No matter how beautiful other flowers are, the rose remains the queen. A variety of shapes and colors combined with a marvelous aroma cannot leave anyone indifferent to this exquisite beauty.

The genus Rose includes many groups: climbing, park, hybrid tea, ground cover, miniature, floribunda. Experienced gardeners know how to propagate a rose from cuttings, and in a season they can significantly increase the number of pets in their rose garden. Cuttings can be stem, lignified and semi-lignified.
There are many interesting ways to propagate roses from cuttings. The photo where the cuttings are stuck in potatoes is proof of this. It is believed that this way they get into a clean nutrient medium, do not rot and develop rapidly. Consider more traditional methods.
Stem cuttings
Rooting from stem cuttings lends itself well to most polyanthus, miniature and floribunda roses. Own-rooted plants are obtained that do not give wild shoots.

How to propagate roses from cuttings? In the first half of summer, the upper part of the shoot is taken in the flowering stage, until the axillary buds start growing. The cuttings are cut with 3-4 buds up to 15 cm long. The upper cut passes over the bud, the lower cut goes under it. The upper leaves should be cut in half, the lower ones should be removed.
Cuttings must be kept for 10-15 hours in a rooting stimulator. Then they land in a box or open ground. Well-dug soil is sprinkled on top with a layer of 5 cm, consisting of a mixture (1: 1) of sand and peat or sand and coniferous sawdust. Level the soil, water well and plant the cuttings, deepening by 2-3 cm.
The cuttings are placed tightly, 3 by 6 cm. For high humidity, you need to install a greenhouse, you also need good lighting. The optimum temperature is +20-25 degrees.
Cuttings root for 2 months, but the young root system may not survive the cold. If you leave them in the open ground and cover well for the winter, some of the cuttings will die. It is better to dig them in the sand in the cellar or basement until spring. In the spring, the seedlings are grown in a place protected from wind and moisture and reach maturity. Now they can take a permanent place in the garden.
Reproduction by lignified cuttings
If a climbing beauty grows in the garden, it is better to take lignified cuttings. When and how to propagate a rose? Cuttings should be stocked up in the fall. Take annual ripened shoots half a centimeter thick. The leaves are removed, the shoots are tied into a bundle and added dropwise in a dry place, covered with a film on top.
In the spring they are cut so that on the handlethere were 4-6 kidneys, and immersed in water. Taken out of the water, immediately planted and watered. The cuttings must be deepened, leaving 1-2 buds above the ground, press the ground. First, a film shelter is required, by the middle of summer it is removed. Plants bloom in August.

Semi-lignified cuttings
How to propagate a rose from cuttings during the summer with good survival? During the flowering period, cuttings with two leaves are cut from the middle of semi-lignified shoots. The bottom sheet is removed, the top sheet is shortened.
Planted in boxes with good drainage according to the 3x6 scheme, deepening minimally. Put in the shade, cover with a film. Cuttings need diffused sunlight, temperature + 20-22 degrees, high humidity. Rooting will go better if you additionally heat the bottom of the box. With an increase in soil temperature relative to air by 1-2 degrees, the roots grow faster. After a month, the cuttings have a root system, but they are better off spending the first winter in the basement.

Vanishing beauty. Rooting a rose from a bouquet
Many women who have been presented with a chic bouquet of Dutch roses with long thick stems are thinking about how to propagate the rose from cuttings. It is certainly possible to do this. But it must be taken into account that these roses were created for a different climate, their own root system will not withstand the winter cold, and growth will be slowed down.
If the bouquet consists of regionalized local roses, then you can hope for success. The cultivation technique is similar torooting stem cuttings, and the greenhouse can be installed on the windowsill.