Spathiphyllum Domino: plant care

Spathiphyllum Domino: plant care
Spathiphyllum Domino: plant care

Spathiphyllum… An evergreen plant with unusual flowers is a favorite of most flower growers. This is an excellent beauty and unpretentious care pet, the flowering of which continues for almost a whole year. And with proper care, the spathiphyllum will delight you for several years.

The history of occurrence and some features of the flower

This unusual plant belonging to the Aroid family is native to several countries in South America and Asia. Spathiphyllums in the wild are found in a huge variety of species.

spathiphyllum domino flower
spathiphyllum domino flower

The plant has no stem, and unique flowers are corn-shaped petals with a protruding part and a sail-like frame. The part of the flower that resembles a sail is usually white. Sometimes there are cream, green and pink varieties.

Spathiphyllum Domino (photo above) is unpretentious in care. Graceful, oval-shaped leaves look wonderful in the interior of any room. The plant is beautifulpurifies the air, increases the ozone content.

Interesting facts about Spathiphyllum

According to ancient beliefs, this unique flower represents female happiness, promotes excellent relationships and family harmony. It has a long flowering period and interesting looking leaves.

Spathiphyllum Domino will decorate any interior. The time when it blooms is closely related to the ability of the fairer sex to conceive and bear a he althy baby. For this reason, young families are encouraged to purchase such plants. Also, this flower has attractive properties for men, so be sure to give this beauty to an unmarried girlfriend.

Useful properties of the plant

Spathiphyllum absorbs harmful substances such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, benzene. Thanks to this, it is easier to breathe in the room, as the air becomes cleaner. In addition, the Domino spathiphyllum flower is the best helper in the fight against mold fungi. It perfectly absorbs industrial and household toxins, as well as vapors of acetone, ammonia and various types of alcohol.

A great option is to buy a plant in a new house or apartment after renovation. No flower fights harmful substances like spathiphyllum does.

Spathiphyllum Domino. Types of Popular House Plants

In total, there are about forty species of this plant, but far fewer types of spathiphyllum are suitable for home use:

  • Wallis. It is an example of plants of its family. Most of thetypes. The flower is 45 cm high, and the length of the inflorescences ranges from 4 to 10 cm. Wallis Spathiphyllum is the most unpretentious for home keeping.
  • Flowering profusely. It has a rather long flowering period, which explains the popularity of a pet. But the flowers are mostly small in size - 4–6 cm. The older the plant, the darker the oval leaves become. The stem of the peduncle is about 15 cm above the leaf part.
  • Domino. Very attractive and memorable plant. The leaves are dark green in color, on which snow-white stripes are randomly arranged in an oblong shape. The leaf tips are pointed.
  • Chopin is a small-sized plant, 30–35 cm high. This species has neat elongated leaves with veins. Chopin has a pleasant aroma, which is not typical for artificial flowers.
  • Cupido. A plant that has become popular due to its abundant flowering, during which 8-10 inflorescences appear. Flowers look gorgeous against the background of green leaves.
  • Gemini. Bract oval with a sharp end. If we compare spathiphyllum Gemini and Domino, the difference can be seen in the bract, which has an oval shape. The similarity between varieties is in the spots on the leaves.
  • Picasso. Has a large size. The leaves fascinate with attractive colors, in addition to completely green, there are also completely white leaves. Picasso looks very original and spectacular.
  • Alana. Has a larger size. The leaves are bright green, slightly pointed. They are perpendicular.
  • Mauna Loa. Finesuitable for home growing. She has a rather long flowering period, and when cut, the flower will remain fresh for a whole month.
  • Sensation. It is considered one of the most attractive house plants. If properly cared for, the flower grows up to 50 cm. The inflorescences are also impressive in size and have a long flowering period.
  • Red. This is another spectacular type of plant. By classification, it can be defined as anthurium. In some flower shops, sellers water the soil with colored water to get a more refined perianth color. It is extremely rare for sale.
spathiphyllum domino species
spathiphyllum domino species

Spathiphyllum Domino, home care for which is not particularly difficult, is unpretentious in cultivation, which is especially appreciated by flower growers. Despite the fact that in the wild the flower grows in the tropics, it is not picky about lighting and humidity. The main thing is not to forget to water and replant annually.

Preparing the soil for planting

It is best to use specialized mixes sold in flower shops. If you transplant a spathiphyllum into an already prepared soil, then you do not need to fertilize the flower for the next month. In order for the roots not to rot, good drainage is installed in the container with the flower. It is recommended to constantly loosen the soil so that the root system breathes. Recommended soil composition for planting:

  • peat;
  • leaf land;
  • humus;
  • sand;
  • shredded tree bark;
  • charcoal.

In an older spathiphyllum, it is required to regularly change the top layer of the earth. This procedure can be done without transplanting the plant.

Choosing a seat in the room

The plant prefers bright light, but direct sunlight is best avoided as it causes leaf burns. Therefore, if rays fall on a flower, it is better to cover it. In other seasons, a window sill on the southeast side is perfect. In winter, dormancy begins, and additional lighting is not required for the plant.

spathiphyllum domino photo
spathiphyllum domino photo

The recommended air temperature is no higher than 17 ° C, in summer the flower feels great even at 22–25 ° C. If the spathiphyllum Domino (the photo colorfully conveys the attractiveness of the flower) is watered abundantly, then it will also endure the heat. It is necessary to determine in advance the location of its location. Spathiphyllum Domino, like all other varieties, does not tolerate frequent rearrangements and does not like drafts.

Care: watering the plant and fertilizing

In the summer and spring, domino spathiphyllum is regularly watered with warm, settled water. Plant care also includes spraying the leaves, as well as wiping the dust off them.

spathiphyllum domino plant care
spathiphyllum domino plant care

Flower care involves constant fertilizing with mineral complexes, which are sold in specialized stores. It is recommended to feed the plant from April to September, when there is active growth. The best frequency is about once every fourteen days.

How to transplant?

Replanting a plant is one of the most important parts of spathiphyllum care. The pot of a young specimen should be about 3-4 cm larger than the root system. Every year, at the end of winter, Domino spathiphyllum is transplanted. Drainage must be placed at the bottom of the new container, then the root system of the plant is covered with earth and well tamped. Abundant hydration will ensure that the spathiphyllum feels great in a new place. Top dressing of the plant begins from the next month after planting.

Propagation by young shoots

During the transplantation of the plant, you can immediately separate the young shoots. In this case, it is recommended to separate the root tuber, as well as the upper processes. If you do not want spathiphyllum (Domino variety) to grow, then leave one shoot for a winter transplant.

spathiphyllum domino care
spathiphyllum domino care

In order for the spathiphyllum to become stronger, the upper part of the plant is left in water for 14–20 days. After the formation of the roots, the plant is transplanted into prepared soil.

Problems when caring for a plant

Despite the simplicity and unpretentiousness in the care of spathiphyllum, there are often complaints about the lack of flowering, yellowing of the leaves and other troubles. Possible problems:

  1. The leaves are turning yellow. This is due to lack of moisture. Hard water also leads the plant to a similar condition. It is recommended to establish an irrigation plan, allocate a separate container in which water will settle. If the color of the leaves has become darker up to brown, then the reason is most likely in the excessive feeding of the plant and an overabundance ofnutrients.
  2. The leaves are turning black. This suggests that the plant does not have enough water, or vice versa, there is an excess of it. You can also assume a lack of nitrogen in the soil. When these points are corrected, the leaves of the plant will gradually be updated.
  3. The tips of the leaves dry up. This indicates a lack of moisture and excessively dry air. Do not forget that Domino spathiphyllum is a tropical plant. Constant spraying of leaves with water will solve this trouble. The procedure is alternated with a seven-day shower.
  4. Does not bloom in adulthood. The reason may lie in the lack of water or insufficient feeding of the plant. In addition, the lack of minerals slows down the development of spathiphyllum, but this problem should be eliminated very carefully. Temperature is also of great importance, in a cool room it is very difficult to achieve flowering. Inflorescences that have already withered must be removed, and the stem cut off at the very roots.
spathiphyllum domino variegated
spathiphyllum domino variegated

Various difficulties in growing a plant can be caused by diseases and pests. In order for the spathiphyllum Domino (variegated) not to die, you need to constantly monitor the quality of the leaves and soil.

Estimated prices

As a result of the fact that all types of plants are equal in size, the difference in price is small. Prices start from 600 rubles. for young and small plants. Large, overgrown spathiphyllums cost about 3 thousand rubles. In addition, if a flower has buds, it increases its value.

Plants are sold both individually andsets. For example, an assortment of nine types will cost about 6-7 thousand rubles. Such sets are suitable for offices, flower collectors and as a gift.

Main diseases and pests

  1. Young shoots are affected by spider mites. Finding him is very easy thanks to the web that he releases. Eliminate this trouble by treating the sheets with soapy water. In cases of severe infestation, insecticides will have to be used.
  2. Shchitovka is one of the very insidious pests that can destroy the spathiphyllum. If convex spots are found on the back of the leaf, the flower should be immediately transferred to a quarantine zone located away from other plants. Next, the leaves are rinsed in soapy water and treated with tobacco chips. Items affected by the pest are removed. If necessary, chemicals are applied.
  3. In summer, aphids attack home plants. The destruction of this pest is carried out by repeatedly treating the leaves with special chemicals.
  4. Mealybug can also cause damage to the plant. It hides between the leaves and is easily detected upon close inspection of the plant. Single pests are removed with an alcohol swab, and large-scale infection is recommended to be eliminated using special chemicals.
spathiphyllum domino
spathiphyllum domino

Under certain conditions and providing quality care, Domino's spathiphyllum will delight you with flowering almost all year round, which,sure to brighten up any room.
