What can replace glue in everyday life?

What can replace glue in everyday life?
What can replace glue in everyday life?

Glue is an indispensable thing in the household or creativity. However, it happens that it is not at hand when it is really needed, or it ends in the midst of work. What if there is no time to run to the store? What can replace the glue?

Easy and affordable alternatives to store glue

The easiest option is to cook a paste. It is perfect for wallpaper or paper art. It is prepared from ordinary flour or starch. These ingredients can be found in the kitchen of any housewife. The advantage of such glue is safety. This is especially important if young children are involved in creativity.

To get a quality adhesive solution, you need:

  • take flour or starch at the rate of 6 tablespoons per liter of water;
  • carefully place dry matter in cool water;
  • start heating it until the mixture resembles thick jelly in consistency.
Cooking paste
Cooking paste

Another natural product harmless to humans is casein glue. You can also cook it from what is in almost any refrigerator. This will require milk.and nine percent vinegar, or cottage cheese, soda and water.

Cooking casein glue
Cooking casein glue
  1. In the first case, you need to heat 500 milliliters of milk and pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar into it, mix well. As a result of a chemical reaction, casein will precipitate.
  2. In the case of cottage cheese, a pound of this product should be mixed in half a liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of soda, mix thoroughly and leave to stand for about half an hour. The result will be the same as in the first case - casein will precipitate.

After that, the casein must be filtered with gauze and a sieve, squeezed out properly, blotted with a dry cloth or paper towel. The resulting lump needs to dry. Dried casein is ground in a coffee grinder, poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and allowed to brew for half an hour. This mixture is great for bonding wood, ceramic, foam, plastic or fabric.

Replacing PVA glue

One of the most popular types of glue is polyvinyl acetate, so it would be unfair not to indicate what can replace PVA glue.

PVA glue
PVA glue

An alternative composition can be made at home from water, flour, alcohol, photographic gelatin and glycerin:

  • For this, 2.5 grams of gelatin must be infused in 500 milliliters of water for about 24 hours.
  • Then add the flour there and heat the liquid, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  • When the mixture cools down, pour 10 milliliters of alcohol into it and put 2 gramsglycerin.

Sticking for ages

Sometimes the question of the reliability of the adhesive is acute, especially when it comes to repairing an inflatable boat or a swimming mattress. What glue can replace the finished product in this case? The answer lies on the surface: what we glue, we make out of it. To patch a hole in a rubber boat, you need to prepare rubber glue:

  1. To do this, the old unusable bicycle inner tube needs to be cut into small pieces.
  2. Put into container and fill with solvent 647.
  3. Close the container with a lid and leave for a few days until the rubber is completely dissolved. You can also use gasoline or acetone instead of the indicated solvent.

Speaking of what can replace glue at home, one cannot fail to mention the universal version of this product, which is suitable for almost any surface.

To prepare it, in the solvent 647 already known to the reader, you need to gradually add the foam and stir it until the mixture becomes thick enough. If you need to glue cardboard, paper or wood, it is quite suitable. If you need a stronger version of the glue, then you need to add nitro paint, soda, as well as wood and metal filings to the resulting mixture: 2 tablespoons per 100 milliliters of glue.

Food grade glue

It also happens that you need to glue the materials with something non-toxic. For example, when it comes to decoupage Easter eggs, which will then be eaten. What can replace the glue in this case? Here, in addition to the paste mentioned above,sugar glue works great.

In this case, put a glass of water on the fire, add 250 g of sugar there and cook, stirring, until the liquid begins to thicken to a viscous state. Also, raw egg white will perfectly fix the paper elements on the eggshell.

Thus, there are a lot of options for replacing glue at home. It is only necessary to choose the right composition based on the characteristics of the materials to be glued.
