The area of the apartment does not always allow you to arrange all the beds, so that there is also free space left. In our article, we will look at how to make a bunk bed with your own hands from improvised materials. This design is an excellent way out if the apartment is small. You can make a bed of this type from any material, but the best is wood - durable, environmentally friendly, and it is much easier to work with it than with iron. Of course, if you wish, you can make a bed of metal pipes, but it will be too heavy. Yes, and when working, either a large number of self-tapping screws or electric welding will be required.
Advantages and disadvantages of bunk structures
In stores you can find a large number of models of this type of bed, but they are quite expensive. In addition, they are standard, so the features of the room in your apartment will not be taken into account. You have to adjust the bedroom to the bed, and not vice versa. It is for this reason that it is bestmake your own bed. It can be combined with other interior items - a closet in which you can store things, a table for classes. Also, several drawers can be built into the bed. The quality is at the height of this design, you can easily make a bunk bed with your own hands. Step by step instructions will be given later in the article.

If you have experience with wood, then you can make the simplest design in a couple of days of hard work. Of course, for this you need a minimum set of tools. We will talk about it further. As for the place to install a bunk bed, they are most often located in children's rooms. For children, this is a huge plus - it frees up space for activities and games.
But there is also a drawback to the bed - a very high degree of injury. Therefore, when installing a bed in a nursery, you need to make sure that the child is safe on the second tier - install a reliable side. Be that as it may, children under three years old cannot sleep on the second tier. It is desirable that the age of the child be at least 4-5 years old.
Designs of children's bunk beds
The size of the beds depends on the dimensions of the mattresses. As you understand, they are all standard, so when making a bed, you need to focus on them. Usually, during the construction of such a structure, mattresses with dimensions of 160x70 cm are chosen. It is worth studying the drawings of bunk beds. You can sketch with your own hands ifyou need to make an original design. There are also so-called transforming beds - the bed can be extended. This is the best design option, as the child is constantly growing, and buying a new bed or making it yourself is an expensive pleasure.
Let's look at the designs of children's bunk beds that you can make yourself:
- Classic style design - perfect for two kids.
- Classic but for 3-4 kids.
- Angular design, in which the lower and upper places are located at right angles to each other.
- The loft bed is perfect for one child. The sleeping area is upstairs. A place for classes is arranged in the lower part.
- Flip-down type of bed.
- With retractable bottom tier.
But not only for children you can make such beds. Even for adults, they will come in handy, especially if you need to save space in the room.
Bunk beds for adults
In the case when you need to accommodate a lot of people in a small room, you can use beds with two tiers. The most convenient way, as you know, is to make such a design with your own hands. Such beds will fit for small apartments. For example, in one-room apartments, you can install combined designs, in which there will be a children's bed on top and an adult bed on the bottom.

If you look at the range of furniture factories, you can see that there is a largethe number of different beds with lofts that are suitable not only for children but also for adults. If necessary, a bunk bed with two places is installed. Such designs can be used when accommodating a large number of guests.
Materials for making
Of course, the most popular material for making beds is wood. But you can choose any other:
- Particleboard (chipboard).
- Metal profiles and pipes.
- Pipes made of polypropylene (yes, such materials are successfully used in the manufacture of beds).
- Plywood is a good material that can last quite a long time.
If there is little experience in making furniture, then it is best to choose plywood or chipboard. They are very easy to cut with a jigsaw (it is best to use a power tool, it works faster with it). When processing, there is no need to purchase additional special equipment. In addition, the material itself is very cheap. Please note that the sides of chipboard bunk beds must be made from solid sheets. Even small cutouts on them can greatly weaken the entire structure.
Features of working with different materials
Now let's look at what work features different materials have. After all, you must be prepared for anything, even for the most unexpected situations. So, what are the features of the most popular materials:
- If you decide to work with wood, it is desirable to have a we alth of experience in making furniture. Notwith enough skills, you will not be able to make a quality bed. But wood also has advantages - the furniture is durable, environmentally friendly, and this is very important, since children will use it. Yes, and natural wood weighs less than chipboard or metal. Please note that making a do-it-yourself bunk bed from chipboard is much easier than from any other material.
- In the manufacture of metal structures, you will need a tool for cutting, welding. In addition, you can not do without a sufficient amount of experience. Not everyone can work with metal. But structures of this type are durable, they are able to withstand enormous loads. And since they are installed in dry rooms where there is no moisture, corrosion is unlikely to touch the metal. Therefore, if you make a metal bunk bed with your own hands, you will get a reliable design. But the appearance will have to work.
- And the last material is polypropylene pipes. These are the ones from which the plumbing is made. Of course, such beds will not be able to distinguish themselves by their beauty and attractiveness, but it is very simple to make them. In the manufacture you will need the presence of pipes, hacksaws and fittings. Of course, it is worth making a drawing or sketch of the structure in advance.
Now that we have considered all the features of the materials, we can begin to manufacture. But let's look at the most popular designs that home craftsmen make in practice.
A little about bedside stairs
It depends on the stairssafety and comfort of the bed. Indeed, with its help, a child (or an adult, depending on the purpose of the furniture) will climb to the second tier.

You can make your own ladder for a bunk bed. Designs can be:
- Vertical - made of two planks and timber. They are connected using crossbars made of wood or metal pipes. Most often, built-in structures are used, but sometimes you can also find attached ones. They are, however, not very convenient to use.
- Marching is a simple staircase with steps. It is made from boards with a cross section of 30x80 mm. Such a ladder takes up much more space than a vertical one, but it is more convenient to use it. Please note that the steps should have a width of more than 35 cm. Between the rungs, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 20 to 30 cm, and the angle of inclination of the stairs should not exceed 70 degrees.
Since the space under the stairs will be free (it will not be possible to organize a place for games in it), you can make cabinets and drawers in it. It will be convenient to store things of the child in them. Drawers are built into the steps on the sides.
But which ladder to choose? It directly depends on who will use the bed. If adults or teenagers, then it is best to make the first or second option.

But it will be more convenient for small children to use the marching stairs. After all, it is safer, it is more difficult to fall from it. If aa child will use the stairs, then make a railing and correctly calculate the width of the step. Only in this case, the baby will be able to safely and comfortably climb to the upper tier. But now let's talk about how to assemble a bunk bed with your own hands.
Create a design drawing
Before you start making a bed, make, if not a drawing, then a sketch of the entire structure. With a simple image, you can calculate how many fasteners and materials you will need. You do not need to have any special knowledge, it is enough to take into account the following points:
- Between the lower and upper tiers, you need to maintain the optimal distance. It should be such that an adult can sit on the lower bed, and there should be no risk of hitting the upper part.
- There must be sufficient space between the ceiling and the upper tier. The child should feel good during sleep. Consider the fact that warm air tends to the ceiling, so if there is not enough space, the child will not be able to breathe normally.
- When making a bed project, be sure to consider the standard dimensions of commercially available mattresses.
In the event that you cannot make a drawing yourself, you can use ready-made schemes. You can even take as an example some model that is produced by the industry.
What material do you need?
Let's now look at a simple bunk bed design. And now about what materials are needed to make your ownbunk bed arms. We will also indicate the sizes of all elements and their total number.

You will need the following materials:
- Wooden bars measuring 50x100x3000 mm in the amount of 4 pieces.
- Wooden bars 50x100x2400 mm in the amount of 4 pieces.
- Two boards measuring 20x100x3000 mm.
- One size 20x150x3000 and 20x200x3000 mm.
- Plywood 1200x2400 mm 12 mm thick - two sheets.
- Screws 40 mm for drywall.
- 75 mm screws.
- Hexagon screws 6x150 and washers for them - 8 pieces.
- Bolts 6x75 with washers and nuts - ten sets.
- Two bolts measuring 6x150 mm, nuts and washers for them.
- Sandpaper and wood putty for leveling surfaces.
- Power tools - circular saw, screwdriver, jigsaw, router, drill.
- Measuring tool - tape measure, ruler, corner, building level.
Only after all the tools are prepared, you can start making the bed. This is a rather complicated matter, but anyone can cope with it if they have patience and skills in working with tools.
Step by step guide to making
And now about how to make a bunk children's bed-house with your own hands. You need to perform a few manipulations to make a bed with two floors.

Stay in this sequence:
- Carry out cuttingall material, based on the data in the drawing.
- Please note that the size of the frame under the bed should be slightly larger than the size of the mattress. To be more precise, 8 cm wide, 10 cm long. In the part of the bed in which the ladder is fastened, you need to add another 4.5 cm.
- Chamfer must be cut on all edges from the outside. You can use a hand plow for this. All elements must be sanded and sanded.
- All structural elements need to be marked for the installation of fasteners.
- Make the lower and upper frames from the bars that were cut at the initial stage. Fix with screws. It is recommended to make at least one partition - it will significantly strengthen the structure. If possible, then make 2-3 partitions, they will not be superfluous. You can make a bunk bed out of a bar with your own hands faster if you prepare all the elements in advance.
- With the help of self-tapping screws, boards 20x150 and 20x200 must be screwed to the frame on both sides. They will subsequently perform the function of the sides.
- To make corner legs-supports, you need to connect the bars 50x100 mm along the length at a right angle. The result should be an end in the form of the Latin letter L.
- Then it is necessary to make a hole in the support in the place where the upper tier is attached. Similar actions must be done in a frame with a side of 200 mm. The holes need to be drilled out, made larger so that the top of the screw, nut and washer could be hidden inside.
- Use the screws to connect the frame and the stand. Please note that making a bunk bed with your own hands takes a little time, especially if you have at least a little experience in this matter.
- Fix the structure to the wall. In the event that the wall is made of drywall, the fasteners must pass through the profiles. Otherwise, the screw will pop out. Mark the places where you need to make fasteners, for this, lean the bed as tightly as possible. Be sure to use a level to set the frame clearly in the horizontal and vertical planes.
- Then you need to drill holes through the frame. They must match the ones on the wall. Screw in hex head screws. They must be recorded in the profiles.
- In the event that the wall is made of brick, the holes will have to be made with a hammer drill or impact drill. After that, you need to insert anchors into these holes.
- Repeat the same steps with the second frame.
- Now you need to assemble the railing for the bed located on top. It needs to be screwed to the wall and frame.
- Assemble the ladder - for this you take two bars and crossbars. The assembled ladder is mounted on load-bearing frames. The ladder can be of any design - attached or built-in. In the second case, it is necessary to make cutouts for fasteners.
- You need to screw sheets of plywood to the lower and upper frames. You will lay mattresses on them in the future. The base must be made of wooden slats. Make a bunk bed for children with your own handseasy, but you need to look at the size of standard mattresses.
- On the bar of the supporting frame, it is necessary to fix the bars, between which the slats are laid. It is recommended to nail them to the bar - this will achieve maximum strength of the structure.
- At the last stage, all the heads of the screws are covered with a layer of putty, which, after drying, is processed with sandpaper. After that, the entire bed is varnished or painted.
When making a bed from chipboard, it is best to use euro screws (confirmants). They hold chipboard sheets much better. But the slats that fit under the mattress, as well as the rungs of the stairs, must be made of wood.

Do not install drawers on the top floor - chipboard is heavy, the structure will become much heavier. Such a bunk bed for children (you can make it with your own hands in just a couple of days) will be very comfortable - it is heavy and will not fall even if the child turns the whole room upside down.
How to make two from one tier?
If you have a single bunk bed available, you can upgrade it a little and complete the second floor. The frame of the finished bed will be the basis for the new design. The top frame must be made exactly according to the size of the bed. For greater stability of the frame, it is necessary to make the fasteners of the frame to the supports as strong as possible. Similarly, you can make a bunk bed, which has a sofa on the first tier.

The frame of the second tier shouldbe made according to the size of the bottom of the sofa. Thus, you can quickly make a bunk bed with your own hands from wood.
Assembly of the retractable model
For a child's room, a pull-out bed will be the most comfortable and safe. The upper bunk is located at a height of about 70 cm. For the day, the lower tier can be pushed in, which will free up space in the room. And at night, a tier is put forward, complementing the bed with another sleeping place. These beds are not connected to each other, so they can be used separately. The manufacture of such furniture is quite simple, all structural elements can be made from chipboard or chipboard. When making a bunk bed with your own hands from wood or chipboard sheets, such manipulations must be performed:
- Make the base of the bed - for this, a solid shield is used, its thickness must be over 18 mm. Fix it on the sidewalls with dowels or minifixes.
- Fix the structure with a metal corner around the perimeter - in the head, on the side, at the bottom.
- On four minifixes or dowels screw the sides to the bottom of the frame.
- Four wheels must be screwed on the side walls. Be sure to cut grooves under them. Install metal overlays on top of them.
A pull-out bed has many advantages - it saves space, it is quite simple to manufacture. But there is a drawback - there is no place to store bed linen. Now you know how to make a bunk bed with your own hands, what tools are needed for this andmaterials. Gain experience - and you can make more complex designs.