Snake melon comes from Central Asia. The fruits of the Armenian cucumber (the second name of this unusual culture) are up to 50 cm long and weigh up to 1 kg. White and green, straight and slightly curved fruits - juicy and slightly sweet. Young fruits taste more like a familiar cucumber. The plant received its second name “melon” more not only for its size. Upon reaching maturity, the fruits acquire the taste and smell of melon. What is this miracle vegetable?
Armenian cucumber: description

The plant belongs to the genus Cucumber, to the Cucurbitaceae family. The shoots are long, like all gourds, up to 4 m. The leaves resemble melon, bright green in color. The fruits are slightly pubescent. The peculiarity of the Armenian cucumber is that there are practically no air cavities inside it. The pulp of the cucumber is juicy and dense, the seeds are small.
Early ripe culture (70-80 days). The yield of each plant is from 8.5 to 10 kg. Fruits until frost. Suitable for both outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. To obtain even long fruits, it is desirable to use trellises or trellises. The variety is resistant to diseases and tolerates temperature extremes.

Properties of the Armenian cucumber
- Good for the brain. The serpentine melon contains a special chemical compound - the flavonoid fisetin. According to scientists, it stops the decline in memory and intelligence.
- Contains polyphenols (lignans) that help reduce the risk of breast, ovarian and prostate cancer and phytonutrients (cucurbitacins) that also have anti-cancer properties.
- Cucumbers contain antioxidants and flavonoids, including the well-known vitamin C, kaempferol, apigenin, luteolin. For example, kaempferol helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease.
- Armenian cucumber contains B vitamins that help fight anxiety and help overcome the damaging effects of stress.
- Cucumbers are rich in two elements necessary for he althy digestion - water and fiber.
- Potassium helps lower systolic blood pressure.
- Fiber-rich, low-calorie (16 calories) cucumbers can help with weight loss.

Growing Armenian cucumber
Seed preparation
Growing an Armenian cucumber is easy. Fertile and light soil is sufficient for successful seed germination. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 15 to 25 °C. To obtain friendly seedlings, the seeds must first be soaked. The first shoots will appear in a week and a half.
Planting for seedlings
The optimal sowing time for seedlings is the endApril. Sowing depth - 5 cm, with this deepening, the seedlings develop many lateral lobes and grow squat and strong. The plant is planted in open ground in the presence of 7 true leaves, around the end of May. Planting scheme - 0.5x1 m.
Features of care
Serpentine melon is unpretentious in care. Regular loosening of the soil and infrequent but plentiful watering are necessary. As top dressing, use organic matter, liquid mullein is best. The alternation of fertilizing with manure and mineral fertilizers has a good effect on the development and growth of the plant. Onion and garlic infusions are effective as protection against pests and diseases.

Seed harvesting
Fully ripe fruits are selected for seeds. Place the seeds in a strainer and rinse thoroughly under running water. Then dry on a napkin. You can store seeds in a regular paper envelope. Their germination lasts up to 5 years.
Reviews of gardeners
According to gardeners who have been growing this crop for more than a year, the Armenian cucumber has an unusual taste. Outwardly, the fruits resemble pubescent and slightly shriveled zucchini. It is better to collect fruits that have reached a size of 25-30 cm. To obtain a good harvest, carefully dig the soil and fertilize it with humus (about a bucket of 1 m22) and sand (0.5 buckets/m2).
Many gardeners share their experience of growing Armenian cucumber in a seedless way - sowing seeds in open ground. The optimal time is the end of May. But before that, soak the seeds for a day in a solutiongrowth stimulant. Cucumber diseases do not affect the plant, temperature changes practically do not affect fruiting. Unexpectedly for an exotic crop, but growing Armenian cucumber is not a hassle.

How to use in cooking
Young Armenian cucumbers do not need to be peeled. Their thin skin makes them ideal for slicing and for fresh salads. The delicate taste of serpentine melon makes it an ideal ingredient in sandwiches and sushi. The fruits can be cut in length, width and cubes.
Snake melon is good grilled, pureed or marinated. The Armenian cucumber plant goes well with red and white fish, shellfish, chili and tomatoes, mint and oregano, yogurt, garlic, cumin, chicken, pork and fresh cheeses. Fresh cucumbers are good and do not lose their taste during heat treatment.