Breeders still continue to develop new varieties of tomatoes, although there are already several tens of thousands of them. Growing tomatoes is a common thing for summer residents who annually try to grow something new on their site. Tomato Valentina is a variety known for many years and has not lost its popularity to date.
Variety description
Valentina's tomatoes were bred at the S. I. Vavilov by Russian breeders. This is an early ripe fruitful variety, which is recommended to be grown in open ground and in a greenhouse. Plant type - determinant, about 60 centimeters high.
The fruits begin to ripen after 105 days from the moment the seeds were planted for seedlings. When growing it in the beds, stepchildren are not required so as not to reduce the yield. In greenhouses, tomato bushes stepchild moderately. The stem of the plant must be tied to a support.
Tomato variety Valentina belongs to non-standard varieties, the bush is slightly leafy, semi-spreading. The leaves are similar in shape to potatoes and have a greenish-yellow color with a slightly corrugated surface. The tomato is resistant to major diseases, easily tolerates a slight drought.

This variety is especially popular with amateur gardeners due to its qualities. Very suitable for beginner gardeners, as it is undemanding to care.
Growing seedlings
It turns out that Valentine's tomato seedlings can be grown without using the earth. Toilet paper and plastic wrap are what you need for seed germination. This method is convenient because:
- seedlings do not take up much space;
- a strong root system will appear;
- fruiting of tomatoes will start a week earlier;
- black leg disease will not appear.
Strips are made from plastic bags, the width of which is equal to the width of toilet paper. A strip of toilet paper is placed on a strip of polyethylene and sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Stepping back from the edge of the strip by about a centimeter, spread the seeds of tomatoes with an interval of three centimeters. The seeds are covered with another layer of toilet paper moistened with water, and a layer of polyethylene is placed on top. Do not twist tightly and put in a glass, the edge with the seeds should be at the top. Some water is poured into a glass.
Moisture on the toilet paper will wet the seeds, the film will create a greenhouse effect. Top the glass can be covered with a plastic bag so that the paper does not dry out. Shoots will appear in a week, and after 14 days, sprouts with two leaves can be planted in the ground. Further, the seedlings are cared for in the usual way.
Preparing the soil for seedlings
Properly prepared soil for seedlings is an important condition for Valentine's tomato (photolocated below) will give a high yield. For tomatoes, light soils are suitable, rich in nutrients and having low acidity.

The composition of the soil should include leafy soil, peat and sand, everything is taken in equal proportions and thoroughly mixed. The resulting soil must be disinfected. To do this, it must be frozen in the freezer, steamed in a water bath or calcined in the oven.
Features of Valentine's tomato care
Tomato Valentina is a non-standard determinant variety. They have limited growth and mature quickly. Bushes of such tomatoes are compact and have few stepchildren. In open ground, such plants do not need to form a bush. But in greenhouses, one stem should be left.
In tomatoes, growth stops after the formation of an inflorescence, so a small shoot is left under the first of them to continue growth. After the formation of two inflorescences and three leaves on it, it is pinched. The stems of the variety are reclining, so the bushes are tied with twine to the wire. These are the care features of Valentine's tomato.

The lower leaves begin to cut off a month after the seedlings were planted in a permanent place. Leaves are best broken off in the morning when the sun is shining. They should not be below the first inflorescence when fruits ripen on it.
The remaining leaves continue to be removed until the third inflorescence. This design of the bushes makes it possible to quickly ripen the fruits and increases air exchange. In Augustpinch the main stem, remove all new stepchildren.
Tomato Valentine: reviews
This is a fairly popular variety of tomato. All summer residents who have tried to grow Valentina tomatoes note the following advantages:
- does not require special care;
- plant is compact, low;
- variety resistant to tomato diseases;
- early fruit ripening;
- drought tolerant;
- stepchild moderately;
- stable and high yield;
- excellent taste;
- fruits are well preserved during transportation.

Tomato Valentina is good both fresh and canned. There is an opinion that the beneficial properties of fruits do not lose during heat treatment. Due to the content of vitamins and microelements, serotonin and lycopene in tomatoes, their consumption helps to lower cholesterol and normalizes metabolism. With the constant presence of tomatoes in the diet, the mood improves and the vitality of the body rises.