A real decoration of any garden, especially in spring, will be a beautiful white lilac. This multi-stem deciduous shrub is one of the first to bloom, and then a sweet floral aroma spreads throughout the site. There are many varieties of lilac, which differ in the shape of the leaves and the color of the flowers. As a result of selection, shades of lilac, blue, pink, purple and unsurpassed delicate and pure white are derived.

Such a variety in the color palette will not leave anyone indifferent. The lilac flowers themselves are small, funnel-shaped, but they are very fragrant. The white branch of lilac acquires a unique beauty thanks to abundant, dense inflorescences. The leaves of this shrub are not of particular interest, they can be simple, ovate, entire, lanceolate or oval. However, varieties with dissected or feathery leaves are quite common. This shrub has another interesting feature - it is verystays green for a long time. This is because the leaves stay on the branches for a long time and do not fall off.

In order for the white lilac to bloom annually, it must give a good increase in a year. And this factor largely depends on how correct and scrupulous care the plant receives. Firstly, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the soil layer, you need constant loosening, fertilizing and weeding. Secondly, regular watering, to which a complex of minerals is periodically added, stimulating the intensity of not only growth, but also flowering. Thirdly, it is extremely important to carry out preventive treatment of the bush against pests and diseases in time and (as necessary) collect the lilac beetle from the plant. For the winter, white lilac undergoes whitewashing at the bottom of the trunks. This is a necessary measure to control mice.

The correct pruning of the bush is also important. It consists in the timely removal of already faded inflorescences. The white lilac around the main bush should not be allowed to give abundant growth. Excess shoots are subject to mandatory removal. All other types of pruning, including decorative pruning, are carried out in exceptional cases, if the state of he alth or the aesthetic appearance of the plant so requires. For example, if the tree has grown too much and completely lost its shape, then in early autumn, approximately in mid-September, old elongated branches are carefully cut, including those that are directed inside the crown itself. At the same time, the plantthin out in neglected places and give it the desired shape.
The same pruning can rejuvenate old bushes. But only in this case, pruning is done more briefly, not paying attention to the thickness of the branches. Excess shoots are cut out, and those that are left are given the correct direction of growth. Places of cuts of large branches are covered with garden pitch. After such pruning, white lilac blooms profusely in the second year, although at first it is not so abundant, but in subsequent years this is more than compensated.