Postcards, invitations, photo albums and personal diaries are often decorated with decorative tape. It is also widely used in "scrapbooking" - the art of paper books and albums with photographs, drawings, notes or old movie tickets. All this is glued to the pages with decorative tape.
There are many varieties of paper tape. The most common is "washi" - a thin Japanese paper tape. But wouldn't it be nicer to make it yourself?
Getting Started
To make a ribbon, you will need very few basic materials: scissors, double-sided tape and decorative thin paper. Additionally, you can use stamps, seals, various pens, inks, sparkles, paints, markers and water-soluble crayons. A cut cardboard tube or empty tape spools will also come in handy, on which you can wind homemade tape.

Making a homemade ribbon
Consider the easiest way to make decorative tape with your own hands. ForFirst you need to choose several types of beautiful paper and lay it with the wrong side up. If possible, try to separate the layers. Sometimes it works, but sometimes they are too tightly glued, especially if they are covered with acrylic paint.
Lay several rows of double-sided tape over the back of the paper. You can first try on, and then tightly stick the adhesive tape to the paper. It remains to carefully iron the entire surface with your hand, slightly pressing on it. Trim excess paper around the edges with scissors or a utility knife.

Turn the tape over and decide if it needs additional finishing. On top of it, you can add stamping: today a huge number of different seals or markers with a printed pattern are sold in stationery stores. It is important to glue the film on only one adhesive side - the one that is applied to the paper. The reverse side of the tape is wound on a coil or its alternative, made independently from a cardboard tube. When using a cardboard tube, simply use a small amount of tape to secure the ends in place.
Create a vintage image feed
You can try making the ribbon with other types of paper. For example, taking several sheets with notes or pages from an old atlas, the patterns for decorative tape can be absolutely anything. Paper can be visually aged by soaking it with tea bags and then drying it on a radiator. Also, the appearance of antiquity is perfectly created by ordinary craft paper. Then just likedescribed above, the most common double-sided tape is glued. But in this version, perhaps no additional decorations should be added. The paper, being thick, does not have the necessary flexibility, so it is better to simply cut or tear it, and then stick it on a strip of tape.
DIY ribbon decoration
You can make a decorative ribbon with your own hands from the beginning to the end. This will require wax paper and some art supplies.
Sheets of waxed paper are laid out on the table and cut into the required dimensions. After this, you can start decorating, and there are no restrictions. Use paint, markers or crayons - whatever you have. Water-based markers or pencils that create the effect of real watercolor when in contact with water, or permanent markers are suitable. You can stick as many strips of tape as you like on it if you wish.

Many interior designers use plain decorative tape to create layouts. In specialized stores, the variety of shades is large, and if you put together several suitable colors, the result will be very beautiful.