The choice of dishwashing detergent depends on the technology of washing cutlery with a dishwasher. Often the composition of such powders or tablets includes s alt, detergent and rinse aid. Compared to other options, Somat dishwasher tablets are the most popular, customer reviews of which confirm the preference for choosing just such a cleanser.
Let's talk in more detail about pressed dishwasher detergents, namely, the compliance of the manufacturer's promises with real facts - customer reviews and recommendations.

The evolution of the company and the development of the Somat brand
For several decades, the production facilities of the German company Henkel have been replenishing the Russian market with dishwashing products. Products began to be delivered to store shelves in 1997, a series of which consisted of powders, s alts and rinses.
Somat tablets in their original form of the 3 in 1 version began to be produced in 2004. Since that time, the need to buy funds separately has disappeared, since as part of one piece, successfullycombined and s alt, and cleaner, and rinse aid. This is exactly what customers appreciate in Somat dishwasher tablets, according to reviews left on the Web.
To this day, the company is developing, and the pace of expansion and evolution of products has made it possible to produce innovative Somat "Tabs 7-in-1" and "Perfect" (10 functions) dishwashing tablets. Let's get acquainted with the properties of each option in more detail.

Somat All In 1
As part of the tablets "All in One" red-blue color, a special activator substance that acts in cold water. Processing cutlery in the dishwasher saves energy when washing at 40 oC and effectively removes dirt. In addition to the activator, the composition is supplemented with the following components: s alts, Cleaning Booster cleaning effect enhancer, which allows using the tool:
- remove food particles dried on plates, traces of tea and coffee;
- effectively prevent drips and stains on the surface of dishes during washing;
- preventive effect on scale formation by attracting and removing plaque particles;
- remove burnt food;
- guarantee hygienic surface treatment of dishes and cutlery;
- keep glassware shiny and clean.
One package of Somat dishwasher tablets, reviews of which you have to analyze, includes 84 servings of the product, which, you see, is a lot. Somat All in One will cost about 935rubles per box.

What they say about the product
There are a lot of reviews on the Internet, characterized by the emotions of far from enthusiastic buyers. Some say that the substances that make up the tablets dissolve poorly, and wash the dishes even worse, others say that the product copes with its work with a bang even without prolonged treatment of the dishes (2-3 hours) at high temperature, while others have formed neutral opinion without bigotry.
Considering reviews of Somat dishwasher tablets, it is not difficult to see that consumers are captivated by the attractive cost of the product and constant discounts. At full price, no one dares to buy dishwasher detergent.
The advice of buyers will be valuable - a review of Somat dishwasher tablets. The product is quite dense and well-compressed, so one serving for a small amount of dishes can be too much, which sometimes provokes the formation of streaks on the surface of the plates. Try splitting one tablet in half, as recommended by active buyers of the product, and evaluate the result.
Also, when using a dishwasher and a special commercial cleaner for washing cutlery using large household appliances, do not forget to properly load items inside the dishwasher, placing them in their sections. When doing this, choose a long wash and an intensive type of rinse.

Somat Classic Soda effect
This tool will help clean up and help get rid of dried-on food particles, burnt areas, complex contaminants due to the presence of s alt grains and rinse aid. Many people ask how to use Somat dishwasher tablets. In the reviews, buyers mention that before placing the product inside the dishwasher, it is worth getting rid of the plastic bag, which does not have a washing effect, but only helps to safely store the tablets inside the box so that they do not crumble or crumble.
The cost of a pack of tablets "With the effect of soda" - from 400 rubles for 36 pieces.
Unbiased customer opinion
There is a lot of talk about choosing a dishwashing detergent when buying a dishwasher, actively developing this topic. Some of the consumers are not satisfied with the effect of the tablets and mention the need to purchase special s alt and rinse aid to enhance the process of washing dishes. Although it pleases when choosing this remedy the fact that there is no pronounced chemical smell and ease of use of tablets.
Somat Gold
This product line of the company is the most sensational, because the manufacturer positions the product as phosphate-free. At the same time, the effectiveness of the product does not suffer in any way, and citric acid, which is part of the Somat Gold dishwasher tablets, does an excellent job of removing scale. Reviews from the Web for the most part testify to the effectiveness of the product: plaque from tea, coffee, burnt pollution go away as if by a clickfingers.

Why Somat is so effective
The peculiarity of the tablets is the ability to use for any dishes, effective protection of glass products from corrosion, no streaks after washing dishes.
Using Somat Gold, it is really possible to remove dried dirt without pre-soaking cutlery and dishes.
This version of tablets will cost from 900 rubles for 60 pieces, which is more expensive than the options discussed above. Although, taking into account the volume of the pack, it can be noted that buying this particular product can be an economical option.
Reviews about the tool
Some customers have noticed a reduction in the range of detergents for dishes processed in the dishwasher. Based on this, we can conclude that Somat has flooded the market and, being a strong competitive enterprise, despite such an unbalanced opinion, is forcing other products out of the market.
Before you buy a product, additionally study the reviews of Somat dishwasher tablets. The photo below shows the range and options for the products of this company.

As noted by some housewives, the claimed lack of smell is not entirely true and does not disappear even after a washing cycle. Although women have gotten used to finding a way out of this situation, dividing a single dose of a tablet into two washes. Which is by no means a disadvantage.
You can purchaseremedy at a reduced price, take several packs at once. This significantly saves the family budget.
Having studied the description and reviews of Somat dishwasher tablets, the buyer begins to understand that the same profitable alternative remedy cannot be found on the market. Only those who have extensive experience in using a dishwasher and have practiced different means can compare the effect of tablets. They speak positively about Finnish funds, although Somat is more affordable.
Thus, having studied the reviews and recommendations, it will be easier for you, as a potential buyer, to figure out the options for choosing dishwashing detergents when a dishwasher appears in your house, which makes life so much easier for the hostess.