In the conditions of a small space in front of the garage, lifting gates will come to the rescue. Their design provides for lifting the sash to the ceiling. This is much more convenient than the usual swing options. Of course, there are a lot of similar designs from various manufacturers in stores. But you can make a garage door with your own hands. It will cost much less than the purchase of a ready-made structure. And the installation of an automatic drive will allow remote control of the gate.
Rolling gate features
Before you start manufacturing gates with a lifting mechanism, you should find out how they differ from other types, what advantages and disadvantages they have. This will help ensure that the type of device is the one you need.

Quite often in our time you can find lifting gates for the garage. It is easy to make them with your own hands. The main thing to start with is to decide on the device of the gate. In any case, the lifting gates perform their functions. In addition, lifting gates have a number of advantages over other types. They can be used in any room, regardless of size.
Types of gates
Lifting gates are divided into two types:
Lifting sectional. The door leaf consists of several parts, which are interconnected by a rigid structure. As they rise, they bend and gather. When lowered, the assembled sections are straightened and aligned to their original (flat) position
Rotary. Unlike the previous type, in this case the main door leaf is not capable of being deformed. The principle of their operation is that the sash rises along a curved path. In this case, the upper part slightly deepens inward. The rest of the sash rises from the outside
Installing a garage door with a lifting mechanism in two cases is almost the same. And you can do it yourself.
Advantages of lifting gates and their disadvantages
Homemade lifting garage doors have a number of undeniable advantages that distinguish them from other types of devices. The main benefits are:
Space saving. To raise the sash, a place under the ceiling is used, which, as a rule, is never used. Due to this, there is no need to waste useful meters on the ground next to the garage
Sashes are a solid canvas. And this is a reliable protection against the penetration of strangers
It is possible to insulate the sashes. Most often, expanded polystyrene is used for this
It is possible to install a mechanism for automatic lifting
Suitable for installing not only single but also double garages
Exterior finish can be any, due to which the gate will harmoniously fit into the decoration of the garage and the design of the entire site

Cons lifting gates follow from their design. There are not many of them, but it is not necessary to write them off. Disadvantages include:
The whole leaf of the sash cannot be partially repaired. If damaged, it must be replaced completely
Gate installation is possible only in rectangular openings
Installation requires some knowledge
The gate moves up, thereby reducing the height of the opening
Insulation must be considered in advance. The fact is that the mechanism of the lifting gate is designed for a load of a certain magnitude. An additional layer of insulation will entail an increase in the load on the mechanism
The device of the gate and the principle of their operation
The main structural elements that carry the load are the frame, guides and a mechanism for moving the web. Gates open automatically (using remote control) or manually.

To the bottom of the sashlevers attached. At the upper ends there are two more guides along which the rollers move. With the help of these elements, the sash is raised. To do this, you just need to pull the handle, which is located at the bottom of the canvas. There are no difficulties with this, since springs that are in a stretched state come to the rescue. The sash lifting scheme can be seen in the picture above.
Lifting mechanisms
The lifting mechanism can be of two types:
Lever-spring. This is the most popular mechanism among garage owners. It is characterized by simple design and reliability. The manufacture of metal gates with a similar mechanism involves precise adjustment of the springs, precise installation of the guides (on which the rollers will later move)
If the sash is heavy, a counterweight mechanism is preferred. In this case, a winch is used. A counterweight is fixed on one side, which is connected to the other edge of the sash with a cable
The choice of the appropriate mechanism is made according to the specific situation.
Preparatory work
Before you make and install lifting garage doors with your own hands, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work.
The surface of the walls and ceiling must be flat so that the guides are installed without tilting. Any dust that gets on the rollers or guides can disrupt the operation of the entire mechanism. Therefore, all construction and finishing work inside the garage must be completed. This does not apply to gender. This is due to the fact that the frame goes inside at leastby 2 centimeters. Therefore, it will be necessary to complete the construction of the floor after the installation of the garage door has been completed.
The opening must be ready for the installation of the gate frame. It is used for basic calculations. Therefore, you need to know its dimensions. The dimensions required in the construction of the gate are described in the drawing of the overhead garage door in the picture below.

Required materials and tools
Depending on the dimensions and the selected design of the gate, the amount of materials required may vary. But with the simplest solution for the manufacture of metal gates, you will need:
Wooden blocks 120x80mm for box;
Wooden bars 100x100mm for ceiling;
Metal pins to secure the structure;
Metal corners 35x35x4 mm for making the frame;
Metal corners 40x40x4 mm for rails;
Channel 80x45 mm;
Spring with inner diameter 30mm;
Metal rod with a diameter of 8 mm;
Sash canvas
This is a set of necessary materials for the manufacture of gates with manual lift. If desired, you can purchase a drive to automate this process. The list of required materials may be changed or supplemented. It is difficult to describe everything in detail, up to a self-tapping screw or a bolt. After all, even a slight change in the design of the gate will entail a change in this list.
In order to assemble and install a garage door with your own handsyou will need a grinder, a drill with drills for metal and wood, a welding machine. You will also need other tools that every owner has: a hammer, a tape measure, a screwdriver, wrenches, a level, a pencil.
Construction stages
Gates made of corrugated pipe are made in accordance with the following steps:
Preparing and assembling the frame;
Installing rollers;
Sash production;
Mounting additional elements
These steps explain how to make your own overhead gate. Next, consider each stage in detail.

Frame Making
The basis on which the gate will be attached is the frame. It is on it that most of the load of the entire structure will lie. With its manufacture, work begins.
The list of required materials shows wooden blocks. This is the simplest and most economical option. They can be replaced with a metal structure, which will be a more reliable option. But everyone makes their own choice. It practically does not affect the installation process.
A box is assembled from the bars. For their connection, metal corners or plates are used. The bottom bar must be at least 2 cm deep into the floor. This must be taken into account during the assembly process. When the box is twisted (in the case of metal - welded), its control check is carried out. It is placed in the opening and the position is checked vertically and horizontally. If the frame stands correctly, it is fixed with anchors (metal pins) from 30 cm long. They are taken at the rate of 1 pin per1 running meter.
After that, install horizontal guides that are under the ceiling.
Install rollers
When the frame is installed, you can begin to attach the brackets for the rollers. To prevent the gate from clinging, the upper brackets are attached a little deeper than the lower ones. You can clearly see this in the picture below. Bolts are used to fasten the rails. At this stage, it is very important to accurately measure the level.
Clamps are installed on the edges of the rails. They will hold the rollers, thereby keeping the blade in the open (closed) position.

Preparing the sashes
The shield itself, which will serve as a gate leaf, can be made of various materials. But, since it will provide reliable protection for the garage, be subject to external climatic influences, it is better to choose more stable materials. These may be the following options:
Frame made of wooden bars, upholstered on the outside with a metal sheet;
Use a solid metal sheet;
Sheathe the frame of metal profiles with metal
Anything can be used as a finishing (outer) layer, even plastic. To protect against frost, the shield can be upholstered with a layer of insulation.
To prevent the gate from the professional pipe from opening completely every time, you can make a gate in the shield. It will be possible to enter (exit) through it without using the entire structure completely. Some garage owners also provide a window in the sash. If necessary, it is easy to install.
When the shield is ready, it is installed on the rails and the operation of the mechanism is checked.
Additional items
Installation of the gate is completed by installing additional elements. These include handles, locks, locks for fixing the gate.
Handles are needed to open (close) the gate more conveniently. If they are present, you do not need to cling to the edge of the sash. It is more convenient if the handles are located at the bottom of the shield. And both outside and inside.
If the gate is equipped with a gate, then inside you can make a latch. This allows you to secure your property. This technique will allow you to open the sash only from the inside. The same solution can be resorted to if the garage is attached to the house and a door connects them.
If the garage is separate and there is no gate, locks must be provided. If it is not possible to buy special ones, then you can hang ordinary ones. They do this with the help of shackles that are attached to the canvas and the outer side of the vertical frame.
Production of metal gates with a lifting mechanism is completed with an external finish of the structure. They are treated with protective agents, painted, and finishing materials are fixed.

Automation system
Automatic drive can be installed on overhead garage doors. The prices for the whole structure will increase from this. But the level of comfort will also increase significantly. It will not be necessary to open (close) the gate manually. Everything can be done by remote control. At the same time, it is important to choose such a type of drive so thatyour overhead garage door was suitable. Their prices are in the range of 300-800 euros.
Install the drive will not be a problem. The instructions indicate the sawing of the contacts, which will need to be followed. It is difficult to give an example, since each manufacturer has its own connection standards.
By connecting the automatic opening system, the overhead gates, manufactured and installed on their own, will not differ from the factory ones. This will enable remote control using the remote control.
Thus, by following a few simple steps, you can get a lifting gate for the garage. In addition to significant cost savings, this will also entail a host of other benefits. This design saves space. The gate does not require free space in front of the garage, as is the case with the swing option. They take up space under the ceiling, which is not used in other situations. An independent choice of materials for the manufacture of the structure will allow you to do everything in accordance with your views and requirements. Complementing the device with an automatic drive will increase the level of convenience when using the gate.