If you are a fan of uniform landscaping in your garden, try growing juveniles (sedums). Planting and care are simple, and this flower is also called hare cabbage and sedum.

This is one of the most spectacular honey plants. While the young are growing in your garden, bees and butterflies will visit it with constant constancy. Flowers that form a dense carpet are just one of the many virtues that stonecrops have. Planting and caring for them is also worth the effort because the showy leaves provide an alternative to grassy turf. Let's look into the intricacies of growing sedums together.
Sedum: planting and care, photos of various types of youth
This plant belongs to the Crassaceae family. In the nature of the Northern Hemisphere, there are several hundred species of stonecrops. They are perennial and annual,

as well as evergreen and deciduous. Tropical sedums are suitable as indoor plants. And for a garden in the middle lane, creeping and erect winter-hardy juveniles are well adapted. One of the most successful varieties -stonecrop visible. Planting and caring for this perennial should be based on a number of its features. It should be placed in a sunny place (under the bright sun) - this will allow the sedum to become as decorative as possible. Loam or sandy soil is ideal soil for stonecrop. But almost with the same success, it grows on any soil - you just need to take care of its high water permeability. Drought resistance and frost resistance are what stonecrops are most famous for. Planting and caring for them in your garden is possible with long breaks between waterings. Also young practically does not need any fertilizers. Its root system can make the most of the poorest soil. After the stonecrop has faded, its stems are cut to ground level, and the remaining outlet is mulched with sawdust or compost.

Rejuvenated must be protected from weevils, slugs and snails. Sedum telephytum differs from the prominent sedum in the color of the leaves - they are red-pink or purple. And the Caucasian stonecrop is known for its large-flowered and incredible cold resistance. The stems reach eighty centimeters. They are covered with a bluish bloom.
Sedums: planting and care, reproduction and use in garden design
Rejuvenated is perfectly rooted by stem cuttings. This can be done in the warm season - the seedlings will take root perfectly in the open field. In addition, stonecrop propagates by dividing the bush, leaf cuttings, seeds. If you cut the lower part of the sedum stem into several parts, then each will easily take root in the sand orloose soil. If you leave the stonecrop stalk in a warm room for several days, aerial roots will appear on it. They root very well too. It is better to propagate stonecrop in the spring. Young - a godsend for a landscape designer. This plant is appropriate in rockeries and hedges. It can be used as a ground cover, for creating carpet plantings, in mixborders and hanging baskets. Planted in a large array in combination with asters, chrysanthemums, verbena, these plants create magnificent garden compositions.