DIY bathroom tiling

DIY bathroom tiling
DIY bathroom tiling

Renovation in the bathroom in most cases involves tiling surfaces with ceramic tiles. After all, it is this material that has all the necessary properties that allow it to withstand such a harsh microclimate.

Bathroom tiling can be done by hired professionals or done by yourself. In the latter case, you will be able to save a decent amount in the budget. And even if you have never done such work, do not despair. The information in our article will help you deal with the repair yourself.

Where to start?

First of all, you need to purchase all the materials and tools necessary for the work. Immediately you need to decide on which composition you will put the cladding. For these purposes, a special tile adhesive or cement mortar can be used.

The first option is considered more modern and optimal. It is made on the basis of the same cement, but has additional modifying components. The composition quickly seizes, which allows you to fix a rhinestone on the wallseveral rows of cladding.

If your budget is too tight, give preference to cement. It costs less, but working with it requires certain skills. If the tiling in the bathroom is carried out using cement mortar, then more than 3 rows of cladding cannot be fixed in one day. This slows down repairs.

modular tiling scheme
modular tiling scheme

Next, select a tile. In stores you can find glossy, matte and rough options. For walls, it is better to choose even varieties. They are easier to wash. As for the floor, here you need to give preference to wear-resistant varieties with a minimum slip rate.

Inspect your favorite products for microcracks and chips. Pay attention to the evenness of the elements. If the tile is curved (which is very common lately), then it will be very difficult to lay it evenly. Attach two elements to each other and stir. If the tile plays, it is curved.

Choose a pattern and color depending on your taste preferences.

How to determine the right amount of material?

In order to lay tiles in the bathroom (it is quite possible to do such work with your own hands) without stopping due to lack of material, you need to correctly calculate its amount.

To do this, measure the width of each wall and determine the height of the tiled lining. Based on these data, calculate the area that will need to be tiled. The resulting number of square meters will indicate how much material you need.

However, pay attention to the fact that the finish must be purchased with a margin. If there is a lot of trimming in the process of work, then a certain amount of material will go into the trash.

marking for holes
marking for holes

If tiling in the bathroom will be done by the direct method, take a margin of about 10%. If the arrangement of the elements is non-standard (diagonally, with vengeance, etc.), then make a margin of 15% of the total volume.

Possible tile layouts

Today, there are several ways of laying ceramic coating. All of them can be used both for flooring and for wall decoration. The following options for laying tiles in the bathroom are considered the most popular:

  • traditional;
  • diagonal;
  • in a run;
  • combined;
  • modular.

The traditional method is used in 80% of cases. This is a classic pattern. The coating is even, without the slightest shift. The seams are even. This masonry is the most economical, since a small part of the material goes to waste.

The diagonal scheme is considered more attractive, but also time-consuming. If you decide to lay the tiles diagonally, mark the surface in advance. All corner elements you will need to trim. Material consumption in this case increases by 15%.

tile swatch
tile swatch

Laying apart suggests shifting the seam of each row by half of the element. This method of facing resembles a brick wall. Oftensuch a scheme is used when facing walls with rectangular tiles.

laying tiles in the bathroom
laying tiles in the bathroom

Modular masonry is used in cases where the pattern forms a large number of tiles of different sizes. Such options for laying tiles in the bathroom are rarely used by beginners due to the complexity of execution.

The combined laying method involves the use of several schemes at once. For example, the middle of the surface can be lined with a direct method, and its edges - diagonally. The curly combination is used in fairly spacious rooms. If the surface is forced into furniture, the pattern will lose its appeal.

What tools are needed in the process of work

Do-it-yourself tiling in the bathroom is easy, but first you need to take care of having all the necessary tools. This will help you save time.

The standard list looks like this:

  • notched trowel;
  • pots for mixing glue;
  • drill with mixing attachment;
  • tile cutter or angle grinder with diamond wheel;
  • diamond hole saws;
  • measuring tool;
  • building level;
  • plastic crosses for arranging seams;
  • rubber putty knife;
  • soft sponge;
  • paint brush.

Don't forget to get wall primer and grout. The latter is selected depending on the color of the cladding.

If before laying tilesyou need to remove the old finish, prepare a perforator, hammer and chisel.

Getting Started: Surface Preparation

Repair in any room begins with the dismantling of old coatings and preparing the base for laying new cladding. Remove all plumbing from the room, remove shelves, hooks and other items.

Having placed the chisel in the area of the seam between the tiles, start tapping on it with a hammer. Thus, remove all coating. If the ceramic finish is too strong, use a puncher.

If the tiling in the bathroom will be carried out for the first time, then you can immediately proceed to checking the evenness of the walls. Surfaces with a large number of defects must be plastered. To do this, the wall is treated with a primer, beacons are installed with the help of a level, a cement or gypsum mixture is applied.

surface preparation
surface preparation

Comparatively smooth walls just need to be primed, putty to fill existing cracks and depressions. The influx of the solution should be carefully knocked down.

If the bathroom floors are uneven, they should be smoothed out with a small layer of new screed. For these purposes, you can use modern leveling compositions. They are easy to work with and dry fairly quickly. You can also level the floor by increasing the layer of tile adhesive, but this option will lead to an increase in waste. Tile adhesive is several times more expensive than screed.

When all surfaces are smoothed and leveled, start laying tiles. The bathroom must be clean and dry.

Technology for mounting cladding onwalls

You can start laying the cladding both from the floor and from the walls. Most masters finish the walls first, as in the process of work the floor tiles are splashed with glue, the seams are clogged with debris.

Laying tiles in the bathroom begins with the processing of any large wall. First, flat surfaces are faced, and only then - boxes and niches.

corner tiling
corner tiling

If you decide to place the first row above the bath, you must first install a support for the cladding. It is made from a metal CD-profile. The plank is screwed to the wall with self-tapping screws. The cladding should be fixed from the bottom up.

Next, follow the following technology:

  1. Take the first tile and use a notched trowel to apply an even layer of adhesive to the back of the tile. A 4mm layer will suffice for laying bathroom tiles on the wall.
  2. Install the tile on the metal profile and press against the wall. Remove excess glue immediately with a damp sponge.
  3. Apply glue to the second tile and place it next to the first. Use plastic crosses to create a uniform seam. They need to be installed from each end of the product. Lay out the entire first row in this way.
  4. Using a building level, check the correct position of the cladding. It is on this row that you will be guided in the process of all work. It must be done as correctly as possible. The width of the adhesive layer under each element must be the same. If any tile sticks out, press it harder against the wall.

If you are using a fairly large and heavy facing, do not lay out more than 3 rows per day. Otherwise, the created trim may slide down.

In places where sockets and faucets are installed, make holes in the tile. To do this, use a drill and a diamond bit of a suitable diameter.

Outer corner design methods

If your bathroom has niches or pipe boxes, you will need to line the outer corners during the work. For beginners, this process can be difficult. What is the right way to do this kind of work?

Today, different options are used for laying tiles in the bathroom in the area of \u200b\u200bouter corners.

In the most budgetary design, you can use the "butt" method. This is when an element of one wall is displaced into a corner by the thickness of the tile, and an element of the second wall rests against the displaced tile. This arrangement of the corner is the fastest, but the appearance of the surface cannot be called perfect.

You can also decorate the outer corner with a plastic corner. It is installed in the process of wall cladding at the corner itself, covering the ends of the ceramic tiles. This option is considered the most popular.

arrangement of the outer corner
arrangement of the outer corner

If you do not want to use plastic, you can join the tiles at an angle of 45 degrees. However, please note that this process requires special care and accuracy. Photos of laying tiles in the bathroom in this way indicate that the corners in this case look the most attractive.

The essence of this design issawing the inside of the end of the tile with a grinder at the above angle. In this case, the front part of the element must be untouched. The joining of the tiles processed in this way is perfect. The corner looks very attractive.

Technology for laying tiles in the bathroom on the floor

When all the walls are covered with tiles, you can start finishing the floor. Begin facing should be from the most prominent corner of the room. Proceed as follows:

  1. Apply tile adhesive to the wrong side of the ceramic. The layer for fixing on the floor increases to 6 mm.
  2. Place the tile in the corner and press it to the base. Place crosses between the ceramic product and the walls. Install 2 of them on each side of the tile.
  3. Check that the first element is set correctly using a square and level.
  4. The second tile is laid in the same way. So fix the entire first row.
  5. In most cases, the last element in a row needs to be trimmed. To do this, step back from its edge the desired distance and draw a line. Cut the tile according to the marking with a diamond-coated disc. Fix it on the floor and proceed to the arrangement of the second row. Line the entire base in this way.

If you have chosen a more complex method of laying tiles on the floor (in the bathroom), then first mark up the surface to be trimmed.

proper floor tiling
proper floor tiling

Diagonal and combined arrangement implies the beginning of work from the center of the floor. All extreme elements are subject to trimming.


The final step in tiling a bathroom is grouting. It makes the cladding look more finished and protects the walls from moisture penetration.

The grout mixture must be diluted in the manner indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. The finished composition should have a thick consistency.

You can start grouting from anywhere, but it's best to finish the walls first. Grout to fill the seams between the tiles. First you need to remove all the crosses. Press the composition into the resulting voids with a small rubber spatula. Remove excess mixture immediately with a damp sponge. If the grout hardens, it will be much more difficult to remove it.

the final step in laying tiles
the final step in laying tiles

After 30 minutes after applying the last mortar, wash the tiles with a damp cloth. This completes the installation process of the ceramic coating.

drawing conclusions

As you can see, laying tiles in the bathroom with your own hands is not a very difficult task. If you have a desire to make repairs yourself, do it! Moreover, this will help you save a couple of tens of thousands of rubles in your wallet.

The cost of services of professional masters today varies from 750 to 850 rubles per m2. If you do not live in the Moscow region, then the price tag will be slightly less (about 650 rubles).

With a complex arrangement method and the use of small-sized products, the cost increases by 50%. The price tag for installing mosaic-type tiles starts from 1300 rubles per m2.

Outlinedinformation about the technology of laying tiles in the bathroom and photos posted in our article will save you from unnecessary waste. The main thing is to have the desire and the necessary amount of free time.
