Enamelware: pros and cons

Enamelware: pros and cons
Enamelware: pros and cons

In our time, you can not do without dishes. It is at the same time the most necessary thing and decoration in every kitchen. There are a huge number of different types of it. One of them is enamelware.



For the production of this type of utensils, metal or cast iron is used. In order to protect the material from corrosion, it is covered with a layer of glass enamel. It also prevents contact with the metal of the food that is being cooked in the cookware.

In order to learn all about the production process of these products, it is necessary to visit the factory. Homemade enamelware does not exist. At the factory, such products are simply stamped and dipped in enamel. In rare cases, it is simply sprayed. Such products have a low price, but their quality is also low. That is, the quality largely depends on how the dishes are enamelled.


The fact that this cookware is non-toxic is one of the big advantages. It can be used to prepare a wide variety of foods. Enamelware is ideal for cooking those dishes that consist of a large amount ofliquids. It can also store various brines and acidic products for quite a long time. The food you cook in this cookware will not taste like metal.

Enamelware set
Enamelware set

Care for this type of cookware is quite simple. In order to wash it, you can use an ordinary cleaning agent and warm water. If something is burnt in it, you do not need to use hard brushes. It is enough for cleansing just to pour a saline or soda solution into it and let it stand for a while. After that, all the dirt can be easily washed off. In order to remove rust, it is necessary to rub such places with a sponge dipped in coffee grounds.

Cons of enamel products

One of the disadvantages of this cookware is its price. But if you want to use it for a long time, there is no need to save, because the miser pays twice. And yet, no matter how strong enamel your enamelware is made of, it still cracks very often during overheating or impact. It is not recommended to pour cold water into warm dishes and, conversely, hot water into cold dishes.

How to enamel dishes
How to enamel dishes

From such a temperature difference, the enamel may crack. If this happens, you must get rid of such dishes, because their continued use may be harmful to your he alth.

Another reason for the deterioration of such products is that often a small burner is used for heating. In this case, the surface heats up unevenly, and very often the enamelcracking because of this.

Enamelware cannot be used to prepare various dishes from milk. Because in it it immediately burns. Another significant drawback is that it is undesirable to stew vegetables and meat in it, as well as cook pilaf. After all, these products and dishes, like milk, will burn very quickly.

Enamelware is not suitable for storing vinegar, it can only be used to clean it. But you can’t use soda or acid to clean such products. Also, enamelware should not be heated without liquid. If left in the cold or in the freezer, it will become brittle very quickly.

Main principles for choosing enamelware

In order to choose the right dishes in the store, you need to carefully examine its inner surface. It can only have four colors: black, white, blue-gray and blue. If you have a different color in front of you, you should not buy such dishes, as harmful dyes may be included in the paint. The label must contain the inscription GOST. Its presence guarantees the quality of these dishes.

Enamelware Factory
Enamelware Factory

If you see any oil stains on the surface of the enamel upon inspection, do not buy such products. This indicates that the object was fired poorly. If you see dots at the bottom, then there is nothing to worry about. These are traces of holders that were used in the process of firing the product.

Special attention should be paid to the thickness of the enamel. It will depend on herhow evenly the pan will heat up. The most suitable thickness is 0.45 cm, but nowadays it is quite rare to see such dishes in the store. Increasingly, the thickness of such products is in the range of 0.2–0.3 cm.

Nowadays, almost every housewife has a set of enamelware in the kitchen. And if you take his choice very seriously and responsibly, then he will faithfully serve you for a long time.
