DIY twist welding machine

DIY twist welding machine
DIY twist welding machine

Provision of residential buildings and production areas with electricity is performed by electricians. Experienced workers in their work use factory welding machines for welding twists. And they are confident in the quality of the installation. But homemade devices are not inferior in terms of the quality of their work.

Types of welding machines

Today, there are many devices that can ensure the smooth operation of electricians. Some of them are quite expensive, others are free fruits of engineering.

twist welding machine
twist welding machine

The following types of welding machines are used for welding copper strands:

  1. Professional tooling designed and manufactured by the industry. Import and Russian production. For example, an industrial machine for welding twists TS-700.
  2. Inverters. Rectifiers capable of welding ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
  3. Self-taught welders.

Homemade twist welding machine

When a person thinks aboutbuying such equipment, he begins to wonder if he can make it himself. Indeed, many electricians who have extensive experience in handling electrical equipment have realized the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a do-it-yourself twist welding machine.

Basic concepts:

  1. Current indicated in amperes.
  2. Voltage, measured in volts, supplied to the welding machine.
  3. Type of current. There is direct and alternating current required by welding units.

The rich work experience prompted them to use a transformer from a broken microwave. Such a unit is capable of delivering 4 kW.

twist welding machine ts 700
twist welding machine ts 700

Main stages of work:

  • Carefully disassemble the microwave oven.
  • Free the transformer from everything superfluous.
  • Modernize the transformer for the required purpose.

Disassembly of the transformer requires special attention. It is better to choose it with power from 700V to 1000V. The welding seam can be sawn with a grinder with a thin circle. From the extracted microwave material, a magnetic circuit is useful, the transformer itself, which has a thicker section of the primary winding wire and a small number of turns.


Primary winding suits us perfectly. The next thing to do is throw out the secondary. An ordinary chisel and a metalwork tool will help us remove it. Having carefully removed and cleaned the secondary winding, you need to look at the magnetic circuit, if there are shunts, they will have to be dismantled. Secondary winding of a newapparatus for welding copper twists, you need to make a section of 15-20 mm². Approximately 12-13 turns.

If it is not possible to find the necessary copper core, you can use twisting, that is, several laid parallel cores. The main condition for such a twist is the final result - a tire of 15-20 mm² should be obtained.

Fabric insulation is suitable for insulation. Having made and insulated the copper bus, we will carefully make the secondary winding of the transformer. The measured voltage should be between 9 and 36 volts.

twist welding machine
twist welding machine

Having thus modernized the transformer of the machine for welding twists, we proceed to the manufacture of the remaining elements of the welding machine. To do this, you need to make sure that some important conditions are met. The wires from the upgraded transformer to the wire twist welding machine must have a cross section not less than the cross section of the secondary winding, that is, 15-20 mm². It must be taken into account that during the welding process, the wires get very hot. Copper heating is transient.

Holder and machine weight

While working at height, the convenience of wire welding holders is of utmost importance.

The best solution is to use carbon electrodes. Some use battery-powered carbon electrode rods in homemade twist welding machines.

Many people use simple brass alligator clips to hold the graphite battery electrodes. But as mentioned above, the heating of wire elements and various devices inwelding process is large. "Crocodiles", heating up and charring, lose their intended purpose. The material becomes soft and cannot hold the electrode.

Carbon electrode techniques

Let's consider one of the most rational ways to use a carbon electrode. A carbon brush was taken, in which several recesses were pre-drilled for welding copper twists of various sections. The brush must be taken from the high power motor.

Graphite brushes have leads to which you can successfully solder wires from a twist welding machine.

twist welding machine
twist welding machine

To make such a brush comfortable to hold at a height, you need a holder. You will have to make a homemade clamp that holds it. Attach a handle to it. You can take a handle from a chisel or file. Modern chisels use a material that does not pass current, which is very good for work. The holder made in this form is very convenient. Inserted into the drilled recess, the twist is perfectly welded and has a neat appearance.

Making a second holder for welding

The second wire from a homemade twist welding machine is very good to connect with pliers. The connection must be fixed on the handle of the pliers by soldering. Various methods are available for brazing steel and copper. It is easier to use a copper tube, at the end of which the second wire of our homemade product is inserted and sealed. The tube is also soldered to the pliers. This design is very convenient and reliable. For work efficiencyit’s good to drill a couple of holes in the jaws of the pliers for twisting wires of various sections. The maximum length of wires is no more than 3 meters. Otherwise, resistance increases.

How to make a welding machine switch?

One of the conditions for convenience in work is the direct contact of the strand of wires with the ground from the welding equipment and the holder.

Working with always-on equipment requires a lot of experience. When the mass and the holder come into contact, lightning contact occurs, which is not very good when working from a stepladder or ladder.

People who were able to make a welding machine for welding twists with their own hands solved this problem simply. The switch, connected to the primary winding, they installed on the handle of the holder.

copper coil welding machine
copper coil welding machine

When the power is off, the wire twist is quietly installed in the recess on the brush. After the twist is installed, voltage is applied and the welding mode occurs. Having brewed the twist, the power is turned off and time is given to cool the twist. Work is safe and convenient.

Pliers, in addition to the function of the holder, play the role of a heat sink. The temperature that occurs during the welding process heats the pliers, thereby the wire going to the transformer does not overheat. Working with such equipment is no worse than with a TS apparatus for welding twists. It is advisable not to forget to put two single-pole automata in the homemade product that protect the windings from overload.

Device body

Cover for youra home-made welding machine for welding twists of wires can be made from various failed devices and equipment located in the case. At home or in the garage, there is sure to be an old household appliance that can be used for a really worthwhile cause.

For this, an oscilloscope case, a computer and other suitable equipment, preferably with slots in the cases for ventilation, will suit.

The basis for a home-made welding machine is best made from textolite or getinaks. Having thus removed our home-made welding unit into the case, we will make a device for the belt, which is necessary for work on the construction site. Hanging your welder on your shoulder, it is convenient to work with it on a stepladder.

What you need to know about preparing wires for stranding?

The wires must be stripped of insulation by about seven centimeters. This is done so that it does not melt during the welding of the twist. Also, do not forget to leave wires of sufficient length when wiring in junction boxes. After twisting the wires, remove their excess length with side cutters. By biting off the excess, you can get a neat twist, convenient for welding, and by welding the twists, you can have a high-quality and reliable connection.

do-it-yourself twist welding machine
do-it-yourself twist welding machine

At this stage, we can assume that a home-made device for welding twists is ready. It remains only to test it in action.


The use of the TS-700 2 twist welding machine is, of course, convenient. The light weight of 4.5 kilograms in a secure case on the belt ensures its portability.

Durable electrode with up to 1000 welding pulses makes it a desirable tool.

But the average cost of 10 thousand rubles is not for every electrician. So why not put a hand-made welding machine in a protective casing and equip it with a belt? It will be as easy to use as branded welding equipment.

wire twist welding machine
wire twist welding machine

To make a home-made machine for welding copper twists, applying these recommendations, anyone with a little understanding in the field of electrical engineering will be able to. The cost of home-made equipment is lower than factory analogues. However, the reliability and quality of the welding work performed will be at their best, which has been recorded many times already.
