Today, a completely new finishing material - WPC (wood-polymer composite) - is being used more and more. Builders also call it WPS or simply "liquid tree". This is a new, modern material used for renovation and decoration.

What is liquid wood
Today we will introduce you to its production and application. Liquid wood is obtained by extruding a melt from plastic and wood flour. This material has absorbed all the best from plastic and wood. That is why the coating obtained as a result of this process is advisable to use on external and internal works. Most of the material is wood. The use of various additives is provided - UV stabilizers, polyethylene, etc.
Liquid wood is used for finishing playgrounds, stairs, swimming pools, balconies.
Liquid tree properties
This material, like any other, has its undeniable advantages and some disadvantages. The advantages of its specialists and consumers include a long service life (10-50years under proper installation conditions). Withstands the strongest temperature fluctuations - from 60 degrees of frost to 80 degrees of heat.

Liquid wood is resistant to mechanical damage and impact. In addition, he is not afraid of the effects of various microorganisms - fungi and bacteria. It will not be damaged by rodents. A board made of liquid wood is not afraid of moisture and does not transmit ultraviolet radiation, does not deteriorate under the influence of even aggressive detergents. The material is extremely practical, easy to assemble, very pleasant to the touch, does not slip at all, the board has additional borders, clips for fastening.
Manufacturers and price
Liquid wood today is produced by domestic and foreign companies. The most popular and in demand are the products of Canada, Germany, Russia, China, Belgium, etc. The price for it, depending on the quality, ranges from 45 to 120 USD. e. per square meter.
Liquid wood care
Terrace board (WPC) is perfectly washed with ordinary soapy water. If the board freezes, it is necessary to remove the ice with calcium chloride, after which it should be washed off with clean water. Subject to all the necessary operating conditions, this material will last a long time and will delight you with its beauty and practicality.
Another interesting coating is Kaowa paint, which is called liquid wood. It is capable of creating the structure of elite wood species on any surface. This paint can be used forinterior and exterior works. Paint "liquid tree" (customer reviews testify to this) perfectly tolerates temperature changes, is not afraid of moisture. It has been successfully used to cover furniture. The surface becomes original and very effective. In addition, you can cover it with white plastic doors and windows, decorative elements, household electrical appliances, as well as chipboard, fiberboard, wood, metal, drywall. It is important that it fits well on other paints, enamels, etc.

Paint application method
Before you start working with KAOWA, the surface to be treated must be treated with fine sandpaper. Then the paint can should be shaken for 30 seconds. Remember: this paint must not be thinned with solvents. It should be applied in a fairly thick layer, but make sure that there are no smudges. It is recommended to apply paint only with a brush, and only in one direction. It can only be mixed with KAOWA paint.
Paint "liquid tree", customer reviews of which are enthusiastic, dries within two hours, applied with a brush, consumed at the rate of 100 ml per 1 sq.m.
Twinson ("Twinson")
This is a unique composite material made of PVC and wood, which literally turned on its head the idea of the possibilities of a new type of finishing materials. Twinson is a great alternative to wood materials. With its help, you can solve non-standard tasks. Its low consumption, strength and moisture resistance, excellent appearance -all this is TWINSON paint. You can use it equally successfully for both indoor and outdoor work. The range of Twinson terrace paints is constantly expanding.

The virtues of liquid wood
Clapboard, made using the new "liquid wood" technology, is a very high-quality wood finishing material that has the desired bend shape and standard size. Preservation of the natural look and affordable price make this material in demand among designers. The rapid growth of construction requires the development of new materials and technologies that will meet modern requirements - affordable price, practicality, etc.
Probably, in the near future technologies will change, and even more perfect material will appear, but today there is no worthy competition to liquid wood in terms of practicality and efficiency.