When gardeners stock up on planting material for growing potatoes, they are primarily guided by the desired harvest time and taste. Further, such indicators of vegetable crops as starch content, yield and keeping quality are considered. The last two must be taken into account if it is planned to produce long-term storage of potatoes. The Belarusian variety "breeze" is very popular - potatoes, which are well preserved and meet high taste requirements.

Variety description
Knowing the characteristics of each vegetable variety is important. "Breeze" - a potato, the description of which characterizes it as a medium-early table variety. The bushes are of medium height. The leaves of the intermediate type are large and bright green, with a slight waviness of the edge. Spectacular red-violet corolla of small size. Potato tubers are distinguished by an almost regular oval shape and a few eyes of medium depth. The pulp of the vegetable is yellow, light brown peel is a little rough.
Mature tubers weigh 97-154 grams on average. The starch content is about 16%. Marketability - 83-98%. Dishes prepared from this varietyroot crop, have a pleasant sweetish taste. Breeze potato variety is resistant to various diseases, in particular to the causative agent of potato cancer, wrinkled and striped mosaic. It is not subject to twisting foliage. Of the diseases to which the variety is susceptible, one can name the golden potato cyst nematode.
Economic characteristics of the variety
- Mid-early ripening.
- Holes develop quite intensively, especially at the beginning of the growing season.
- Large tubers of 8-12 pieces from a potato bush are resistant to accidental mechanical damage, keeping quality during storage is 97%.
- Root yield reaches 62.4 tons harvested from one hectare of land.
- "Breeze" - potatoes with good consumer qualities: excellent taste and poor boilability of the product, corresponding to type B.
- High resistance to diseases characteristic of this vegetable crop (common cancer pathotype, S, X, Y, M viruses). Medium susceptibility to blackleg, common scab, Alternaria, rhizoctoniosis, late blight of tubers and foliage, L. virus

Morphological features
"Breeze" - potatoes with certain morphological features, which include the following:
- semi-erect intermediate plant type;
- medium light sprout with a spherical red-violet base and a large, heavily hairy top;
- multiple root tubercles;
- short lateral processes;
- lightly colored stems are of medium thickness;
- leaves are large, intermediate, with large lobes and medium venation;
- potato inflorescences are characterized by medium size and not too many flowers;
- corolla - red-violet;
- tubers "breeze" oval shape with eyes of medium depth;
- weakly reticulated peel is light and the edible core is yellow;
- early tuber formation, exemplary marketability and attractive appearance.
Fans of early and medium early varieties will appreciate the "breeze" - table potatoes, tasty and not too soft. This vegetable crop will not cause gardeners too much trouble in growing and caring, but it will bring joy with its excellent yield.
The "breeze" is characterized by a rapid accumulation of crops in the first half of development. Marketable yield is 160-395 centners of root crop per hectare of land.

The special taste qualities of the Belarusian variety of potato "breeze" are largely due to the starch content in its nutritious tubers, which is about 16%.
The combination of all the above features and characteristics of the root crop makes it possible to talk about it as a variety that is well grown both in industrial volumes and on a personal plot.