The problem of wildlife conservation is very acute in our time. Human activities do not contribute to the increase in populations of living organisms. But everything is within our power. Everyone can make a small but useful contribution and help, for example, birds. In winter, it is difficult for birds to find food for themselves, and in spring, when migratory birds arrive, they need to take care of the nest. Having made at least a few bird feeders with your own hands, you can save several dozen birds from hunger, and feathered travelers, returning home in early spring, will be delighted with their new home. So let's get down to business.
Making bird feeders with your own hands

What is good for a small bird is not at all suitable for a big one. There are several types of bird feeders. With your own hands, you can make any, from the simplest to the most complex wood structure. It is necessary to choose one or another species, based on which birds winter in your area or which ones you would likedraw into the garden. Tits will like pieces of bacon (not s alty!), hung on tree branches, or various seeds, seeds, poured into a mold, filled with fat and frozen.
Several simple do-it-yourself bird feeders can be made from waste materials in half an hour. For this, various packaging or plastic bottles are suitable. Even a child can make such feeders. A plastic bottle must be filled with seeds, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, you can take special food for birds, then make holes and insert small branches under them, on which birds can sit. In juice or milk bags, you just need to cut a window in the front wall and also fill the feeder with treats. Feeders should be placed at a distance of at least two meters from the walls of the house and at a height of one and a half meters from the ground.

Making a do-it-yourself bird feeder from wood will require a lot of effort and time, but it also looks more solid and will last longer. Such a feeder resembles a table with a roof. It should have low sides so that the grain does not spill out, and a hole for removing old feed. If such a feeder is not hung on a tree branch, then it should be mounted on a wooden support, which is placed in a plastic drainage pipe to protect it from cats and squirrels. Usually these feeders are small and rectangular or square with a high roof.
Bird houses

You can buy anda ready-made house, or you can make it yourself. It's not difficult or expensive at all. The trimmings of the boards remaining after the repair will go into action. And if you approach the matter creatively, you can do something absolutely amazing for your own joy, and for the benefit of the birds. To make bird houses with your own hands, you need to remember a few rules:
- For birds that live in hollows, houses with a round notch and without a perch in front of it are suitable, for thrushes - with an open front wall.
- The letok should have a diameter of no more than three centimeters and be at a height of 12 cm from the floor of the house.
- Floor area - minimum 25 sq. see
Birdhouses should be fixed high enough so that cats and other predators do not reach the chicks, with a slight forward slope and not to the south side.
Working on creating do-it-yourself bird feeders and bird houses will not only be useful, but will also help to show the creativity and imagination of a person.