Rejuvenated roofing: description, features of care, cultivation and properties

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Rejuvenated roofing: description, features of care, cultivation and properties
Rejuvenated roofing: description, features of care, cultivation and properties

Video: Rejuvenated roofing: description, features of care, cultivation and properties

Video: Rejuvenated roofing: description, features of care, cultivation and properties
Video: Maintenance secrets of a 2.5-acre, native plants living roof 2024, April

Who has never seen a young woman, but once having heard its name, will certainly wish to look at it. Stone rose and Hare cabbage - this is also called this plant. Its species can be grown outdoors or on a windowsill. It is very easy to take care of youngsters.

Variety description

This amazing plant is somewhat reminiscent of a rosebud or a type of ornamental cabbage. Roofing rejuvenated blooms only once, as a rule, in the summer, but the flowers will delight you for two whole months. In most cases, the plant blooms in the third year of life. Hare cabbage has elongated, rounded, in rare cases, slightly pointed leaves.

rejuvenated planting and care in the open field
rejuvenated planting and care in the open field

Depending on the variety, green, red, brown, silver and pink leaves are distinguished. Some species change color depending on the season. Thanks to a similar range of colors, Rabbit Cabbage is very popular with landscape designers. ATcurrently there are approximately 50 species. Popular varieties:

  • Rejuvenated roofing, the description of this species is as follows: green leaves with a red border. The leaves are succulent and covered with hairs. Small yellowish inflorescences.
  • Rejuvenated marble has red-green leaves with pinkish tips.
  • Rejuvenated cobweb with small rosettes, the diameter of which is less than three centimeters. The leaves have white hairs that look like cobwebs.
  • Wulfena is a simple variety with small rosettes up to 5 cm. Most gardeners love them for their delicate greenish color.
  • Gamma was bred by breeders, has dark brown leaves.

Ancient beliefs say that the Stone Rose deflects lightning from the building. For this reason, it was often planted on the roofs of houses. In folk medicine, this plant is used to treat diseases of the heart and respiratory tract.

Planting a plant

As you can see in the photo, a very pretty plant was young. Planting and caring for him in the open field is not particularly difficult. Those who have already de alt with planting a plant speak of its unpretentiousness. In order to grow a Stone Rose outdoors, you will need:

  • sunny place;
  • Infertile soil, permeable to water.
rejuvenated roofing
rejuvenated roofing

If everything is done, then after planting the plant, you can almost forget about leaving. In the absence of the required criteria, the propagation of Rabbit Cabbage will require great effort. Stone rose does not take root well onclayey, heavy soils. In addition, she does not like a lot of moisture and fertilizer. Since the plant has a poorly developed root system, it will be enough to make small indentations when planting. It is recommended to indent 15 cm between large rosettes, and 5 cm between small rosettes. Next, you need to water the newly planted plants.

Rejuvenated: planting and care in the open field

Caring for youngsters is very simple. All he needs: loose soil, timely clean up old rosettes of plants and weeds. The rock rose requires very little water, as it accumulates a reserve of moisture in the leaves. Every three to four years it is recommended to replant the young. This operation should be carried out if you notice that the plant has become smaller.

rejuvenated cultivation and care
rejuvenated cultivation and care

Rejuvenated roofing does not tolerate dampness, because of this, its lower leaves rot. Pay attention to the fact that in the spring, when the snow melts, the water does not stagnate in the open ground. The plant tolerates cold well. However, if you propagated the plant in the fall, then it is recommended to cover it with spruce branches for the winter.

Caring for a plant at home

As you already know, the unpretentious plant was young (Stone rose). Growing from seeds has its own characteristics, we will consider them further. If you decide to plant a Stone Rose in a pot, then do not forget about good drainage. It is recommended to use a mixture of soil for cacti. Sand or wood shavings can be put into the soil. Water rarely and carefully, water should not fall into sockets. In warmtime once a week, in winter no more than two or three times a month.

rejuvenated roofing description
rejuvenated roofing description

The main requirement for growing juveniles is a lighted place, preferably a window sill on the south side. At home, the Stone Rose breeds very rarely, blooms also infrequently, and babies appear in small numbers. You can change this situation by increasing the lighting and letting the plant rest during the winter months, reducing the temperature and stopping watering for two months. Compared to other indoor plants, rabbit cabbage is much easier to grow.

Rejuvenated: cultivation and care

It is not necessary to constantly fertilize the soil, as this harms the Hare cabbage. It loses its decorative effect, the leaves change color. However, during the period of active growth, the plant will benefit from top dressing. It is best to use complex fertilizers for cacti and other succulents. For example, in the spring, when planting time comes, you can fertilize with nitrogen. This will stimulate the growth of the plant. After the operation, the youth does without additional feeding.

If you like growing Stone Rose and decide to increase its number on your own plot, then there are two solutions:

  1. Seeds. The best period for growing juveniles from seeds is from February to March.
  2. Child sockets.
rejuvenated stone rose growing from seeds
rejuvenated stone rose growing from seeds

It is recommended to germinate seeds at + 20 °C, they are planted at a depth of 1 mm. After about three to four days, the seeds will germinate. Seedlings need to be placed in a lighted place. Planting it in open ground occurs in the middle of summer. Growing seedlings young from seeds is a very long process. It is only useful if you decide to breed a different plant variety.

In other cases, flower growers recommend using the second method. In spring or summer, separate the daughter outlets from the mother ones. If the sockets are large, then they can be immediately planted in a permanent place, if they are small, then let them grow a little in the garden first.

Diseases and pests

Many gardeners when growing Stone roses encounter such a nuisance as rot. This is characteristic of plants planted in a humid climate. Revealing rot is easy enough - you need to inspect the lower leaves. From time to time, some of the sockets may become transparent, and then brown. In this case, it is recommended to dig them out. Despite the fact that the rot does not spread to other flowers, it does not look very beautiful, especially in combination with he althy rosettes.

The most dangerous are the larvae of the cockchafer and birds such as magpies, jackdaws and crows. Beetles harm the roots of the young, birds eat the stems. To get rid of the larvae, it is recommended to transplant the plant to a new place.

Rejuvenated in combination with other plants

Rejuvenated roofing, growing from seeds of which will give a variety of varieties, and in combination with different types of rabbit cabbage will create a unique panorama.

growing seedlings young from seeds
growing seedlings young from seeds

It goes great with stonecrop,saxifrage and others. For example, you can make an exquisite carpet from these plants. And also different varieties of youth look great in one area. Compositions with bright phlox look luxurious. But do not forget about one rule - the Stone rose does not grow well with lush flowering plants. Because of their splendor, they close the youth from the light.

Designed rabbit cabbage

Landscape designers advise using youth when creating an alpine slide. And also the plant can be planted near garden paths. The design of the stone rose roofs, for example, in gazebos, comes into fashion. Rejuvenated roofing will look great in the flower beds. The main thing is to add a composition of stones to the design, they will give your idea a finished look.

Useful properties

Stone rose is known not only for its beauty, but also for its medicinal qualities. This plant has an interesting kind of photosynthesis that is different from other plants. Due to this feature, it accumulates a huge number of organic acids, for example, citric, oxalic, malic. And besides, the flower contains: flavonoids, coumarins and tannins.

In folk medicine, fresh plants are mixed with honey or sugar and used to treat heart failure. The outer leaves are used for cuts, calluses and abrasions. To do this, crush the leaves and wrap them in gauze, attach to the sore spot.

Juice from young leaves is used as a diuretic, anthelmintic, for headaches, tinnitus. And also the juice is used for allergies, burns,stings of bees, snakes.

Decoction of this plant is used in the treatment of diseases of the bladder, colitis, dysentery. In order to prepare a decoction, you need two teaspoons of crushed leaves in one glass of water. Next, the broth should be boiled in an enamel bowl in a water bath for 40 minutes. Then let it cool for 10 minutes at room temperature and strain. Drink a decoction four times a day, a quarter cup before meals.

Infusion of the plant has an antipyretic and expectorant effect. For cooking, you need two teaspoons of fresh leaves, which are insisted for two hours in one glass of boiling water and filtered. You need to drink the infusion four times a day, a quarter cup before meals.

growing young from seed
growing young from seed

Rejuvenated roofing in the form of an extract exceeds the activity of aloe. For example, in the Caucasus, the juice of the plant is used as a cosmetic. It gives the skin a glow and freshness. Medicinal varieties: Young Roofing, Russian, Offspring.

The variety of varieties was young, simple care for it makes it possible for novice gardeners to experiment on their site.
