If you decide to start building a brick bath, then you will have to make a choice which brick to use in this case. This needs special attention.

You can build brick baths using silicate or plinth material. Silicate is cheaper than basement, so you will save when using it. However, such brick baths will look less respectable. Socle, which is made of baked clay, is more environmentally friendly. Having decided to build a bathhouse from burnt red brick, you need to pay attention to how well it is burnt. Unburned - bright scarlet color. It should not be purchased as it is very fragile and will break down. Violet-brown color indicates that the brick was burnt. It has an irregular shape and will create inconvenience during construction.

There are several ways to build a brick wall.
- Makea layer in the wall measuring from 4 to 6 cm. This will allow the air to act as a heat insulator.
- Put slab insulation inside the walls.
- Make well masonry, that is, fill the layer between the walls with thermal insulation.
You need to start building a brick bath with masonry. By deciding to do it yourself, you will save a lot, but you will have to physically work hard. However, you may enjoy the process of building and enjoy it. In this case, you need to be quite careful. If the brick is initially laid incorrectly, then in the future there will be difficulties in laying. Therefore, you need to follow each row, and then the work will go easily and quickly.

Basically, a bath is built in one and a half or two bricks, that is, 0.38 or 0.51 meters, respectively, and the partitions in the bath are folded into half or a quarter of a brick - this is 12 and 6.5 cm, respectively. Before starting laying, insulation in the form of roofing material is usually laid on the foundation. The first few rows of masonry are made from basement building materials, regardless of how the bath is built.
Do-it-yourself brickwork
When building a brick bath, laying must begin with the corners on which you need to pull the mooring cord. If it sags, then a stone must be placed under it. This will ensure even vertical and horizontal rows of masonry. Also, the thickness of the horizontal seams is the same.

It is difficult to build a brick bath with your own hands, but following some rules will help you in this matter.
- First, the first row must be built from a whole brick.
- It is important to start laying from the outside.
- Broken material, if any, is used for masonry from the inside.
- Never use broken bricks for corners or supports.
- Each completed row should be wetted before laying the next, especially in hot weather.
- Broken or reshaped bricks are placed with the beaten side inside the masonry.
- The bond row is the support for the beams.
- After several rows of masonry are ready, it is necessary to strengthen it. To do this, it is necessary to install masonry mesh or steel bars in the seam.