Those times when the conveniences in the countryside were in the yard, fortunately, are long gone. Today, almost every owner of a private house prefers to equip a sewerage system. Moreover, its installation is usually not too expensive. Plumbing fixtures in this case are installed directly inside the building and connected to a common riser. Drainage of sewage from the house is carried out through the mains of the external sewerage system. Of course, when assembling an external system for the removal of polluted water, certain standards and technologies must be strictly observed. Otherwise, in the future, the owners of the house will face a huge number of completely unnecessary problems.
Installation of external sewerage: features
Before proceeding with the actual assembly of the external sewage disposal and disposal system, one should, of course, draw up a detailed project and make all the necessary calculations. When developing an external sewerage scheme, you must definitely decide on:
- type of equipment used,
- receiver installation locationsewage,
- place and method of laying trenches.

Necessary materials and equipment
Installation of external sewerage of a country house using:
- large diameter pipes;
- related materials (fittings, insulation, manholes);
- septic tank or materials needed for arranging a cesspool (cement, crushed stone);
- if necessary a fecal pump.
Which pipes to choose
The first thing to decide when drafting an external sewage system for a country house is, of course, with a variety of the highways themselves. Modern industry offers mainly two types of sewer pipes: cast iron and plastic. The first option in private homes is used quite rarely. The fact is that cast-iron pipes, firstly, are expensive, and secondly, they are prone to rust and are fragile. In addition, such lines are difficult to mount. After all, the weight of cast-iron pipes is significant. They can only be installed using special equipment.

Plastic sewer pipes are completely devoid of all these shortcomings. Their benefits, among other things, include:
- Light weight. No special equipment is needed when installing plastic highways. The installation of such pipes in trenches can be done by even just onehuman.
- Low cost. The price of plastic pipes is much lower than cast iron pipes.
- Smooth inner surface. In such pipes, when properly installed, sediment and blockages never form.
Plastic lines serve a little less than cast iron ones. But all the same, as manufacturers say, they can lie in the ground without the need for replacement for a very long time - up to 90 years.
Sometimes the installation of external sewerage is also performed using asbestos-cement or ceramic pipes. Both types of highways can last a very long time. However, asbestos and ceramic pipes, like cast iron pipes, are quite difficult to lay in trenches due to their heavy weight. Yes, and they are quite expensive.
Types of plastic lines
Pipes can be used to assemble the external sewage system of a private house:
- Corrugated polyethylene. The main advantage of highways assembled from pipes of this variety is increased strength.
- Polypropylene. Such pipes do not differ in particular strength, but they can withstand very high temperatures. They are used more often, however, for the assembly of internal sewer systems.
- Polyvinyl chloride. This type of highway is highly durable and can easily withstand the winter cold.

Most often in suburban areas for laying outdoorthe sewer system is used, therefore, a PVC pipe. In terms of strength, such lines are slightly inferior to corrugated polyethylene ones, but at the same time they are much cheaper.
In turn, PVC pipes are divided into three classes:
light (cannot be laid under the roadway);
- medium (can be mounted under the roadway with not too heavy traffic);
- heavy (can also be used for laying industrial networks).
In suburban areas, pipes of light or medium strength are usually used.
What should be the diameter
Sewage flows through the sewer system of a country house, containing rather large particles of dirt and waste. It is in connection with this that the use of pipes of a rather large diameter is what the SNiP standards prescribe in this case. External water supply and sewerage should be laid, of course, taking into account the needs of the people living in the house. However, the diameter of the drain line, according to the standards, in any case should not be less than 100-110 mm. The latter option is considered the most preferable. If the sewage system is being equipped for several suburban buildings at once, pipes with a diameter of at least 200 mm should be used for laying external pipelines.
What can be a septic tank
When drafting an external drainage system for a house, among other things, one should decide on the type of wastewater receiver. Of course,the laying of external sewage can also be carried out in an ordinary cesspool. However, in this case, the owners of the house will subsequently face many problems, such as, for example, unpleasant odors or the need to periodically call a sewage truck. Therefore, most owners of country houses today prefer to use a special device - a septic tank - as a wastewater receiver. There are only two most popular types of such equipment:
- concrete makeshift septic tanks;
- Factory ready models.
The first type of receivers is two (and sometimes more) communicating concrete rings installed in pits. In the first of them, wastewater is cleaned from the largest particles. The bottom of this well is concreted. In the second receiver, the remaining liquid part settles completely.

Installation of external sewer networks using a concrete septic tank has the advantage of being very inexpensive. However, in simple concrete rings, wastewater is, of course, not particularly efficiently treated. In addition, in this case, the sewer truck, albeit less often than when using a cesspool, will most likely still have to be called from time to time. Therefore, most often, the owners of suburban areas use more advanced factory septic tanks to dispose of drains from the house. Such models are not only efficient in operation and long service life, but also easy to install.
Inside each factory septic tank there are several compartments in which wastewater is separated and settled. Also in the case of modern models there is a special microflora that contributes to the decomposition of feces and waste into odorless components.
How to choose a place for a septic tank
To install the receiver on the site, when installing an external sewage system, you need to take into account the following factors:
- from the residential building itself to the location of the septic tank should not be less than 5 meters;
- the distance from the well or well to the receiver should be at least 30-50 m.
Choose a place for a septic tank in such a way that the drain line from the building to it could be drawn in a straight line. In this case, the sewer system will work as efficiently as possible - without blockages.
Septic tank pit
The dimensions of the pit for the receiver depend, of course, primarily on the dimensions of this particular model. They dig pits for septic tanks, usually using special equipment. But, of course, if desired, the owner of a country house can save money and carry out excavation work on his own. In any case, the pit should be oriented in such a way that the septic tank inlet pipe is subsequently located towards the building.
Pipe laying rules
External water supply and sewerage networks, of course, must be installed in accordance with certain standards. So, trenches for the drain line are dug according to SNiP exclusively below the levelsoil freezing. Some owners of suburban areas do not adhere to this rule and lay pipes at a shallower depth, insulating them with mineral wool or other insulators. Such sewerage can also work quite effectively in winter. However, in this case, no one can give guarantees that at one fine moment the highway will not freeze.

In private houses, two types of external sewerage are mainly installed: gravity and pressure. In this case, the first option is used most often. When arranging a gravity sewer, the pipes are laid with a slight slope towards the septic tank. That is, wastewater in such a system leaves the house to the receiver under the influence of the natural force of gravity.
The pressure system in a country house is mounted only when it is not possible to stretch the line with the necessary slope. In this case, a fecal pump is additionally included in the system. Such an external sewage device makes it possible to avoid blockages with a high degree of probability. However, in this case, the owners of the house, for obvious reasons, have to increase the cost of electricity.
At what angle should pipes be laid
Below we present to the attention of the reader a table from which you can learn how to properly mount the external sewer line at home with one or another diameter.
Pipe diameter | Optimal slope | Minimum slope allowed |
100 mm | 2 centimeters per running meter | 1.2cm |
150mm | 1cm | 7mm |
200mm | 8mm | 0.5mm |
Thus, the slope of the external drain lines should not be too small. Otherwise, the water pressure in the gravity system will not be sufficient to move large particles into the septic tank. However, it is not worth doing a very large slope of the sewer pipe of the external sewerage system at home. Otherwise, water will flow through the pipe very quickly, and solid particles will begin to linger inside it. Which, of course, will also lead to frequent blockages. When arranging the external drain of a private house, it is best, therefore, to adhere to the optimal indicators of the slope of the mains towards the septic tank.

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to lay a drain line to a septic tank in a straight line. In this case, the external PVC sewerage (or any other) must be mounted so that all the knees in it are connected at an obtuse angle. Otherwise, the line will be constantly clogged. Manholes are arranged above each knee in such a system to facilitate maintenance. The latter in most cases are ordinary plastic rings or large-diameter pipes with a lid.
Outdoorsewerage: issue price
When developing a project for a sewer system at home, an estimate of all upcoming costs is usually compiled. The total cost of laying sewerage depends on many factors, the decisive of which is the number of people living in the house and, accordingly, the amount of water they use. In general, when calculating the cost of external sewerage, the following are taken into account:
- line length and type of pipes used;
- cost of a septic tank (depending on dimensions and performance).

Also, the total cost of laying the system may depend on the need to use a fecal pump, as well as various additional elements. A PVC pipe with a diameter of 110 mm costs about 150-180 rubles. (for 10 m). The price of a small septic tank "Tank" for 1200 liters is about 25 thousand rubles. For a fecal pump, depending on the brand and performance, you will have to pay from 7 to 25 thousand rubles.