To protect surfaces from negative influences, including atmospheric ones, polyurethane enamel is actively used today, which is offered for sale in a wide range. This mixture is a variety of polymers with protective properties. If we compare this composition with other paints, then no other option can compare with polyurethane enamel. Quite often, this composition is used as a protective coating, since the film has a high margin of safety.
Classification of polyurethane enamels
Polyurethane mixtures are classified according to the material to be coated, as well as the type of application and composition. You can use a brush or a special aerosol spray for application. The area of use of polyurethane enamel is quite wide, different types can be applied to stone, wood or metal. Before using the polyurethane mixture, the wood does not need to be primed, it must only be dried well.

One-component polyurethane enamel is a composition that is made from polyurethane, pigment and solvent. Among the main characteristics of this mixture should be highlighted:
- durability;
- elasticity;
- safety after solvent evaporation;
- chemical stability.
Polyurethane compounds adhere perfectly to the most difficult surfaces.

Varieties of polyurethane enamels
Polyurethane enamel can be water-dispersion. Among the advantages are harmlessness at the stage of staining and the possibility of dilution with plain water. It is not recommended to paint hydrophobic surfaces with such enamels. These include concrete, stainless steel and plastic.
Polyurethane is represented by a unique chemical modification that allows the composition to be stored as an aqueous non-hardening dispersion. This allows you to get a durable wear-resistant coating. If it is necessary to paint the floor in the production room, it is recommended to give preference to the composition with organic solvents.

Polyurethane enamel on organic solvents
Polyurethane enamel can be made on the basis of organic solvents, such as xylene or toluene. For dilution, it is better to use licensed solvents that are recommended by the manufacturer. After curing, which takes two days, such a coating acquiresqualities that are called the main advantages: wear resistance, water resistance, resistance to aggressive environments.
Polyurethane enamel paints are also alkyd-urethane, they are used to create an elastic and durable coating that hardens slowly and also has a moderate odor when painted. The price of such mixtures is significantly lower compared to one-component urethane enamels.

Description of two-component polyurethane enamels
Polyurethane two-component enamel consists of a hardener and enamel, the first of which is added before use. The mixture remains viable for 3 hours, and drying lasts 6 hours. The cost of this material is high, as is the strength of the coating. Such polyurethane enamel for metal can be used for metal structures that will be loaded under production conditions and operated in hot shops with an aggressive atmosphere.
The upper limit of the working temperature of this mixture is +80 °C and can reach 100 °C. If there is a need to cover a structure that will be operated in fire hazardous conditions, then special compositions should be purchased. For example, Polysteel paint for metal, when exposed to temperature, will form a carbonaceous foam that reliably insulates and resists flames for up to 1.5 hours.

Using Elacor-PU polyurethane enamel
If you need primer-enamelpolyurethane, pay attention to Elakor-PU, the cost of which per kilogram is 275 rubles. This composition should be used under certain conditions, which are expressed in the absence of capillary rise of water from below. It is also important that the foundation is waterproofed. Residual surface moisture should not be more than 5%. Before applying the composition, the surface gets rid of oily areas. If it is a concrete base, then it should be sanded with a special machine to remove the remnants of old paint, dirt and cement laitance.
Before applying polyurethane enamel for concrete, the surface must be dedusted with an industrial vacuum cleaner, and then coated with a primer from the same manufacturer. Before use, the mixture is well mixed, and it must be applied with a polyamide roller in 4 layers. The minimum number of layers is 2, the final number will depend on the task pursued. Wait 4-8 hours between coats.

Use of enamel for concrete "Elakor-PU Enamel-60"
This enamel is a one-component colored moisture-curing semi-gloss mixture, the main advantage of which is the possibility of application at low temperatures. After polymerization, a wear-resistant hard plastic polymer is formed on the surface, which will be chemically resistant.
Preparation consists in cleaning and priming the surface, which is then enameled withtemperature from -30 to +25 °С. The temperature of the material itself can vary from +10 to +25 °C. It is also important to take into account the relative humidity of the air, it should not exceed 80%. Before application, the composition is mixed until a uniform color and consistency. To do this, you can use a paint mixer, which is set to a speed ranging from 400 to 600 per minute.
For work, you can use rollers or brushes that are resistant to solvents. You can use airless spray technology. One layer, whose area is a square meter, will take about 150 g of enamel. The final result will depend on the smoothness of the surface. Layer drying takes the same amount of time as above.
If you decide to use a two-component polyurethane composition, you must take into account that its application is not carried out on wet surfaces. This requirement is due to the fact that the hardener will react with the liquid to release carbon dioxide, which will cause the surface to foam.