The presence of a special device for making coffee in a modern kitchen is one of the main conditions for its equipment. A charge of vivacity from a tasty and fragrant drink allows you to withstand psychological and physical stress throughout the working day, as well as cheer up. But really high-quality coffee is not so easy to make. And the abundance of various devices for creating a drink does not make the task easier. There are many nuances that should be considered before choosing such a unit. For those who are not yet ready to master the technology of grinding grains, but have already outgrown in their skill the method of preparing a drink in a Turk, a carob coffee machine is designed, which can be used at home. A variety of models of this machine allows you to choose a tool for almost any experiment with brewing coffee, not to mention traditional recipes.
Design and construction of carob coffee machines

As standard, such models contain a bottling group, supply valves, a holder, boilers and pressure gauges with various additions. The basis is the brewing group, in which the preparation of coffee takes place. Through this node hot waterenters the filtering system of the holder, where the coffee bookmark should be. The holder, which is equipped with a carob-type coffee machine, is a handle with a porto filter. By the way, this is the same horn from which the name of the device comes. A portion of ground coffee is placed in the holder. The ratio can be as follows: for 7 g 35 ml of water (espresso). The coffee base is pressed directly into the filter with the help of tempera, as a result of which a pod is formed - the so-called coffee tablet. Then the horn is inserted into the connector of the filling group, and the water supply starts.
As for boilers and supply taps, they serve the entire process described. Boilers are usually made of copper, although there are also steel counterparts. This is the container in which the cooking takes place. Taps, in turn, supply steam and water through special tubes. A manometer is provided to control the level of temperature and pressure.
Not being a device for providing a complete coffee brewing cycle, this machine still managed to firmly take a position in the market. Most of its positive qualities relate to the pod, that is, the carob organization of coffee placement. During the cooking process, the unit does not cause much trouble. Modern models of this type are distinguished by functionality and ergonomics - it is worth recalling the same pressure gauges that allow you to control the process with a high degree of accuracy. Also, the carob coffee machine has structural advantages. First of all, it is the reliability and strength of the case - especially when it comes to devices withmetal frame. In this case, we can talk about the durability of the device. Cleanliness during preparation is also noted. The thoughtful design allows you to quickly organize the entire cooking process so that there is not a drop left around the machine.

Of course, it is difficult to classify such devices as ideal, and in some aspects of operation they significantly lose to full-fledged coffee machines, drip units and even Turks. So, the main disadvantage is the cost. It is really high and limits the circle of potential owners. Another serious drawback relates to the restriction in the choice of coffee varieties. The fact is that most carob machines are sensitive to the quality of grinding. The best option is the grain base of medium grinding. In addition, the carob coffee machine, with all the ergonomics, requires the active participation of a person in the cooking process. This nuance makes such devices demanding on the user's skills. Handle the machine carefully to avoid burns and increase the chances of making a delicious drink.
Home and professional models
Modern electrical devices for performing several operations in the preparation of coffee can theoretically be used both at home and in restaurants. Manufacturers have recently placed characteristic accents, clearly defining two niches, but there are exceptions. In particular, the Bosch automatic coffee machine from the VeroBar line is suitable for both the barista and the average user. But stillhome models are small, versatile and self-contained - in the sense that they do not require the help of third-party equipment and additional devices. Such a device itself performs pressing, wetting, brewing and dosing. Depending on the modification, the possibility of preparing a cappuccino may also be provided.

Professional devices are designed for wide functionality, high performance and, as a result, have large dimensions. It should also be borne in mind that for the most part these are stationary units. A standard professional carob coffee machine has one filling group, but there are also models with two channels. Significant differences include the method of connection - the machine is directly connected to the water supply and sewerage. Mandatory attributes of a carob apparatus for a bar are a barista and a coffee maker.
Main selection criteria
It is important that the horn is made of high-strength metal, such as stainless steel. It should be equipped with a metal filter, which will give the coffee an appetizing yellowish foam. Next, you should take into account the power indicators, on which the strength of the drink directly depends. But there is one subtlety here. The fact is that low-power units are distinguished by the slow passage of water through the coffee base. But this nuance is a plus, since during this time the drink will acquire sufficient aromatic and taste properties. The best option for a home can be a carob coffee machine with a power of 800 watts. An important issue also applies to the presence of a built-in coffee grinder in the general configuration. The lack of the possibility of grinding grains significantly reduces the functionality of such devices, distinguishing them, by the way, from classic machines for preparing this drink. However, many manufacturers produce automatic carob models with an espresso grinder. Of course, such modifications are more expensive, but in the process of operation such costs justify themselves.
Control and Options Requirements

Usually, horn-type models have an electromechanical control system. This principle is quite suitable for ordinary users who need to quickly and without delving into the intricacies of the process to get a good quality drink. The minimum equipment with controls in this case should provide for the presence of a rotary regulator to start the operation of the device and generate steam. Also, additional buttons with indicators can be integrated into the case. For example, a light indication can notify the user about the state of the boiler, the need to clean it or fill it. A modern carob coffee machine for home can also provide for the possibility of quickly heating the mug. For those who do not want to spend money on such an option, heating in a microwave oven can be advised. And for lovers of cappuccino, it is worth recommending manual preparation using the built-in cappuccino maker. Preference should be given to the classic paranello system, which will allow you to prepare coffee with thick milk foam.

The segment of equipment for making coffee is rather narrow and is represented by a small number of firms. Of course, if we talk about quality devices. In particular, the Bosch coffee machine with the VeroSelection intelligent system provides an efficient beverage creation process, while being quiet and easy to use. Manufacturer De Longhi can be considered as one of the leaders in the segment. The features of the machines of this brand include IFD and Vario technologies. In the first case, the system provides automatic distribution of foamed milk, and in the second case, the device makes it possible to regulate the strength of the drink. SAECO products are also noteworthy. The horns in these models have pressed-in membranes with o-rings, which allows you to create optimal pressure during the preparation of espresso.
How much?
The cost of a good device starts from about 2 thousand rubles. For this amount, you can get a unit from a well-known brand with basic functionality. But in this case, is it worth waiting for taste delights - however, as well as the working resource that such a coffee machine will be endowed with. The price is 7-8 thousand rubles. already gives some reason to expect acceptable taste, ergonomic advantages of the device and reliability. If a professional unit is required, then you will have to prepare an amount at the level of 20-30 thousand rubles.

Nuances of maintenance and repair
For a start, it is worth consideringcauses of breakdowns and reasons for regular maintenance. Usually problems arise due to the use of hard water, the use of coarse grain grinding and untimely cleaning of the machine. As a rule, it is these factors that entail the repair of coffee machines, regardless of type. However, carob models have their own characteristics.
Usually, users are faced with the fact that the horn just leaks. In this case, it is necessary to check the condition of the sealing ring. If it is clogged, then the problem can be eliminated after cleaning the element. Often, fat accumulations are found in the mechanisms, which also contribute to the violation of the sealing of the apparatus. To delay the repair of coffee machines, it is recommended to carry out regular maintenance. For example, the brewing unit should be checked periodically. It should be removed and washed in warm water. The same applies to other detachable components.
Mostly the owners of such machines leave positive feedback. For example, the functionality and performance of the models are highly valued. Even if a device with limited capabilities is purchased, it can be supplemented with auxiliary elements - for example, devices for the same grinding make carob coffee machines almost universal. Reviews with criticism usually affect the high cost and malfunctions. In an effort to expand the optional range, manufacturers endow devices with electronic systems that can fail at the slightest deviation from the operating instructions. However, well-known companies have such flawsare becoming rarer.

Coffee machines have to compete not only with representatives of other species, but also with models of their own class. Buyers tend to focus on the best carob coffee machines, but do not always know what criteria to look for them. In each case, the best option may have an individual list of characteristics. For example, a barista model should provide good performance, cooking speed and reliability. At home, the qualities of the machine come to the fore, such as design, taste and ergonomics.