Choosing the front door is a very important task. After all, it carries not only an aesthetic function, but also carefully stores all your valuables. In many door salons and supermarkets, the consumer is offered an unimaginable choice of entrance doors. They are made of various materials, have significant differences in design and exterior finish. Therefore, when the time finally comes to put an end to the long search and decide on the manufacturer and model, the final decision is given with great difficulty.
Selection criteria

Each front door must necessarily meet the following characteristics:
- Reliability: the design of the door leaf and frame, as well as the quality of installation of door fittings, must guarantee protection against burglary.
- High sound insulation: the door must securely keep the secrets of the residents of the house or apartment.
- Quality thermal insulation: the door must keep the heat inside, this is especially important if it leads directly to the open street space.
- The door design must provide for the possibilityinspection of the surrounding area.
- The front door is the first thing guests see, so it should be beautiful and in line with the overall interior design.
Only with full compliance with all the specified characteristics, the door will be bought and popular, and grateful owners will not be too lazy to leave positive feedback to the manufacturer.
Responsible manufacturer
It can be said with accuracy that all of the above significant characteristics are fully met by the entrance doors "Profile Dors". This factory began its work in 2002 with the production of components for door and furniture production. Two years later, the first entrance doors of Profile Dors saw the light of day.
More than 10 years have passed since then. All this time, the company's specialists have been working on the development of the enterprise, improving products. A great help in this difficult task was provided by close cooperation with colleagues from Italy and Germany, which took place during the installation and adjustment of new equipment, as well as in the selection of new European materials.

Doors and more doors
At the moment, the factory produces not only entrance doors. The production has successfully mastered several lines of high-quality interior doors. This is very convenient for potential buyers of the factory's products, as they have the opportunity to decorate all the doorways of their home in the same style.
Details about the entrance doors "Profile Dors"
Customer reviews consistently name the company as the best manufacturerentrance doors on the Russian market. What made the company's customers so happy? What are they, Profile Dors entrance doors?
Let's start with boring technical information, which is still necessary to understand the reliability and practicality of products:
- all entrance doors "Profile Dors" are one-piece, with stiffeners to increase strength;
- metal thickness - 1.5mm;
- profile thickness - 2 mm;
- fittings are reinforced with additional metal plates;
- attempts to enter the premises are prevented by anti-removable crossbars;
- Internal filling of entrance doors is made of bas alt slabs.

Beauty and harmony
As for the aesthetic characteristics, here the designers and constructors of the factory brought to life a very relevant idea: an overlay panel can be installed on any entrance door, completely repeating the design of any interior door produced by the factory. Thanks to this, the Profile Dors entrance doors in the interior do not stand out from the general ensemble of internal carpentry.
Perfect for indoor decoration

Profile Dors produces four lines of interior doors:
- Series X - collet door panels of collapsible design with polypropylene coating. Their main advantages are durability and the ability to repair or replace any part of the structure.
- Z series - solid wood frame doorspine and MDF with various options for internal filling. Their highlight is the aluminum edge framing the ends of the door panels and giving the product greater strength and wear resistance.
- Series D - frame doors with a unique veneer coating made in Germany. All products of this line are supplied in the maximum configuration, with a factory insert and installation of first-class fittings from European manufacturers.
- VG series, or high gloss, is a unique series of doors made in the best European design traditions. These doors feature a smooth, scratch-resistant surface that reflects objects like a mirror.
This is just a general summary. All the beauty and perfection of products can be appreciated only by seeing with your own eyes the interior doors "Profile Dors". The photo of the model range in the catalog, unfortunately, will give only a vague idea of the quality of the door panels.
Where to buy
The factory successfully sells its products throughout Russia. Its own offices are located in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Samara and Tatarstan. In other regions, an extensive dealer network sells doors "Profile Dors". Feedback on the work of the company's partners is consistently positive.

In neighboring countries - Belarus and Kazakhstan - you can also buy doors "Profile Dors". Minsk is represented by the Yurkas company. And in the city of Almaty, the manufacturer's own representative office was opened.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that Profile Dors is reliable,an experienced manufacturing facility whose capabilities have stood the test of time.