Perhaps the best door is the one that is perfectly sealed. Drafts, unpleasant odors, as well as dirt or water do not seep through it. And to ensure its maximum protective tightness, a special sealing gum for doors is used. Today, many manufacturers of entrance groups sell their product already equipped with this type of insulation.
But, unfortunately, sealing gum for interior doors must be purchased separately. Not even on all domestic car models they are present. However, such an elastic band is freely available in specialized stores and at very liberal prices, it remains only to choose it correctly. There are different types of rubber seals, and each is designed for a specific purpose.
Waterproof all-purpose rubber seal
This is ideal for creating a waterproof layer on ship hatches, car boots, showers, and in any other case where excessive moisture must be prevented.
It is a flat roll material with an adhesive layer on one side. Its thickness and width is varied, from 12x3 mm to 38x25 mm. In useshe is very simple. One has only to remove the protective film and stick the rubber on a pre-cleaned and degreased surface.
Varieties of door seals
Depending on the material from which the entrance group is made, the sealing gum for the doors can also be different.
For doors made of wood

It is for such doors that sealing rubber bands of the simplest design are used. It has an oval or flat profile. The material from which it is made is different: rubber, foam rubber or silicone. Its width is standard. However, there are also such copies on sale, which are several rows of such an elastic band. What makes this variety convenient is that you can adjust its thickness. Like the previous view, the sealing gum for wooden doors has a self-adhesive base, which greatly simplifies its installation.
There is also a seal that is mounted only on self-tapping screws. So this is an ideal option for wooden doors. These fasteners provide a secure and durable grip.
For metal doors

Metal doors, as many years of experience have shown, are much better than wooden ones. But, unfortunately, they do not always have a sufficient level of comfort due to the fact that the sealing gum is not installed along the door contour. For metal doors, such a heater is produced special, rubber, equipped with the usualmagnet. Thanks to him, it is not difficult to install a sealant, and replacement in case of wear does not take much time. The shape of such an elastic band has a cavity inside for an air gap. As you know, an air cushion is the best insulation.
This sealing product is made not just from rubber, but from rubber material, which gives this product greater durability and increased strength.
For plastic doors
Many owners of plastic doors sooner or later face such a problem as wear or damage to the seal (especially true in public places). But this is not a problem either. Sealing rubber for plastic entrance doors is not a curiosity today, you can buy it not only in an ordinary hardware store, but from the manufacturers of PVC doors themselves. In addition, many reputable companies in the field guarantee a free replacement of the seal during the warranty period.

Depending on the modification of the door, sealing rubber bands of various profiles are produced. They are made only from high quality rubber. On the entrance doors, the seal is subject to severe wear. And in order for the sealing gum for the entrance doors to retain its original quality for a longer period, you just need to properly care for it.
Be sure to constantly free it from pollution, not only from the outside, but also in the inner folds. For greater efficiency, detergents can be used, but in no case those incontaining aggressive substances. Also, once a year it is necessary to wipe it with a special solution that retains elasticity and “builds up” its upper protective layer.
For interior doors

Many can boast of a beautiful and succinctly combined interior door with the overall interior. However, not everyone has a sufficient level of sound insulation. To correct this drawback, special sealing gum for interior doors is used. In addition, such a door will close much quieter, which is also important.
Seal for room doors can be both rubber and silicone. As for the color, the variety allows you to freely choose the sealing gum for absolutely any door. According to the installation method, they are glued and mortise. But the first type, of course, received great popularity, as it is easy to install and perfectly fills cracks and gaps.
Usually, the sealing gum for interior doors is used not very thick, 1 cm wide. Its shape has a D- and L-shaped profile. It is this rubber band that effectively insulates the door and is absolutely unremarkable in appearance.
Car Seal

The gap between the door and the passenger compartment is, unfortunately, a problem not only for domestic cars. Even in many imported models, drafts, dirt and various odors seep through such slots. And to eliminate them, there is no longer onefor a dozen years, rubber seals have been successfully used on car doors. It is made not only from high-quality rubber, but also from rubber and polyurethane, which is distinguished by its high performance properties.
These seals are available in various modifications, suitable for almost any car. But the sealing gum of the VAZ 2110 doors is in special demand. As you know, it is this model that is especially sensitive to such problems. For such a machine, the simplest rubber seal of a round or oval profile is used, as shown in the photo. Such sealing gum on the car door is equipped with an adhesive layer, which speeds up the process of warming the doors and trunk of the car.

If you decide to replace it yourself, then you should remember that a poorly glued seal will wear out quickly and will not provide the expected protective effect. To do this, make sure that the sealing gum is firmly attached to the metal. At the same time, the door glasses must be hermetically closed, and the seal must not interfere with them.
Gently and methodically glue the elastic around the entire outline. This procedure will take no more than an hour. The sealing gum on the car door also perfectly insulates the gaps formed between the tailgate and the car body.
How to properly install the seal yourself
Installing sealing rubber bands on entrance and interior doors is a very responsible task and at the same time very simple. Importantcorrectly and accurately fix the strips along the contour, then the room will not only become warmer and quieter, but the door itself will last longer. If you treat this procedure negligently, you can not only spoil the purchased seal, but also render the door itself unusable.

The key to a quality door seal is the right thickness of the material. It must be chosen according to the thickness of the contact between the end of the door and the fold(door jamb). But what is the correct size? It's pretty simple. To do this, you need a small piece of plasticine wrapped in polyethylene. We put it between the door and the jamb in the place where the insulation will be, close the door. It turned out a ready-made sample of the future seal.
Thickness sorted out. Now we take a self-adhesive sealant, remove the film and glue it tightly on a pre-cleaned surface. With sealing rubber for metal doors, the situation is even simpler: it instantly joins the surface with a magnet.
As for plastic doors, the installation of a sealant to it is a laborious process. The fact is that the very design of such a door is equipped with intricate grooves for elastic, and in order to install it correctly, you need to have certain skills. This kind of professional service is quite inexpensive. On average, it costs 60 rubles per meter.
Do-it-yourself seal
By the way, for a wooden door, such a seal can be made independently. To do this, you need foam rubber, the material that is upholstereddoor, and decorative nails. We cut off a strip of the desired thickness from the foam rubber. At the same time, it should be thinner than the required size by about 4 mm. Such a margin is taken so that the upholstery does not interfere with the free opening of the door. Now we wrap the resulting strip with leatherette and carefully fix it on the door with decorative nails.
When starting to seal the door yourself, remember that the basis of high-quality door insulation is methodicalness and accuracy, especially if you use sealing gum for car doors.