If you decide to change something in your home and change standard doors to more modern ones with a sliding mechanism, you will probably be interested in installing compartment doors with your own hands, since it is much cheaper to do such a simple job yourself than to call masters. First you need to familiarize yourself with all the features and advantages of such structures in order to get a good understanding of the principle of work and do everything as efficiently as possible.

How is the installation of sliding doors? Before embarking on the installation, you need to find out if such a design is suitable for you, as well as deal with its device. The basic design includes rollers, guides and a canvas. Details are attached to the canvas from the bottom end. Limiters are installed on each side. Thanks to thisthe location of the door rises and has the ability to move without obstacles. Models that were made a number of years ago and are now considered obsolete include another video. The package also included floor rails. To date, compartment doors are extremely popular. Why did this happen?
If you compare the interior sliding mechanism with the usual one, you can not help but notice a lot of pluses. Do-it-yourself installation of compartment doors is quite simple if you follow the instructions. When using them, you can save some space and remove the "blind zone", which is reserved for plowing conventional structures. Also, such doors are relatively inexpensive, a huge assortment is provided on the market, from which you can choose the most suitable option. The design is not complex. In addition, many models look very organic and stylish in a modern interior.
The only drawback that sliding systems have is the low level of sound insulation. If you are ready for the sound to penetrate the room, or your house is quiet and calm enough, you can safely take on the installation.
Preparation for work
First of all, get ready for the work ahead. You must have everything you need. These are canvas, platbands, slats, bar (cross section 5 mm), fittings and false panels. It is important to remember that you need to leave a gap between the door and the trim. Otherwise, they will cling when moving. In addition to materials, you will needsome tools.

Required tools
To work, you need to stock up on the following tools: self-tapping screws, mounting foam, a screwdriver, a pen drill, a plumb line, a level, wooden wedges and a tape measure. To install a wooden canvas, it will not be enough to mount it on rails. First of all, you need to consider the height and width. To calculate the size of the doors, you need to measure the opening and add 5 centimeters to the result. When calculating the length of the guide, you need to multiply the width by two. After completing the preparation, you can proceed directly to the installation.
Installing guides
So, let's move on to the installation of sliding doors. The step-by-step instruction consists of the following steps. First of all, you need to make an opening. Slopes need to be arranged by leveling them. Next, plaster them or paint (you can stick wallpaper). But it is better to give preference to a wooden box. Give it a horizontal position and assemble it, and if the planks are not the right size, carefully trim them. Install the box in the opening, fix it with special spacers. Be sure to check the position with a level. After the initial installation of the panels, you can begin to mount the guide.
To do this, you need to saw off a bar of the desired length, which will exactly match the length of the guides. Use self-tapping screws to connect the guide to the end that is on the bottom. Fix the structure at the height you need, using the level. Consider which way the door will open, and placethe middle of the bar so that it falls in the middle of the opening. After mounting the guides, hang the canvas. How to do this, see below.
How to hang canvas?
When assembling the canvas, once again make sure that you have correctly measured the opening. This stage of work involves the installation of rollers and attaching the door to the guide. First, use the "pen" to make one hole in each edge of the end. These holes will be needed to install the rollers. Screw 2 metal bases with self-tapping screws. Insert the rollers into the holes. Direct the latter so that they are under the rails. Screw the rollers, respecting the height. Raise the door leaf, sliding it under the guide, and set it vertically. Make sure the wheels are parallel. They should easily ride on the rail. After setting all levels, fill the gaps with mounting foam. When all the joints and cracks are sealed, you need to start assembling the fittings.
Installation of stoppers and seals
How is the installation of do-it-yourself compartment doors carried out? The step by step guide includes the following steps. Before installing the components and attaching the seal, begin to install the stoppers. Fix the door leaf, set the limit. Use the level for this. Move the limiter on both edges of the guide and screw it into the bar. Attach end caps to each side.

The next step is to attach the flag roller. Attach it so that it can be inserted into the groove of the bottombutt. Moving, the roller will dampen transverse vibrations. Next, proceed to install the handle. Sliding mechanisms should crash into the canvas. First, make a hole in the wooden canvas to fit the size of the future handle, attach the base and carefully place the overlay.
After mounting the handles, we take on the trim. The choice is yours - you can glue them or nail them with nails (it is advisable to take the latter without a hat). The same manipulations must be carried out with a false panel that will close the beam above the rail.

And the last thing you need to do is to paste over the future door with a sealant. After completing this work, the installation is formally completed. Thus, the installation of an interior compartment door with your own hands will be successfully completed without the involvement of a master. On average, the job takes one day.
Installation of compartment doors in the dressing room - instructions
Let's consider one more case. How to install compartment doors in the dressing room with your own hands? This process can also be done without outside help. Thanks to the sliding system, you can easily divide even a small space between the room and the wardrobe. Thus, the interior will look very stylish. Blind spots, which are usually reserved for swinging the door, will now be freed up for more practical use. All things in the dressing room will be at hand, and there will be much more space in the room.

To start installing the system, you needcarefully measure the niche or opening of the wardrobe where you plan to collect them. After measuring, the door is made to order. If you do not want to pay extra money and use the services of an assembly master, you can try to install the structure in the dressing room yourself. In order to do this, you will need to mount the top and bottom track, install the blade, adjust it after installation, and set each stopper.
How to mount the top and bottom track?
The upper and lower tracks are horizontal guides that serve to move from side to side of the canvas. Accordingly, the top track is mounted to the top, using the extreme line of the opening, which is in front. Next, firmly and securely screw it to the surface of the opening or wardrobe. A similar track is mounted at the bottom of the door. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the indent from the markup of the previously installed track. If you chose a one-sided door with an asymmetrical profile, you need 18 mm, and for a two-sided door with a symmetrical profile, 9 mm.

Before you install the floor track, you need to mount the stoppers. The lower part is screwed with screws to the bottom of the wardrobe, and if the opening is not a wooden, but a ceramic floor, double-sided tape must be used. It is advisable to choose a quality one. These include products of the company ZM. However, you need to be careful not to run into a fake.
After completing the installation of the tracks, you need to start installing the canvas. How to do it? Bring the canvas into the groove of the uppertrack, and then, lifting the canvas, press the lower rollers with your fingers so that they fit tightly into the door. Please note that there are springs inside. Bring the door to the groove of the floor track. Release the rollers and carefully guide them into the groove.
Adjustment after installation
After installing the door, you need to carefully adjust it. Use the adjusting screw which you should find in the bottom groove of the side profile. It is important not to confuse this recess with another hole that is located nearby and is used to hold the frame together. Tighten the screw by extending or lowering the lower rollers to the desired level. The door is adjusted until it fits snugly into the side of the cabinet vertically when closed.
After adjusting the design, you need to glue the end brushes. They are glued to the edge of the side profiles and help to soften the movement of the canvas from one side to the other. Each door, by the same analogy, must be configured separately.
Finish mounting
Having pasted the door profiles with brushes, we set the stoppers. What is their function? They help prevent the door from opening on its own if your house has a slope or a curved floor. Use a screwdriver or wrench to slide the stopper into the slot and position it so that the roller does not move and is firmly fixed. Thus, the installation of the sliding door to the dressing room will be completed. Then you can start using the structure. Also in our article there is a photo of mounting a compartment door with your own hands. Thanks to them, everyone can see the installation process clearly.

Even a novice can do the installation of compartment doors with their own hands. To do this work, you just need to carefully read the instructions, prepare all the necessary components and tools, be patient and carefully follow all the steps step by step. If it seems to you that you cannot cope with this work, you can use the services of masters who, for an additional fee (about 2 thousand rubles), will perform a high-quality installation.