Even in early spring, many gardeners think about the future harvest. It is necessary to take care of seedlings, which in a warmer period can be planted in open ground. Of course, you can buy ready-made plants, but for a real lover of country life, it is important to do everything yourself. Traditional cultivation methods are familiar to everyone. This requires soil, good, quality seeds and … a little effort. Today there is more than one landless way of growing seedlings. They require a minimum of costs and effort, and the result exceeds all expectations.

Advantages of the landless method
Using paper, sawdust and hydrogel instead of soil has its advantages. First, it's cleanliness. Working with the earth is always the inconvenience associated with the appearance of dirt. Secondly, it is compactness. There is not always a place to place boxes with soil. The landless method of growing seedlings requires very little space, especially when using paper. On one window sill you can place a largenumber of rolls of various vegetables and flowers. Thirdly, this is the minimum amount of financial costs. Usually, very few improvised materials are required, which cost a penny and are always at hand. The landless way of growing seedlings is economy, simplicity and quality.
Sprouting on paper
Big vegetable seeds germinate best. They have a large supply of nutrients, which helps them develop unhindered for a long time. These are pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers or squash. Although the landless method of growing seedlings is suitable for all types of plants. The easiest option is to use paper. It allows you to place an unlimited number of seedlings in a small area. Even toilet paper or napkins will do for this.

Sprouting seeds
Take any shallow container and lay out its bottom with plain toilet paper in 2-3 layers. On top we put the seeds for germination in random order, but so that they do not touch each other. The landless method of growing seedlings on toilet paper is the most economical. But back to the technology of this process. Top the seeds with another layer of toilet paper (or several). Now you need to moisten everything with water and subsequently maintain humidity. A container with seedlings can be covered with polyethylene, making an impromptu greenhouse. Now you need to wait for the seeds to begin to germinate. Be sure to dampen the paper regularly with water to keep it moist.
Appearance of sprouts
Sprouts should appear soon. If up to this point it didn’t matter where the seed container was located, now this issue is becoming as relevant as possible. We rearrange the germinated seeds to a well-lit window. The polyethylene must be removed, otherwise, under the influence of direct sunlight, tender sprouts may burn out. While the seedlings are growing and gaining strength, you just need to make sure that the layer of paper does not dry out. Otherwise, the root system of plants may die. If the paper dries too quickly, then you need to increase the number of layers. Thus, each sprout can release up to 2-3 leaves. However, do not delay the disembarkation process. In open ground, plants will be comfortable, and they will begin to actively grow and develop. Therefore, the landless method of growing seedlings must be carefully planned so that the timing of planting coincides with climatic conditions. A layer of paper will become "ground" only for a while.

Growing in sawdust
This is an unusual, but quite acceptable option for growing seedlings in a landless way. Its advantage can be called the acceleration of the appearance of fruits. In sawdust, the root system develops very well. Nutrients are delivered to the roots faster. This method is ideal for growing cucumbers and tomatoes. But you can use it for the cultivation of other seeds. To do this, you need a container (preferably a box) about 1.3 x 1.7 meters in size. Sawdust is better to take high-quality and disinfected. Their layershould be as large as possible. So the roots of the plant will develop well, without obstacles.

Sawdust cultivation technology
This is the best landless way to grow cucumber seedlings. Maximum efficiency and germination is achieved. We cover the bottom of the prepared container with a film. We scald sawdust with boiling water to exclude the presence of diseases, microbes and pests. Then we fill them with a layer of 6-7 centimeters. You can pour more, this will not make the result worse. From above it is necessary to lay out a layer of wet wood shavings (one centimeter thick). Seeds are placed in sawdust and the box is covered with foil. After the emergence of seedlings, the film must be removed. Now light is very important for sprouts. Therefore, we move the box closer to the window. Next, we must not forget to moisten the sawdust so that the root system of the plants develops well and does not dry out. To make the seedlings strong, it can be fertilized with mullein. Its concentration should not be high, otherwise young shoots may burn out. Two top dressings with an interval of at least two weeks are enough. Watering can be done with warm water.

Drop-off time
The development of seedlings in optimal conditions is very fast. This usually takes about 2-3 weeks. When the sprout begins to produce true leaves, it must be planted in open ground. The roots must be shaken off the sawdust and carefully examined. We immediately reject diseased plants with poorly developedroot system. Not only will they not fully grow, but they will also become a source of the spread of the disease. The best sprouts are planted, which will give a good harvest in the future. This is a great landless way to grow seedlings. Reviews testify to its successful application by gardeners. As many note, a good root system is being formed in the sawdust, which is important for further growth and a good harvest. The only drawback of this method is its cumbersomeness. A lot of space is required to install the drawer, which is not always convenient.

Interesting way
This option of growing seedlings in a landless way is very interesting and, one might say, original. Its advantages are a minimum of costs and the occupied area. You will need a film (you can take the old one from the greenhouse) and toilet paper. From polyethylene we cut strips 10 centimeters wide. The length can be arbitrary and depends on the number of seeds. Spread toilet paper on top. Wet it with water and lay out the seeds. Between them we maintain a distance of 1-2 centimeters. Spread the seeds in a row, retreating from the top about a centimeter. We close the strip with toilet paper, and put the film on it again. We turn the workpiece into a roll and put it in a glass or other container with water. Water should be about 3-4 centimeters. We put the seedlings on the windowsill and wait for the results. From time to time it is necessary to top up and change the water. Seedlings may appear in two weeks. The roll will look like a green beam. You can add a few to the water.drops of a solution to accelerate growth (for example, "Athlete"). When two full-fledged leaves appear, the seedlings can be planted in the ground. To do this, unroll the roll and remove two strips of film. Plants can be planted in the ground along with paper. Try it and you will see that this is a great landless way to grow seedlings, a photo of which can be found here.

Sprouting potato seeds
Even potatoes can be grown from seeds. They are purchased in specialized stores. For germination, we take a very thick sheet of paper, like from a matchbox. Then soak it well with water. Spread the potato seeds along the edge of the sheet. We fold it in half and twist it into a tube. The paper must be completely wet. We wrap the roll with threads (this will prevent it from unfolding). Then we place the workpiece in the package. In a week the first shoots will appear. After that, the sprouts must be moved to the ground for further development.
The effectiveness and benefits of these options are undeniable. They can be applied to the seeds of any plants. The landless method of growing flower seedlings is also very productive. The germination technology remains unchanged. These methods are especially good in small areas. Little space is required, and the result exceeds all expectations. The choice of the optimal method is a personal matter for everyone. But you can always try something new, maybe this option will be more preferable.