Concrete self-tapping screw - what is it and why is it needed

Concrete self-tapping screw - what is it and why is it needed
Concrete self-tapping screw - what is it and why is it needed

The concrete self-tapping screw is a kind of screws made of very high quality steel. This is a rod-shaped screw, which is threaded by a variable method. This threading method provides maximum fixation and a high level of adhesion to the concrete wall. The self-tapping screw has a pointed, pointed shaped structure and a head for screwing in a predominantly cross-shaped shape. Its surface is coated with an anti-corrosion compound, which ensures its long-term resistance to moisture and dampness.

self-tapping screw for concrete
self-tapping screw for concrete

This type of self-tapping screws, depending on the purpose, has a different length, but in thickness they remain unchanged. They are very convenient in operation, as they imply the containment of large masses, while not deforming. In some cases, when it is necessary to install a self-tapping screw on concrete, special dowels are not required for this, but for greater reliability, experts still recommend using them. It happens that during the installation process, the screws break.

self-tapping screws for concrete without drilling
self-tapping screws for concrete without drilling

To avoid traumatic consequences, it is necessary to adhere to safety rules.

Concrete screws without drilling

It happens when it becomes necessary to drive a self-tapping screw into a concrete wall, and there is no suitable tool at hand. In this case, the installation of self-tapping screws will be much more complicated, because it is quite difficult for a concrete wall to make a hole without a drill. In this case, the "folk" advice will help: you just need to hammer a self-tapping screw into the wall with a hammer. But it should be borne in mind that this method is applicable only when the self-tapping screw used is intended for holding paintings or other objects of minor weight. For kitchen cabinets, for example, this method will not work, as the self-tapping screws will fall out under the force of weight.

how to drive a screw into concrete
how to drive a screw into concrete

In this case, it is better to get a drill and screw the screws into the dowels.

How to drive a self-tapping screw into concrete

To carry out this manipulation, you will need a drill or a puncher, directly self-tapping screws and a regular screwdriver. To begin with, a hole is drilled in the wall to a depth equal to or slightly greater than the length of the screw body itself. The self-tapping screw itself is inserted directly into the resulting hole with a screwdriver. For durability of operation, it is recommended to put a small piece of a match or toothpick into the hole, in which case the self-tapping screw should be tightly wedged into the wall and not fall out. It should be noted that when a self-tapping screw is screwed into concrete, it is still better to use a screwdriver than a puncher, since at high speeds the self-tapping screw can make the hole thicker, which can subsequently lead to its falling out. It is also necessary to payattention to the head of the self-tapping screw, if it is a Phillips one, then you need to choose the appropriate screwdriver, otherwise the screwing will be delayed.

Using a self-tapping screw

So, from all of the above, it becomes clear that in order for the self-tapping screw for concrete to be in the wall for a long time, while holding back certain loads, it is better to use a drill to install it, and bait it into the wall or on dowels (if it is supposed containment of large masses), or by placing any wooden substrate in the hole (suitable for shelves, paintings, etc.).
