Hydrangea paniculata is a herbaceous perennial flower of southern origin. During a long flowering period (from May to September), hydrangea flowers are able to change color three times. Paniculate varieties are very different: sprawling, straight, with inflorescence caps in the form of beautiful balls or pyramids up to 15 cm in diameter. They learned to protect it from winter frosts, and now it adorns courtyards and front gardens of houses in central Russia.
How the color of the herbaceous perennial hydrangea changes
Its panicled varieties are green-red, blue, blue and pink, but most often we have white ones. Coloring depends on the land on which the flower grows. Acidic soil gives a blue-blue hue, slightly alkaline acts on this plant in such a way that the flowers turn pink. If in autumn a forest soil mixture of coniferous needles and peat (with a bucket) is poured under a bush, blue flowers will appear on the inflorescences. In spring, the bush will acquire a reddish color from manure humus fertilizer with a glass of lime and two glasses of ash. Now special fertilizers are being produced for variousshades.
Hydrangea paniculata. Photo

Greenish yellow limelight panicles.

Beautiful pink beauty against a blue spruce.

The mini-penny hydrangea's wide leaves bring out the vibrancy of purple and blue.

Perfect autumn bouquet with girlish grass.
Hydrangea paniculata "vanilla"

Vanilla fraise is the name of the new iconic hydrangea species. Paniculate varieties of this species differ only in the size of the base of the inflorescence pyramid. There are large panicles up to 30 cm tall (giants), smaller clusters are no less popular. The color of creamy snow-white vanilla in early summer gradually changes to soft pink. By the end of summer, the base of the brush turns into a "red strawberry", fragrant and appetizing. "Red strawberry ice cream cone" - this is how flower growers call it, other lovers of beauty add - "with cream". Under the weight of impressive inflorescences, the upright bush takes the form of a ball.
Growing and care
The land for planting is dug up with the addition of organic fertilizers, if the soil is heavy, clayey or loamy. Landing does not begin immediately, when the earth rests for several days. The bush is planted in a damp hole 40 cm deep. The earth around the bush is immediately mulched with peat or sawdust. Duringsummer, the plant is carefully groomed. Mandatory watering, loosening, top dressing, treatment with pesticides. A sunny location is perfect for hydrangeas. Its paniculate varieties also adapt well in the shade, you just have to water it less. The wind does not like such a delicate flower. In the first winter, it must be sheltered from frost, in subsequent - if necessary. In early spring, to form a beautiful crown and stimulate flowering, the tree is well cut, about 60% of the total volume.
A charming single beauty can decorate any site. It takes your breath away when you look at a group of snow-white, rose bushes.