The drainage system plays an important role in the operation of the house. Its main task is to collect and divert sedimentary flows to the right place. Competent arrangement of gutters helps to prevent the destruction of the facade, walls, foundation of the building. In addition, the drain refers to an element of the decorative design of the house. The collected rainwater can be used for various household needs, watering plants.

Types of drains
There are two main types of drains that drain melt and rainwater:
- Outdoor drain.
- Internal.
They are installed both on a standard hard roof and on a soft one.
Internal drain
With this arrangement of the sewage system, all working elements are located inside the building. This type of drain does not allow pipes to freeze and is used only on flat roofs. It differs from the outside one in that it is not visible from the facade, which significantly improves the exterior. Waste from sewers enters the drain or into a designated in the yard.
System includes:
- pipeline;
- receiving funnels with collector;
- special connectors that allow you to clean the system.

Outdoor drain
This is the most popular drainage system installed on the facade of a building. It is the external drain that equips most country and private houses. The main convenience of this technology is that the drainage device can be carried out after the completion of the construction of the building, while the internal one is installed before finishing work.
Water funnels are located in the corners of the house, each of them can be taken out separately into the drainage or, by connecting pipes, to ensure the flow into only one outlet.
The arrangement of an external drainage system has a number of advantages:
- Installation is quite simple, no special building knowledge is required.
- The system is virtually maintenance free during operation.
- Professional tools are not required to assemble the structure.

Material selection
Modern outdoor gutters of buildings can be made of plastic and metal:
- carbon (black steel);
- stainless steel;
- titanium;
- copper;
- aluminum
- plastic etc.
The most common and affordable is an external drain made of ordinary steel. Coated to prevent corrosionzinc or polymers (this material looks very attractive, as it is made in color).

Why is it necessary to install a drainage device
The integrity of the foundation of the house is preserved. If an external drain is organized, the wastewater from the roof will not erode and wash it away
- During hail or heavy snow, drainage provides safety. Snow, accumulating on the roof, collects in large clods and can injure if it falls from a height.
- Using a drainage system, you can control wastewater, direct it to the right place and get rid of puddles in front of the house.
All these qualities make outdoor structures quite popular not only in industrial, but also in private construction.
Depending on preferences and needs, you can choose the section of pipes. Drains can be rectangular, round and square.

Outer drain consists of the following elements:
- Horizontal gutters that receive moisture from the roof.
- Vertical drainpipes for draining water from the roof.
- Funnels needed to receive wastewater and drain them into the gutters.
- Plugs that are installed at the ends of the gutters.
- Fastening parts (gutter brackets and pipe holders).
The efficiency of the drain system largely depends on the shape of the gutters. The cross section of this element is:
- semicircular;
- rectangular;
- trapezoidal.
In addition to the standard set of elements, the drainage system may include:
- Storm inlets that redirect water from downpipes to storm sewers.
- Mesh liners. They are installed in funnels to contain debris that can clog the drainpipe.
- Drips providing the best edge stack.

Installation of an external drain
The drainage device includes two stages:
- project development;
- montage.
Any drainage device begins with the development of a project. As a rule, on its basis, an estimate and a work plan will be drawn up in the future. The project should make a calculation of the diameter and cross section of pipes, their location, the number of receiving funnels and drainage guides. When working, you need to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof and the angle of the roof. Experts advise installing a drain pipe and a funnel at each corner.
To install an external drainage system you will need:
- Water drainage system.
- Fastening elements (hooks, brackets, gaskets, etc.).
- Puncher, screwdriver, hammer, saw.
- Installation instructions. It is different for all manufacturers, therefore, all recommendations should be strictly followed.
First of all, you need to measure the corners of the house. Install the gutter drain should start from the highest of them. Using a puncher and a screwdriver on the cornice overhangbracket is mounted. The next fastening is done at a distance of 50-60 cm. Be sure to take into account the angle of inclination of the drain, which should be up to 5 mm for each m / p.
The system can be assembled on the ground or immediately on the roof, but the first option is more convenient. Many companies immediately produce elements with hidden locks, so no additional fasteners are needed to connect them. The only thing that needs to be done is to thoroughly coat each seam with sealant. After that, you need to lift the pipe and install it on a hook. In the places specified in the project, special holes are made for water intake funnels, from which the drain pipe of the external drain is led to the drainage or into the yard.
Where does the waste water go?
If the house is located on a hill, concrete gutters can be laid on the ground under the drainpipes. Water will flow down them. If the surrounding buildings or land do not allow natural drainage of wastewater, a drain pit is constructed. If there is a well or well on the site, the pit is located near them. As a rule, the size of the drain pit is 1-2 meters. In order to prevent the walls of the excavation from crumbling, it is lined with bricks from the inside, while leaving a hole on one side for the inlet pipe. The effluent entering the pit will gradually go into the ground. The pipe leading to the drain pit is laid in a trench with a slope, while being located below the freezing depth of the soil. If the laying depth is less, the pipe or the ground above it must be insulated.