How to sheathe a balcony inside?

How to sheathe a balcony inside?
How to sheathe a balcony inside?
How to sheathe a balcony inside
How to sheathe a balcony inside

A beautifully made and well-groomed balcony is a joy for the owners, because it's nice to go out and breathe the air without leaving the apartment. And so many people ask the same question: "How to sheathe a balcony inside?" To understand the essence of the issue in more detail, you need to consider the options for the skin itself. So, after completing the work related to the glazing of this room, the owners are puzzled by a new, no less important question of how to sheathe the balcony inside and how to do it correctly. Here, after installing the windows, it became a little more comfortable and already much warmer, which is one of the most important stages of repair work. Many people would like to make a small cozy room for a summer vacation out of a balcony, but not a warehouse of unnecessary junk. Therefore, I want to know about all the possible options for how and with what to sheathe the balcony inside, in order to be sure of the choice of material for finishing.

In the process, of course, you need to take into account all the pros and cons. It is necessary to consider all materials both in terms of properties, quality, and in terms of aesthetics, because this room is located closest to the street. But, perhaps, there is no need to puzzle over the question of how to sheathe the balcony inside. The most famous and proven material today is wood. It may be a bit pricey, but it's high quality.

How to sheathe a balcony
How to sheathe a balcony

Let's move on to the question itself: "How to sheathe a balcony?"

Many owners choose lining for finishing work on the balcony, which has a pleasant appearance. Balconies, finished with this material, give the impression of a country terrace. For such a sheathing, a lot of funds from the budget will not be required. In addition, siding is a good alternative. Often it is called "vinyl lining", because visually they are similar. But, of course, only if the design "under the tree" is chosen. But siding has many other color schemes that allow you to give free rein to your imagination. And the fire safety of the balcony in this case increases, since this material does not burn, but melts under the influence of fire.

Another option for finishing this room is drywall. The material is represented by a three-layer panel, where the outer frame layers are cardboard, and gypsum is located between them. This finishing option will significantly reduce costs and will not cause difficulties with installation. It is best to choose moisture-resistant drywall (GVL) for finishing. You can also finish the balcony walls with plastic panels. But this material can only be used where winters are warm, without a significant drop in temperature.

Finishing the balcony with clapboard

Sheathe a balcony with clapboard
Sheathe a balcony with clapboard

All the practical properties of this material allow us to consider it as an ideal option for a balcony room. Butyou need to pay attention to what the lining is made of. If, for example, it is made of pine, then its cost will be low. But, if you sheathe a balcony with a clapboard of this type, then it will not last long. And if you use a more expensive material - eurolining, then its service life will be much higher. This is the rule: the higher the class of lining, the better the material from which it is created. By the way, working with eurolining is much easier than with a regular one.
