In modern society, grass in garden plots can act not only as weeds, but also as a decoration of the landscape. Smooth lawns are not only pleasing to the eye, but also pleasant for their softness. Therefore, planting a lawn is so popular in our time. Of course, only certain varieties of grass and under certain conditions can become part of the design. Abroad, as a rule, narrow specialists with experience and skills in this field are engaged in lawn grass. If you want to decorate your yard with lawn grass and want to do it yourself, then there are two main ways: grow grass or buy already grown in rolls. Of course, if the deadlines are running out, and lawns are already needed, then it is easier to buy grown ones. But if there is time, it is more pleasant to do it yourself. In this article, we will look at how the lawn is planted.

As in all other cases, before you start sowing grass on the site, you should first think over and prepare everything. We will divide this work into three stages and analyze each in detail.
Step One - Site Planning
If construction is underway at the summer cottage, then at first it is worth considering well what facilities are planned in the futureerect. After all, if the grass has already grown up, and then hired workers will stomp on it with their boots, then your universal lawn will turn into a sad sight. Essentially, seeding the grass should be the last step in shaping the entire yard, once everything that needs to be built and planted in the yard has been completed.
Step two - soil preparation

So, after planning, when all the pros and cons are weighed, it is necessary to prepare the ground for sowing grass. It is better to do this in the fall, and plant the grass in the spring. The soil needs to be tilled so that the grass will later grow without surprises as a copious amount of weeds of various heights and colors. We want to get a smooth, green, soft lawn. To do this, it is necessary to first clean the soil from all weeds, as well as from their roots, which can give intensive growth with abundant further watering of lawn grass. You can clean the soil with the help of special preparations or simply by hand. If there were too many weeds and you foresee an unfavorable outcome in the future, then you can take drastic measures - remove the top 15 cm layer of soil and replace it with a new one. The soil can also be fertilized.
The third step is planting the lawn

Now the most interesting stage - sowing lawn grass.
Before sowing, the earth should not be dug up, but rather tamped, and then loosen the topmost layer a little. After that, you need to pour plenty of water on the earth so that it is saturated not only onsurfaces. How to sow lawn grass?
Mix the seeds well, as they come in different sizes, and sow them evenly on the surface of the plot. This should be done in dry, calm weather. At the edges of the plot and along the paths, it is worth sowing more densely than on the rest of the surface. After distributing the seeds over the site, they need to be slightly tamped into the ground.
When growing grass, the main thing is timely watering. You need to water at a certain time and in the right amount. It is better to do this in the evening and so that puddles do not form. During periods of severe drought, it is worth watering more than once during the day.
Planting a lawn is not difficult, but requires patience. But then, enjoying the beauty of your site, you will not feel sorry for the effort spent on it.