Banana palm is a very beautiful indoor perennial. The false trunk (stem) of this plant is formed from the so-called leaf petioles. During growth, the leaves are twisted together, forming such an unusual trunk. The banana palm is unique in that, with proper care, one flower of this plant can be in a state of flowering for up to three to four months. A blooming palm tree will add exotic notes to any interior, reminiscent of hot countries and summer holidays.

Growing this plant at home is not as difficult as it might seem to a beginner grower. The main thing is to know some of the subtleties of caring for a banana tree.
Those who decide to purchase a young banana palm plant, first of all, you need to find a warm and well-lit place for it. If the grower's plans include obtaining fruits from a banana palm, then you need to take care of additional lighting, without which fruiting is unlikely to be possible. The plant should be lit for at least twelve hours a day. The air temperature should not fall below twenty-five degrees Celsius. A slight drop in temperature at night is acceptable, but not more than five degrees.

If you plan to grow a banana tree exclusively for decoration, it will perfectly withstand the average room temperature, while additional lighting will not be required, and the banana palm will bloom for a long time. With proper care, the plant pleases the owners with a new beautiful leaf every seven to eight days. Such rapid development makes the banana tree truly unique.

Banana palms are heat-loving plants, and if the air temperature in the room where they are kept drops below sixteen degrees, this will have a very negative impact on the growth and development of green pets.
Watering a banana palm requires a special approach: in summer, the plant needs frequent and abundant watering, and in winter, as the soil in the pot dries out. Watering should be carried out only with settled water, and such water should be settled for at least ten to twelve hours. You also need to ensure that the water for irrigation is not cold. The best option is water that is three to five degrees warmer than room temperature.
If the air in the room is too dry, then the banana palm dramatically slows down development, while the foliage on the plant may fade and begin to dry out around the edges. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the humidity of the air in the room where the plant is located.

BananaThe palm tree is very fond of various water treatments, such as spraying, wiping the leaves with a damp cloth, and even a real shower. If you regularly bathe the palm tree, then it will delight the owners with juicy green leaves and a beautiful appearance.
There is another way, using which you can greatly facilitate the care of a palm tree. The method is to place the plant pot on a large pallet and cover it with expanded clay, pebbles or wet moss - that is, any material that retains moisture. This approach will allow the palm tree to create almost ideal conditions for growth and development.