Surinamese cherry (pitanga): description, cultivation features and useful properties

Surinamese cherry (pitanga): description, cultivation features and useful properties
Surinamese cherry (pitanga): description, cultivation features and useful properties

In nature, a huge variety of different types of plants grow. One of them is cherry. This culture has many varieties. This article will focus on the Surinamese cherry, the features of its cultivation, use and beneficial properties.


Where does the Suriname cherry grow? Its habitats are areas with a tropical and subtropical climate. It can be found in the wild and in cultivation in Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. This tree is grown for tasty berries and for ornamental purposes. Gardens of different countries are decorated with Suriname cherry.

Where does the tree grow? Today it is grown in different regions of Colombia, India, Venezuela, Central America, South China and other countries. Cherry is an unpretentious plant. It is resistant to dry weather and light frost, thanks to which it has become widespread in Europe and America.

Suriname cherry

This plant belongs to the myrtle family, the genus Eugene, named aftera commander from Austria named Eugene of Savoy, who was also a prince. In this genus, there are, according to various sources, 280-700 species. Gardeners are more attracted to the one-flowered Eugenia, which is called the Surinamese cherry or pitanga.

Suriname cherry description
Suriname cherry description

All varieties are evergreen trees or shrubs. The height of a plant growing in natural conditions reaches eight meters. Surinam cherry at home grows up to one and a half meters in height. In some varieties, the branches slope down in arcs, making the plant look decorative. Often cherries are grown to decorate the territory. Everything is beautiful in this plant: branches, flowers, leaves.

Suriname Cherry, which includes many characteristics in its description, has leaves with an oval-lanceolate shape and a glossy surface. Their color is rich, dark emerald. The leaves are simple, opposite, pointed at the top, their length reaches four centimeters. Young leaves are distinguished by a reddish-bronze tint, but over time the color becomes dark green. The leaves release a resinous scent when squeezed.


Suriname cherry blooms with delicate buds of white or pink hues. Their shape varies, it depends on the variety. Buds come with the usual shape: four petals with stamens in the center. But there are flowers that look like fluffy lumps. The fact is that their stamen filaments are very elongated, because of them the petals are not visible. Flowers can be collected in inflorescences up to 30 centimeters long orstand alone.

Surinam cherry
Surinam cherry

In its natural environment, flowering occurs in September and January. In the middle zone of our country, the Surinamese cherry at home blooms not two, but once a year. This period falls on the end of March - the beginning of May. It rarely blooms two or three times a year. Flowers do not need to be artificially pollinated to set fruit, growing indoors they do it on their own.


Cherry berries are her property. Their ripening time depends on climatic conditions. Usually this is April-May, although the fruit ripening period in some areas can begin in November and end only at the end of winter. The berries ripen quickly, in just three weeks after the flowering period.

Suriname cherry of different varieties has differences in color and shape of the fruit. Berries with a diameter of two to four centimeters can be lemon, red and even black. Indoor grown cherries have smaller fruits. The presence of seeds inside the berries remains unchanged, there are up to four of them, but more often one or two are round in shape, light brown in color. Suriname cherry seeds are bitter and should not be consumed.

Suriname cherry seeds
Suriname cherry seeds

In some varieties, the fruits are spherical, in others the contours of the berries are flattened or the surface is ribbed. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, tender, has a reddish or golden hue, the skin color is the same. The fruits have a sour, often sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness and a hint of pine needles. Berries are easy to pick becausethe slightest contact with the plant, they are easily separated from it.

Growing from seed

It takes a lot of work to grow a tree from a seed. It all starts with collecting the seeds and washing them under running water. After that, the planting material is dried and placed for storage under a canopy with a shadow. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water for a week. The main thing is that the water needs to be changed more often.

After that, the bones are taken out of the water and immediately placed in the ground. After two months, shoots will sprout. They can be planted in a permanent place of growth in the garden. This time falls on the month of October.

Planting seedlings

Young plants can be planted in the ground in autumn, in early October, or in spring, in April, until the buds have blossomed. Surinam cherry and its cultivation are of interest to many gardeners. First, planting pits are prepared with a diameter of 60 centimeters and a depth of 45. The soil from the pit is divided in half. Humus, ash, superphosphate and potash fertilizers are added to one half.

Surinam cherry and its cultivation
Surinam cherry and its cultivation

This mixture is poured in a cone into the planting hole, where the seedling is placed. Its roots are sprinkled with the second half of the earth, after which the soil around the trunk is compacted. A peg is driven in from the north side, and the seedling is tied to it. After planting, thorough watering is carried out, and the soil is mulched with sawdust, humus or peat.

Growing at home

Small-leaved and pointed varieties are best suited for growing indoors. Specialistsrecommend pitanga. Surinam cherry is grown in a cool microclimate with good lighting, and additional in winter. It should also be borne in mind that indoor cherries are afraid of drafts. Otherwise, it is easy to grow.

In a box with an earthen mixture, recesses are made three centimeters into which the bones are placed. From above, the planting material is sprinkled with earth, and then covered with polyethylene. A box with seedlings is placed on a windowsill with good lighting. Seeds will sprout in four weeks.

Surinam cherry at home
Surinam cherry at home

Young cherries are transplanted twice a year: in spring and autumn. When the tree grows up and gains strength, this is done in two to three years. It is very important to choose the soil. You can cook it yourself. To do this, mix turf, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. In the warm period, especially in extreme heat, the tree is watered abundantly, and in winter - moderately. The crown needs regular spraying and shaping.

Benefits of cherries

The berry has a whole range of useful properties:

  • Stabilizes the immune system, strengthens the body.
  • Promotes the restoration of skin integuments when they are damaged by wounds.
  • Minerals in the composition of fruits strengthen bones and teeth, normalize vision.
  • The fiber found in fruits regulates cholesterol in the body.
  • Potassium in the pulp prevents strokes and heart attacks.
  • Regular consumption of cherries relieves constipation.
  • Due to its low calorie content, cherries are included inmenu for diet food.


Due to the high content of vitamin C, the fruits are consumed fresh and canned, they are used to prepare stuffing for pies and buns, jams, preserves, compotes. So that the taste does not give off bitterness, before processing the fruits, the bones are removed, the berries are covered with sugar and infused. In Brazil, the berries are used to make vinegar and wine.

Cherry is a valuable raw material for the manufacture of cosmetics: lotions, creams, ointments, masks and much more. Cosmetics based on pitanga extract relieve skin inflammation and prevent rashes on it.

Surinam cherry where it grows
Surinam cherry where it grows

The beautiful fruits make the tree decorative, so the Suriname cherry is often grown to decorate the garden, and not for the sake of berries. This culture grows well indoors with a cool microclimate.

Frequently found wild cherry hedge, which is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. Cultivated varieties are grown for tasty and he althy berries.
