Many flower growers fell in love with a beautiful ornamental plant - delphinium. It is also called spur or larkspur. The flower horoscope says that it suits Virgos born after September 20th. As a representative of the Ranunculaceae family, the delphinium can be an annual or perennial herbaceous plant. Many novice flower growers are interested in photos, care and planting delphinium flowers. After all, everyone wants to have such a miracle in the form of huge flower giants in their flower bed or in the garden. The size of the charming inflorescences is simply amazing. And although the larkspur does not have a special aroma, the appearance of the flower fully compensates for its absence. If you decide to start it on your site, familiarize yourself with the methods of growing a delphinium flower, its varieties and features. The time spent on this will definitely give a result.

Description of perennialdelphinium flower
For many, this plant is associated with huge inflorescences in the form of a flower spikelet. Delphinium is sometimes considered the king of blue flowers. But recently there are inflorescences of different shapes and shades. The upper petals look like spurs, so the people call the plant a spur. The common delphinium has small flowers with five petals. Now many varieties have been bred with double flowers, in which there are many petals. The most common bushes are blue, pink and white.
The plant has a very beautiful aesthetic appearance, it is used to form bouquets and arrangements. The flower stays in water for quite a long time (two weeks).
Larkspur has palmately divided leaves with deep and multiple cuts resembling serrated lobules. Each type of plant has its own stem height. In alpine species, it is 10-15 cm, and in forest species - 3 m and above. The flower itself has five irregularly shaped sepals. The upper sepal has a peculiar spur from 5 to 6 mm in length. Inside there are 2-3 small petals, contrasting with the main ones (most often white). They resemble tiny eyes looking at this world. These petals are called stamidonia, they serve to attract bees and bumblebees. Terry species do not have these "eyes". Primitive panicle-shaped inflorescences have 3 to 15 flowers. Pyramidal inflorescences with branched racemes number from 50 to 80 pieces.
Some species of larkspur are honey-bearing, butterflies and bumblebees land on them. Two varieties in America even pollinate hummingbirds.

Legend and versions of the flower name
What is the scientific (Latin) name of the genus connected with? According to one version, the unopened flower is similar to the shape of the head and body of a dolphin. Another version says that the name comes from the Greek city of Delphi, where many of these flowers grew. This settlement was located near Mount Parnassus, where people came to visit the famous temple of Apollo. Dioscorides also mentions this flower and gives its name as Delphic Apollo.
There is also one old legend about the origin of the name delphinium. It tells the story of a talented Greek sculptor who made a stone statue of his dead girlfriend and filled her with life. The gods did not like such audacity of the guy, and they turned him into a dolphin. The girl walked along the seashore for a long time and grieved for her beloved. One fine morning, a dolphin swam out of the abyss and held a beautiful flower in its mouth, reminiscent of the blue azure of the sea. Since then, he has received the name - delphinium.

Distinctive features of larkspur
The cultivation of this plant requires a lot of effort. You can use some theoretical background:
- Most of all, the delphinium is suitable for a corner illuminated by the sun in the morning and protected from strong winds.
- The soil should be loose structure, without stagnant water. Excess moisture leads to decay and death of the plant.
- The root zone after planting requires mulch in the form of peat.
- In one place, ordinary delphinium varieties cangrow 5-6 years. Pacific plant varieties are even less pleasing to the eye in one place - 3-4 years. After that, the bush needs to be divided and planted in new places.
- The stems of the plant are quite tall, so they require constant garter.
- The delphinium has a branched root system without a main rhizome, spreading horizontally.
- The flowering time of the plant is May-June, at the end of September - the second round. For the second flowering, the plant requires the first flower stalks to be cut.
- The flower withstands cold well, survives frosts down to -40 ° C, but is afraid of the formation of wet spring glades.

Types and varieties of plants
In total, there are about 370 species of delphiniums, of which 40 are annuals, 330 are perennials. More than 100 of them are distributed in Russia.
The simplest species is the field delphinium. The shoots of this annual plant can reach 2 m in length. In July, pyramidal inflorescences bloom. Petals are found in pink, white, lilac or blue. Photos of delphinium flowers demonstrate their grace and unusualness.
Another annual is considered to be a large-flowered species. Its vertical pubescent stems reach a height of no more than 80 cm. The leaves of this plant are trifoliate and have linear lobes. Medium-sized flowers form a dense raceme and bloom in mid-summer. Petals are most often blue or blue in color.
The high delphinium grows in Central Asia. Its height sometimes reaches 3 m. On the stems and leaves there issmall pile. The plant has bright green palmate leaves. From the beginning of June, dense blue brushes bloom, which can include up to 60 buds.
Flower growers often grow hybrid varieties. They are obtained by crossing tall and large-flowered species. A lot of varieties have already been bred.
Depending on where delphiniums used to grow, they are divided into several varietal groups:
- Scottish. Very beautiful inflorescences with double flowers. Their peduncles can reach up to 120-160 cm in length. In a bouquet, this species is perfectly preserved for up to two weeks. Top Grades: Crystal Glitter, Moonlight, Flamenco.
- New Zealand. Sometimes reaches 2 m in height. It differs in double and semi-double flowers, the diameter of which is 7-9 cm. Very beautiful varieties are "roksolana" and "giant", they are almost not afraid of cold and frost.
- Pacific. This diversely colored plant is quite large, has contrasting eyes. It is vulnerable to disease. This group includes varieties: "lancelot", "summer skies", Black night.
- Blue ("belladonna"). The very first group of delphiniums. May bloom twice a year. Violet or blue inflorescences have a pyramidal shape. The flowers themselves are simple, 5 cm in diameter. It is worth highlighting the following varieties: "Balaton", "Lord Battler", "Piccolo".
Very spectacular terry inflorescences has an unusual variety of Blueberry pie. The outer edge of the flowers consists of bluepetals, and purple corrugated leaves are located above them. In the core is a small pistachio crown. Of the most beautiful varieties, it is worth highlighting such as Princess Caroline, "snow lace", "pink butterfly". You can see photos of flowers of delphiniums of different varieties in the article. The pictures show different varieties.

Growing delphiniums from flower seeds
Do you want larkspur to be the centerpiece of your garden? Familiarize yourself with the main stages of its cultivation. Photos, planting delphinium flowers are of interest to many beginner flower growers. It all starts with sowing seeds, although this is not the only way this plant reproduces. It can be propagated by dividing the rhizome, buds and cuttings. It is worth starting with seedlings. Sowing is best done in February. Fresh seeds are best. Their preparation goes as follows:
- Change is first decontaminated. To do this, the planting material is placed in gauze and dipped in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.
- The second method of disinfection is placement in a solution prepared on the basis of a fungicide. In order not to harm the seeds, you should follow the instructions exactly.
- After that, the seeds are washed with cold water and placed in the Epin solution for 24 hours. To prepare this solution, you need to take half a glass of water and drop a few drops of the indicated substance there. The seeds are then taken out and allowed to dry.
Meanwhile, start preparing the ground. For soil take in equal partshumus, garden soil, peat, a little washed and sifted sand. It will be useful to add a little perlite to this composition (half a glass of the substance is taken for 5 liters of the mixture). Perlite will make the soil loose and moist. After that, the mixture is heated for an hour in a water bath. This procedure helps to remove all weeds and fungal spores. Then the prepared soil mixture is laid out in seedling containers and waiting for it to be compacted a little.

Now start planting delphinium flowers. Seeds are sown in such a way that they evenly fall on the surface of the soil. In order not to forget the day of sowing, you can attach a label with the inscription. From above, the seeds are covered with a 3 mm layer of soil mixture and roll it a little. Spray the soil with cold boiled water. Seedlings are covered with dark plastic or special material. Favorable conditions for growth will be created under it, because the seeds at this moment need moisture and darkness. It is better to install the container on the windowsill.
The best temperature for seed germination is 10-15°C. To achieve maximum germination, you can first place the container for 3 days in the refrigerator or on the balcony at a temperature of +5 ° C. This operation is called stratification. As soon as the first shoots appear, the covering material is removed from above. It is important to monitor the soil moisture and spray it regularly. From time to time, the container is opened to allow air to enter and remove condensate.

Seedling care
Strong stems and dark green color speak ofhe althy seedlings of delphinium flowers. The ascended cotyledons have a slightly sharp shape. When 2-3 leaves appear, the plants dive and transplant into small pots. Since then, seedlings have been exposed to a room with a temperature of +20 ° C. It is important to monitor the breathability of the substrate.
Frequently watering the seedlings is not worth it, so as not to form a black leg, which leads to the death of seedlings. In early May, they are aired on the balcony to adapt to natural conditions. Sometimes even briefly left in direct sunlight.
Shortly before planting the seedlings, they feed them a little with a preparation such as Agricola or Mortar. They are brought in at intervals of two weeks. It is important to ensure that the solution does not get on the leaves. When the seedlings grow up and get stronger, they are planted in open areas.

Planting larkspur
Delphinium seedlings are sent to a permanent place of growth after the final spring warming. To do this, choose a site well lit by the sun, where moisture does not stagnate. For planting, holes are made in the following sizes: depth - 50 cm, distance between seedlings - 60 cm, diameter - 40 cm.
The pits are covered with a special planting mixture of humus, complex fertilizer, ash. This composition is connected to the ground and the pits with seedlings fall asleep. In the first week after planting, plants are covered with plastic bottles or glass jars to protect them from adverse conditions. Shelters are removed when the plants take root. As soon as the seedlingstarts to rise, banks withdraw.

Care activities
It should be noted that delphinium flowers do not require special care. As soon as the seedlings grow up to 10-15 cm, they are fed with a solution of cow dung. To do this, a bucket of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water. This is enough to feed 5 bushes. The beds are regularly weeded and laid with mulch (humus or peat).
When the stems reach 40-50 cm, support two-meter rods are installed near them. It is important to install them so as not to damage the roots. The stems of the plant are tied with ribbons or fabric strips. This will protect the flowers from damage during strong winds.

Autumn care after flowering
In autumn, after the leaves wither, the flowers and shoots dry, the stems are cut to a height of 30-40 cm. Garden delphiniums are able to tolerate even frosts down to -40 ° C. For prevention, the soil for the winter near the bushes is covered with fallen leaves or straw. The spring melting of snow and excessive moisture can cause the most harm to the plant. To prevent harm, grooves are dug along the flowerbed in the spring to drain the water.

Reproduction by dividing the bush and cuttings
When the plant reaches the age of three, it is also propagated by dividing the bush. Do this in the spring, when the bushes are not yet too tall. Delphinium is dug up, carefully divided into several seeds, so thateach part had at least 1-2 shoots. The incision sites are sprinkled with activated charcoal. Divided bushes are placed in pots with a mixture of black soil, sand, humus. The pots are placed in a warm place. Three weeks later, they are planted in an open area.
In the spring, many flower growers transplant using cuttings (10-15 cm). They are captured along with a piece of rhizome. The cut material is planted immediately in open ground in a dark place. Cuttings are sprayed 3-4 times a day and regularly moisten the soil. As soon as the stems begin to grow, they are transplanted to a permanent place of growth.