Interior design is not just for professionals. You can deal with this task on your own. It is enough to approach the issue creatively and take into account several important points. The first step is to create a plan for arranging furniture in the room, in which all the little things will be thought out. For example, where the switch is located, how the lamps will be placed, how the light falls from the window.

If the room is a living room, and besides, in a small apartment, then it carries a double load. The whole family gathers here for relaxation, at the same time the room can play the role of a bedroom. Therefore, in such a room, furniture that easily folds or slides in to save space will be appropriate. The center, of course, will be a TV and a sofa. Also, you can not do without a wardrobe here. In order for the arrangement of furniture in the room to be successful, it must be borne in mind that, for example, the TV should be placed in such a way that it is not near heating appliances and that direct sunlight does not fall on it. A sofa and armchairs are placed opposite it. At the same time, it is necessary to provide the audience with a viewing anglescreen, which is 60°. A coffee table would be appropriate between the sofa and the TV.

A closet for a small apartment should be corner, it will close part of one wall and capture a small area of another, while mastering the useless space in the corner of the room. Original options for arranging furniture in the room allow you to create a unique flavor and a cozy atmosphere. A good solution for a spacious room is to abandon the closet in favor of hanging shelves. Shelves will delimit zones, for example, if you need to separate the bedroom from the living room. It is better to install the desktop near the window, while the light must necessarily fall from the left side. So that the furniture does not take up much space, both the table and the chair can be folded. Due to the variety of models, you can choose absolutely unexpected and multifunctional combinations. For example, a wardrobe or a bed with a retractable table top. But the arrangement of furniture in the room allows even familiar and traditional items to be placed in such a way that they will be in their place and create a comfortable atmosphere. Small cabinets or chests of drawers are best placed in the corner. On the sides of the TV showcases with dishes will successfully stand up.

Not only the living room, but also the bedroom requires an individual approach. When it comes to arranging furniture in a room designed for relaxation, the main place in it, of course, is given to the bed. It is not recommended to place mirrors opposite it, and a chandelier above it. Bulky items herecontraindicated. A bedside table is placed next to the bed. Then comes the closet. It can occupy, for example, an end wall. The bedroom will not do without a dressing table with a night light. As a rule, the arrangement of furniture in a room depends on the shape and area of the room. In a small apartment, it is better to refuse a separate bed. It can be replaced with a folding sofa with an orthopedic mattress. Such furniture will not only allow you to sleep comfortably, but will also serve as a convenient place for receiving guests.