Metal tile ridge: types, installation, sealant

Metal tile ridge: types, installation, sealant
Metal tile ridge: types, installation, sealant

The ridge for metal tiles is the final part of the roofing system. Manufacturers produce several varieties that differ in mounting options and configuration. Which type to choose depends on many factors.


The ridge for a metal tile is a horizontal element that is located at the upper junction of adjacent slopes. It can be either part of the truss system or a separate additional element. It is important to note that not all roofs have a ridge. For example, for hipped, domed and bulbous roofs, it is not required, since the slopes are connected at the same top point, and not in a straight line. In addition, it must be remembered that the type of roof directly affects the number of skates. For example, only one element is suitable for a gable roof, but two or more are needed for complex roof systems.

ridge for metal roofing
ridge for metal roofing


First of all, the skates for metal tiles differ in the shape of the section. There are many types of elements, but there are three main types:

  1. Triangular or flatproducts. These are the simplest ones, which are primarily of practical importance. They are not particularly beautiful, but have a minimal cost. Due to their shape, they can fit snugly against the roof slope. In addition, there is no need to install special plugs on the sides, because the product fits well to the roof.
  2. Rectangular or figure skates. They look like flat ones, but have a more broken, complex shape. Products copy the configuration of the inter-slope angle, but are equipped with a small U-shaped break on top. The figure skate is very attractive.
  3. Semicircular and round models. They are expensive, but the most beautiful. During installation, special linings and plugs are used, which protects the joint from rain, and residents from the wind, which howls in the ridge. Their shape is similar to a pipe.
figure skate
figure skate

Ridge seal

Ventilated ridge for metal tiles is installed together with the seal. This will help to reliably protect the attic and rafters from dust and precipitation. It is worth noting that this is a profitable solution, since the metal material does not always lie flat on the slope.

The modern market involves the use of one of three types of seals, which are made from different materials and have specific properties:

  • Universal or soft. Their appearance is similar to standard polyurethane foam strips. They are soft to the touch, so they fit snugly to the slopes, taking the configuration of a metal tile and filling all its voids. The product has a honeycombstructure, which makes it possible to retain moisture and dust, to pass air. However, in the latter they are inferior to the ventilation holes of the profile seal. This material can last up to 15 years.
  • Profile or rigid. The main material for their manufacture is polyethylene foam, which is able to take the form of a metal tile. To provide attic ventilation, the seal is equipped with small holes throughout the area. Dust and humidity will not be able to enter the attic space, while fresh air will be able to do so easily. Such properties make this seal the most advantageous in terms of airtightness. Its service life reaches 15 years.
  • Self-expanding. It is a polyurethane foam tape impregnated with acrylic. After installation, they expand - in some cases, they increase by 5 times. The expansion occurs from 2 to 5 hours. This seal will not allow air or liquid to pass through. Experts recommend leaving small gaps - about 2 cm, for every 2 meters. This will allow for some ventilation. They have the longest service life - up to 20 years.
figure skate
figure skate


How to fix the ridge on the metal tile? Here it is important to follow the following steps:

  1. The straightness of the upper sections of the slopes is checked. From a straight line, the deviation should not be more than 2 cm.
  2. The seal is glued into the grooves of the ridge.
  3. The plank is laid on the pitched joint flush with the side cut.
  4. Checking the symmetry of the overlaydevices. Fastening starts from the central part, the ridge must coincide with the center of the roof axis, which is previously marked with a stretched cord. It is very important at this stage to use the help of a specialist who will control the position of the skate from the opposite end.
  5. The end is screwed to the metal tile with self-tapping screws.
  6. Self-tapping screws are screwed along the entire length of the bar. Fastening points must be made on the upper wave of the metal tile. The step is performed after 1-2 waves.
  7. Adjacent planks are joined with an overlap of at least 100 mm.
  8. If necessary, install end caps on the side.
how to attach a skate to a metal roof
how to attach a skate to a metal roof

Popular Manufacturers

The ridge for metal tiles is best purchased from trusted manufacturers. Positive feedback is left on brands such as Vekman, Reproof, Polmukeit and Measure System. Foreign brands guarantee the impeccable quality of products, however, Russian manufacturers also produce excellent skates. Such brands include Promintech, MetallProfil and Grand Line.
