Planting fruit trees in the spring according to the lunar calendar

Planting fruit trees in the spring according to the lunar calendar
Planting fruit trees in the spring according to the lunar calendar

Starting a young garden, beginner gardeners plant trees. This event may seem quite simple to them. However, quite often they make serious mistakes, which are sometimes very difficult to correct.

Where to start landing?

First of all, you should plan the entire site and determine the place for each horticultural crop. Familiarize yourself with the rules for planting trees and shrubs in the garden. Next, choose varieties that will be suitable for the area where it is planned to form an orchard. Decide on a pickup time. It can be spring or autumn, and for each season there are deadlines for planting work on the site that should not be violated. Failure to comply with them may lead to the death of plants.

Spring planting dates

Each agricultural technique corresponds to a certain time of the year. Inexperienced novice gardeners wait for warm weather to startwork in the garden. By this time, the acquired seedlings are already budding. Planting fruit trees in the spring on the plot begins as soon as the snow melts.

planting fruit trees in spring
planting fruit trees in spring

At this time, the seedlings are at rest. A signal that the planting of seedlings of fruit trees in the spring is over and it is time to stop work is the swelling of the kidneys.

The influence of the moon on plants

After the dates are determined and the weather allows access to the garden, we will look at the sowing calendar, which will make its own adjustments to the order of work. A certain phase of the moon favors certain operations carried out by gardeners. Planting fruit trees in the spring according to the lunar calendar allows you to correctly determine the most favorable days. There is also a period that will not be successful for any agricultural practices. Garden work begins in March. At this time, on the waning moon, pruning of branches and the formation of tree crowns are carried out. April is the time when seedlings of fruit trees are planted in spring.

planting seedlings of fruit trees in spring
planting seedlings of fruit trees in spring

It remains only to choose a favorable day for this. Planting fruit trees in the spring according to the calendar is carried out with the growing moon. The waning phase is a favorable time for protective measures against wintering pests.

Choosing the right planting material

If the planting date is set, it's time to think about seedlings. When choosing it, the climatic conditions, the features of the relief of the garden plot,the composition and quality of the soil, as well as the depth of groundwater. For example, planting fruit trees in the spring in the Moscow region will be successful and will contribute to the formation of a he althy and well-bearing garden, if you make the right choice of zoned tree varieties.

planting fruit trees in the spring on a personal plot
planting fruit trees in the spring on a personal plot

The most suitable for the area will be those that have good winter hardiness. The list of such varieties can be added:

  • apple trees - Antonovka, White filling, Imrus, Melba, Moscow winter, Medunitsa;
  • pears - Marble, Lada, August dew, Velesa;
  • plums – Leah Renklod, Blue gift, Late Vitebsk, Moscow Hungarian;
  • cherries - Assol, Bulatnikovskaya, Generous;
  • cherries - Tyutchevka, Revna.

Planting fruit trees in the spring in the Moscow region is carried out according to generally accepted rules. The root system of purchased seedlings should not dry out during transportation.

Rules for placing garden plants

Winter-hardy varieties of fruit crops grow well in the Moscow region. After the choice of plants is made and the days of the growing phase of the moon are determined, we begin to work on the site. Planting seedlings of fruit trees begins with the planning of the garden space. All plants must be placed in a certain order, taking into account the distances between them, as well as sufficient distance from buildings and neighbors.

Placing trees on the site

Crop name Distancebetween trees, m Removal from buildings, m Distance from neighboring area, m
Apple tree 5-6 5 4
Pear 5-6
Plum (medium) 3 2
Cherry (medium) 3

Planting fruit trees in the spring is carried out according to a pre-planned scheme. Plants should not oppress and shade each other, and also fall into the shadow zones of buildings. You should also observe the distance to the neighboring garden plot.

planting fruit trees in the spring on a hill
planting fruit trees in the spring on a hill

The layout of plants in the garden can be square, rectangular or checkerboard.

Planting trees: rules for preparing planting pits

The survival rate of a seedling depends not only on the timing that the lunar calendar suggests. This event requires compliance with certain rules. Seats are prepared in advance, the dimensions of which depend on the characteristics of the fruit crop. For plants, they dig holes, the dimensions of which are:

  • stone fruit trees: depth - 60 cm, diameter - 40 cm;
  • seed-bearing trees: depth - 80 cm, diameter - 60-80 cm.

If the garden has dense clay soil, the planting spots will be shallower and larger in diameter. When digging a hole, the topsoilremoved and placed separately, without mixing with the rest. This is a fertile layer. Organic, mineral fertilizers are added to it and the seat is filled. For one tree you will need: two or three buckets of humus, three buckets of peat, a kilogram of wood ash and superphosphate.

planting fruit trees in the spring in the Moscow region
planting fruit trees in the spring in the Moscow region

In the absence of mineral fertilizers, they are limited to compost and humus. Fresh manure should not be used as a nutritional supplement, as it can damage the root system.

Rules for seedling placement

Planting fruit trees in the spring provides for advance preparation of seats. They have been prepared since autumn. Pits are dug and filled halfway with rotted manure or compost. In the spring, young trees will be placed in them. A seedling is placed in the prepared pits. Before that, broken shoots are removed from him. Damaged roots are shortened, leaving he althy ones.

planting fruit trees in the spring in the suburbs
planting fruit trees in the spring in the suburbs

However, without special need, it is better not to disturb the root system. If it is very dry during transportation, immersion in water for 12-24 hours is necessary. Immediately before planting, it is advisable to lower the roots of the seedling into a clay mash. One-, two-year-old trees have the best survival rate. When planting, pay attention to the location of the seedling relative to the cardinal points. It is planted in the same orientation in which it was grown in the nursery. In this case, the plant during the first years of life adapts to certainconditions. When considering a young tree, you can see that the trunk has a heterogeneous color. The side of the trunk that was oriented to the south is darker than the one that was turned to the north.

After placing the seedling, the pit is filled with the prepared fertile mixture. From above, the trunk circle is covered with soil, which was dug from the bottom of the seat. Complete the planting with abundant watering. In this case, after settling the earthen mixture, the root neck of the tree should be located at ground level. The trunk circle is mulched with peat.

Hill landing

This method is used when groundwater is close to ground. Planting fruit trees in the spring on a hill is carried out in a certain sequence. Choose a seat. They drive in a stake. The height of the support is 1.5 m in height, the thickness is at least 5-6 cm. Around the stake, they dig up the soil to a depth of twenty centimeters and distribute organic fertilizers at the rate of 8 kg per square meter. After that, the seedling is attached to the support. The root system is straightened. Pour a hill of nutrient earth mixture. From above it is fixed with turf. As the seedling grows, the near-trunk circle is increased by adding earthen mixture.

Seedling care

Planting fruit trees in the spring provides for the construction of special watering holes. Fruit tree seedlings will require attention and careful care. Drying of the trunk circle is not allowed. This requires regular watering. Also, the soil cover is loosened and weeds are removed. An important measure is the protection against pests and diseases. ATaccording to the lunar calendar, it should be performed on May days on the waning moon. At the same time, young shoots are pinched.

Landing large-sized plants

The result of improper planting is a dense garden. If the necessary distances were not maintained during planting, the plants subsequently shade each other. This reduces the yield, increases the risk of diseases and mass damage by pests. It is possible to solve this problem. To do this, trees are transplanted, the height of which can exceed three meters. Planting fruit trees in the spring allows you to use large-sized trees as a material.

planting fruit trees in the spring according to the lunar calendar
planting fruit trees in the spring according to the lunar calendar

To do this, they are dug in within a radius of 0.8 m. Part of the root system should be chopped off. The dug up tree is laid on its side. In accordance with the size of the root system, a new seat is prepared with clean and even edges. The bottom is well loosened and filled with a layer of fertile soil. A tree with a clod of earth is placed in a hole. Cover it with a special earthen mixture. The filling of the pit is carried out in layers, periodically compacting each of them. This will securely fix the tree. When the hole is full, the soil is well trampled down and watered abundantly.
