Reproduction of sansevieria: types, features, instructions with photos and flower care

Reproduction of sansevieria: types, features, instructions with photos and flower care
Reproduction of sansevieria: types, features, instructions with photos and flower care

Sansevieria is a popular plant that can be grown in almost any environment, even if you are new to floriculture. This is an indoor ornamental plant that is grown almost everywhere. The people call the plant "pike tail" or "mother-in-law's tongue." They began to cultivate it as early as the 13th century, having fallen in love with it for its unpretentiousness and unusual forms. If you have long dreamed of getting yourself this flower, then it will be interesting to learn about the reproduction of sansevieria.

General Description

There are quite a lot of varieties today. Some form a small, rounded funnel. Others produce long leaves that can reach a meter or more. The leaves are hard, with an original color, so they are often used to decorate living rooms and large halls.

sansevieria with yellow borderreproduction
sansevieria with yellow borderreproduction

The root system has powerful root threads that can grow to break the pot. Therefore, when transplanting, it is best to immediately choose a larger container. Reproduction of sansevieria is not a big problem. There are a huge number of options for this. The flower will survive if you need to leave for a week. Moreover, you can diversify the collection and plant dozens of its varieties.

How sansevieria blooms

Not everyone knows that this amazing plant can also please you with original inflorescences - panicles. If you have created optimal conditions for the plant, then you can be sure that fluffy formations will soon appear on a long peduncle. The flowers are rather original form, white-green color. They bloom in the evening, exuding a vanilla aroma. A berry with seeds may form, but this should not be expected at room conditions. Reproduction of sansevieria with seeds is not justified, as it takes too much time.


As mentioned above, the growth rate of the plant is very high. So, pretty soon you will need a new pot. If sansevieria grows in a plastic container, then you yourself can see that the sides are suspiciously rounded. A little more and a gap will appear through which the root will look out.

sansevieria cylindrical reproduction
sansevieria cylindrical reproduction

Transplantation is needed about once every 3 years for an adult plant. If you have a young seedling, then get ready to look for a new pot in about 1.5 years. The older the plant, the lesshe needs a transplant. But do not rush to choose the largest capacity for him. Only in a pot of a suitable size, the plant blooms profusely and willingly. At the bottom of the container, do not forget to pour a good layer of expanded clay. If you are thinking about the reproduction of sansevieria, then the moment of transplantation will be very successful.


Young offspring constantly depart from the root of an adult plant. Each of them has its own root system, but the plant looks like one as long as it is in the same pot. If you shake it out of the ground and examine it, you will see that the flower can be divided as you like. The main thing is that each part has its own vegetative organs - roots, stems, leaves.

Carefully divide the bush into separate parts with your root system. Plant each in a separate pot. During the growing season, apply complex mineral fertilizers to the soil every month. Potassium and phosphorus need more, but nitrogen should be more careful. Otherwise, the roots will rot and the plant will die. In spring and summer, you need to feed the succulents.

cylindrical sansevieria
cylindrical sansevieria

If the plant is in the shade, then its growth and development will be slowed down. In this case, feeding is practically not needed. Excess fertilizer causes loss of variegation.

Plant care

For a beginner grower, it will not be difficult to grow sansevieria, care and reproduction. As for the latter, everything is quite simple here, and you have not so few options. We have already considered division, but this option is not suitable for every time whenyou have been asked for a plant sprout. After all, a transplant is always damage to the root system and stress. Another thing is the propagation of sansevieria by a leaf. Let's say a few more words about leaving, and then we will return to this issue.

how to grow sansevieria
how to grow sansevieria

Water, temperature, lighting

These are important points to pay attention to.

  • The fleshy leaves are able to store moisture, so the plant does not need to be watered too often. In spring and summer, it is enough to water once a week, despite the fact that the soil dries out almost completely. In autumn and winter, they are watered even less frequently, also focusing on the dryness of the earthy coma. For irrigation, be sure to use purified water, melted or settled during the day.
  • The second important point is lighting. The plant is calm about keeping in the dark corners of the room. Numerous photos prove this. Reproduction of sansevieria is also not too dependent on the degree of illumination of the pot. She willingly gives roots and begins to grow even on the northern windows. But it is best to expose it to lighted places, covered from direct sunlight. In this case, the pattern will be brighter.
  • The plant tolerates high temperatures well, but at values below +16 it starts to hurt, stops growing. Keep the leaves away from the glass.
  • Humidity does not have to be controlled. The plant easily tolerates dry air. To remove dust, it is enough to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge from time to time.

Reproduction by side shoots

Thisthe easiest and fastest way that does not harm the mother plant. This is especially important when it comes to spectacular sansevieria with a yellow border, the reproduction of which occurs on its own. You just need to create the right conditions and after a while you will see hard leaves hatching from the mother plant. Wait for them to grow, and then dig a little and cut off the young plant. The main thing is that it retains part of the root. Now transplant it into a separate pot and wait for the plant to start growing. Low-growing, rosette varieties are mainly propagated in this way.

Reproduction by leaf

Reproduction of cylindrical sansevieria is more difficult than others. The easiest way is to wait until she has side shoots. If there is no time, then you can carefully cut off the leaf and use it as planting material. But most often this method is used for tall varieties.

  • A large sheet can be immediately divided into several parts.
  • Be sure to immediately mark the lower part, you can process it with a growth accelerator.
  • Wait until the leaf dries and deepen it into the sand about 2 cm.
  • Cover with cling film and water through the pan.
original plant
original plant

The process is not fast. After about 2 months (and sometimes a little more), the leaf takes root. This is the main drawback of propagating sansevieria by cuttings. In this way, you can get an almost unlimited number of young plants, but you have to waitabout 10 weeks until it starts to show signs of life.

Rooting in water

Sansevieria is the perfect plant for beginners. Whatever you do, it continues to grow and decorate the room. If rooting in the sand seems difficult to you, then you can simply put the leaf in the water. In this case, the cuttings take root perfectly, and this whole process takes place before your eyes. Roots appear especially quickly if the sections were treated with a heteroauxin solution for at least several hours.

Do not be afraid to try out the reproduction of sansevieria with a leaf, the photo presented in the article makes it possible to understand that the task before you is not at all difficult. You just need to follow the above recommendations and success will not be long in coming.

How to protect against pests

No indoor or garden plant is immune to pest attacks. And they must be fought so as not to lose your favorite flower.

sansevieria leaf propagation
sansevieria leaf propagation
  1. Sansevieria tolerates partial shade, but the open sun causes the color to fade and the pattern becomes less interesting.
  2. Overwetting the soil. The plant is able to store water in hard leaves. Therefore, excess watering, especially in the autumn and winter months, leads to rotting of the roots and death of the plant. From waterlogging, rot appears on the leaves. In this case, they must be carefully cut off and be sure to transplant the flower into a new pot.
  3. Spider mite. It also quite often settles on indoor plants and in particular on sansevieria. ATIn this case, the leaf becomes lethargic and gradually loses its color. He turns pale and dies. To rid the plant of this pest, you need to use special preparations. Fortunately, there are a lot of them today.
  4. If the leaf turns dark, then thrips colonies have worked here. Wash the plant in the shower and treat with insecticide.
  5. Sometimes you can see that the leaves turn yellow. And many flower growers decide that there is not enough watering. In fact, this indicates a defeat by a mealybug.

These are the main diseases that occur in this indoor flower. It should be noted that the flower is sick much less often than many decorative counterparts. Therefore, in most cases, the grower does not pay attention to him at all, until the moment when the situation becomes critical. Of course, this is a mistake. All your plantings need daily inspection, care and attention.

Main varieties

Sansevieria is different. Sometimes at first glance it is difficult to believe that such different representatives of the plant world belong to the same family. All of them can be conditionally divided into two large groups.

  1. Plants with tall, straight, lanceolate leaves that reach a height of several meters.
  2. Flowers forming rosettes.

Separate species are distinguished within each group:

  • Sansevieria three-lane. The leaves are lanceolate, with three stripes: white, light and dark green.
  • Hanni. The leaves form a rosette resembling a small vase.
  • Cylindrical. Her leavesdense, unlike previous varieties, voluminous.
  • White. Leaves lanceolate, original color.
  • Twisted Sister
  • Sansevieria Twistd Sister. It has an original shape, the leaves of the plant twist around its axis.
sansevieria care and reproduction
sansevieria care and reproduction

Instead of a conclusion

Layers of this plant take root very quickly. Its root system is strong and viable. But even if you do not have the opportunity to get a process with a root, then it will be enough to ask for a leaflet or even part of it. In about a month (with proper rooting), it will give roots, after which it will rapidly start to grow. Its speed is such that in a few months you will have a fairly large, young plant. This is especially true for varieties with lanceolate leaves. Growing sansevieria is an exciting activity. Surely, you will want to acquire other varieties of this family.
