When erecting any structure, there are some difficulties that are often solved mainly only with the help of specialists. But with the desire and proper patience, you can build many elements with your own hands. The final stage in the construction of the roofing system is the installation of the ridge. This element has an impact on the technical and aesthetic characteristics. Next, consider what types it is, how to install it.
Principles of the ridge connection
Arrangement of the roof ridge is the final stage in the construction of the roof. Also, its durability and reliability directly depend on this event. To make a roofing ridge yourself, you need to have an idea of what tasks are assigned to it.

First of all, the ridge connection provides protection against moisture penetration, thereby preventing rotting and destruction of the raftersystems. It also ensures air circulation. In the absence of ventilation, water will settle on the frame elements and the inner surface of the material, which can provoke premature damage to the structure. The roof ridge also provides protection against the entry of insects and small birds. In addition, it gives the building a finished look.
The horse can be made in different versions. It can be a beam laid on vertical racks, which are supported by floor beams. Another option involves a system of rafters exposed in a triangle and connected using longitudinal ties. In this case, boards are sewn to the rafters on both sides at a designated angle, and thus a ridge is created.
According to GOST, the roofing ridge is made from materials that are used as roofing. It can be slate, bituminous or ceramic tiles, metal profiles.
Certain types of skates are now on the construction market:
- The ridge bar. It was created to connect the docking areas of two opposite skate slopes.
- Semicircular skate. It looks aesthetically pleasing and performs a function identical to the ridge profile.
- Cut-in skates. They are used for hip roofs.
- Crossed skates. Also used to create a hip type.

In the construction process, homemade or factory planks can also be used. They are mainly used in the process of arranging soft roofs.
Profile forms and device
Roofing ridge is a profile made of ceramic, galvanized metal or asbestos cement. Depending on its features, the following forms of products are distinguished:
- Simple - looks more like a regular painted or galvanized metal corner. Where is it applied? Used for houses with unheated attics and alloy steel roofs. Can easily be made by hand.
- Oval. It looks like a semicircular gutter with wide shelves for fastening. It is considered ideal for mansard roofs and has a high decorative potential. Compared to other forms, it costs more.
- With U-rib. The fold is made in the form of the letter "P", the appearance is simple compared to the oval.
What form of skate to choose? In each case, the owner will decide. The choice depends on the roofing, individual preferences and financial capabilities.
Which skate to choose?
When arranging a roof, the choice of a profile for a ridge should be based primarily not on aesthetic preferences, but on the actual tasks performed by it. Therefore, it is recommended to choose elements depending on what material the roof is covered with:
- Ceramic tile ridge. Used for arranging the hips of tiled roofs. Outwardly, it looks like a semicircular gutter. Laying such an element is laborious and painstaking.
- From slate. Used on a slate roof and is a semicircular gutter with a wide shelf.
- From metal tiles. It is applied to roofs from the pro-thinned-out metal. Easy to install, so many do it themselves.
- From soft roof - used for roofs covered with roll materials.
- Galvanized roofing ridge. It is suitable for roofs regardless of coverage.

How to make a skate?
To ensure reliable protection of the roof joints, a roofing ridge is used. The easiest way to make it with your own hands is from metal. To do this, a large sheet is placed on the desktop and the workpiece is carried out. After that, it is transferred to the machine and cut out. For all manipulations, it is recommended to use a special cutter, since only with its help you can get smooth edges.
After all the work is completed, the resulting elements can be installed on the roof. A self-made metal roofing ridge will last no less than those sold in stores.

Height calculation
The key parameter in the process of arranging the roof is the calculation of the required amount of building material. When determining the height, you can resort to several methods, but it is important to consider the type of attic space.
For calculation, you can use special tables or get the necessary information using simple mathematicalcomputing. Often all the necessary information is written in the project, which greatly facilitates the work. Such calculations are the most optimal, as they are made by qualified specialists.

Mounting Features
Regardless of the type of material used, there are general installation rules that must be followed:
during installation work, safety measures must be observed when working at height;
Waterproofing must be given close attention, because no matter how carefully the size of the roof ridge is adjusted, gaps will still remain;
- installation work should be carried out by several people, because this is the only way to ensure reliable fixation of parts;
- before laying the elements yourself, you should carefully familiarize yourself with all the nuances and sequence of work, as well as visually see how the roof ridge installed on the roof looks in the photo.

So, we have considered what a skate is, what types it is. Prefabricated work on the installation of this element is considered the final stage of the construction of the building. The performance properties of the building will directly depend on the quality of execution, so errors and inaccuracies are unacceptable.