dry well and finally ripen. After that, the air bulbs are threshed and sized. For planting garlic from bulbs for the winter, choose the largest seeds.

Usually landing time falls on the month of October. It depends on weather conditions and climate features. It is necessary that before the arrival of frost, the bulbs take root, but do not have time to germinate.

how to plant garlic seeds
how to plant garlic seeds

When planting garlic from bulbs for the winter, a lot of planting material is pushed out by frost to the soil surface. During spring planting, of course, this does not happen, the bulbs immediately start growing, butthe yield is lower. Yes, and not everyone can save the bulbs until spring. After weighing all the pros and cons, everyone decides for himself when to plant bulbs - in spring or autumn.

To increase germination and yield, bulbs are subjected to stratification for 10 days. This is done immediately before planting in the ground in this way: the air bulbs are placed in a gauze bag and sent to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Moreover, they are kept there only at night, and during the day they are taken out and left at room temperature.

Some gardeners prefer to plant bulbs immediately in a permanent place, maintaining the planting pattern, as when planting teeth - 8 centimeters apart, the distance between rows is 25-30 centimeters. With this method, the seedlings are not removed, but left on the same bed.

If the area of the land does not allow, you can thicken the planting by thinning the plants next fall.

Since air bulbs are much smaller than the teeth, the question arises of how deep to plant garlic bulbs. Seeds are planted in prepared soil to a depth of 4-5 centimeters. As a rule, this is enough so that they are not pushed to the surface of the frozen ground, the plants take root, grow and develop normally.

Depending on soil moisture, the grooves are pre-watered. It is advisable to mulch the top of the planting to prevent drying out and the germination of weeds. Plant residues, peat or sawdust are suitable for this. The thickness of the mulch layer is usually 2-3 centimeters.

Spring planting

How to grow garlic from bulbils in spring? Plants are planted thickly according to the tape scheme. Ribbons are cut 90 centimeters wide, in each ribbon 7 rows are obtained. Between the tapes maintain a distance of 30-40 centimeters. Planting depth - 3 centimeters, the consumption of planting material per 1 linear meter is up to 100 bulbs, when growing seedlings with an autumn transplant.

how to store garlic bulbs before planting
how to store garlic bulbs before planting

If garlic is not supposed to be transplanted in autumn, air bulbs are planted less often, using 33 small or 25 large ones per linear meter.

Planting begins as soon as the soil is ripe. Usually this is April - early May. The bed prepared since autumn is loosened, leveled with a rake, nitroammophoska is applied - 40 g per square meter.

Choosing a seat

The best precursors for planting garlic are legumes, pumpkins, cabbages and perennial herbs. It is not recommended to plant garlic after tomatoes and potatoes in order to avoid Fusarium infection.

Garlic prefers light, loose soils of neutral acidity. For planting, you should choose a well-lit place on a hill so that melt water does not lead to freezing and infection of plants.

Soil preparation

It will be important to note that an excess of organic matter in the soil provokes abundant growth of garlic tops, and the cloves turn out to be crooked and small.

For planting they are brought into the soil:

  • wood ash - 300 g;
  • humus - 700 g;
  • potassium sulfate and superphosphate - 50 g pereach square meter.

After that, the earth is dug up.

how deep to plant garlic bulbs
how deep to plant garlic bulbs

It is necessary to prepare the soil in advance - no later than 1, 5-2 weeks before planting air bulbs.

Acidic soils are recommended to be limed (apply 300-400 g of lime per square meter).


Growing garlic from bulbs is no more difficult than growing garlic from cloves. Care consists in timely weeding and loosening, as weeds greatly inhibit the growth of young plants. It is especially desirable to carry out shallow loosening after rains and watering.

Water in dry and hot weather once every 10 days, moistening the soil to a depth of 8-10 centimeters.

when to plant bulbs
when to plant bulbs

For the entire growing season, 3 top dressings are carried out:

  • the first one - a month after germination, for which 10 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate are added per square meter of area;
  • second - after 15 days with the same fertilizers, but at a lower concentration;
  • third - at the end of July (300 g of wood ash per square meter).


We have sorted out the question of how to plant garlic seeds. With this method of reproduction, you can leave the seedlings to grow further in the same garden or remove them in the fall and transplant to a new place.

Everyone decides for himself, weighing the labor costs and efficiency, and if, nevertheless, the decision to transplant garlic is made, the main thing is to remove the single teeth in time. This is best done when the leaves of the plants begin to turn yellow. Do not overexpose the sevok in the ground, as it will not be stored well.

Harvesting is carried out in the morning on a cloudy day, as the direct rays of the sun spoil the single teeth and make them unsuitable for subsequent planting.

The collected bulbs are dried under a canopy before being stored or further grown.


How to store garlic bulbs? Before planting in the ground, air bulbs must be stored so that they do not dry out and trample. To do this, planting material is packed in a newspaper or folded into a small box, cardboard box and placed in a dry, dark place where the temperature is maintained at least 18-20 degrees Celsius.

bulb garlic growing and care
bulb garlic growing and care

They are stored there until February, then the onions are taken out, transferred to the refrigerator or cellar. You can put them in a cloth bag and bury them in the snow. This is done so that the bulbs go through stratification and get an impetus to the beginning of the growing season. Then they are dried, aired, dry and spoiled are removed, soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and planted in the beds.
