Nutkan cypress: varieties, description, photo

Nutkan cypress: varieties, description, photo
Nutkan cypress: varieties, description, photo

Nutkan cypress is a tree from the cypress family. One of the most famous species of this family, distinguished from others by drooping branches. Ephedra is very unpretentious in care, therefore it is popular with gardeners. The tree goes well with other cultures and can decorate rock gardens and rocky gardens. Cypress, like any other coniferous trees, produces phytoncides that purify the air from harmful impurities. This helps to strengthen the immunity of a person located in the area where coniferous trees are planted.

Cypress Glauca
Cypress Glauca

Description and features

Nutkan cypress has ascending shoots that bend towards the ground as the tree grows and become drooping. In the wild, this species is found on the Pacific coast. Here the tree reaches an incredible size - 70 m. The cypress has a brown-gray bark, moving away from the trunk in large layers,lush crown. The dark green needles emit an unpleasant pungent odor if rubbed with your hands. Cones - in the form of a ball. Seeds ripen late, this distinguishes Nutkan cypress from other varieties. The culture is characterized by good winter hardiness, endurance to adverse weather conditions. Likes sunny areas and moist soil.

Cypress tree in a sunny area
Cypress tree in a sunny area

Popular varieties

They are:

  1. Weeping (pendula). The most spectacular tree of this species. Hanging branches combined with dark green needles looks very impressive. A mature tree reaches a height of 15 m and a diameter of 6 m. Ephedra is resistant to drought and adverse environmental conditions (dust and smoke). Winter hardiness of Nutkan cypress (Pendula) is good.
  2. Glauka. Tree up to 6 meters high. The crown is narrow, conical in shape, the branches are short and flexible. The needles are greenish-blue. To preserve the emerald color, it is recommended to plant the Nutkan cypress Glauka in sunny areas. The bark is grey-brown and prone to cracking.
  3. Aurea. Ephedra with a graceful dense crown and hanging branches. The needles are bright yellow, lanceolate. Nutkan cypress Aurea needs moist soil, it should not be allowed to dry out. Compared to other varieties, it has the greatest frost resistance.
  4. Jubilee. Slender columnar tree, does not take up much space on the site. It reaches a height of 15 m, a width of 5 m. Gives an annual increase of up to 20 cm. The branches are drooping, the needles are bright green. Used for solitary plantings.
  5. Nutkan Lutea. It belongs to the group of Lawson's cypress - the most popular coniferous species for decoration in landscape design. Tall weeping tree. The needles are green in different shades, from light to dark, always yellow at the ends of the shoots.
Cypress Lutea
Cypress Lutea


Most often, gardeners purchase ready-made seedlings for their summer cottages in special nurseries. Landing is carried out in the middle of spring, when the soil warms up thoroughly, but the place is prepared in advance. Cypress trees prefer areas in partial shade, but not lowlands where cold air stagnates.

Saplings of Cypress Nutkansky
Saplings of Cypress Nutkansky

Varieties with light blue needles require less sun, and for trees with a yellow-green crown, open, well-lit areas are chosen. A pit for planting (60 cm wide, 80 cm deep) is best prepared in the fall, during which time the soil will settle a little.

In the spring, when it warms up thoroughly, a 20 cm drainage layer of broken brick, coarse sand or expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the pit. Then the pit is filled up to half with soil, in which soddy soil, humus, peat and sand are mixed (ratio 3:3:2:1).

If several seedlings are placed in a row, it is necessary to dig holes at a distance of at least one meter, since the roots of this tree grow strongly in width.

Planting Cypress
Planting Cypress

Reproduction and care

Nutkan cypress (Pendula and others) is propagated mainly by cuttings and seeds, less oftenfor this, vaccinations and layering are used. The cuttings root easily and grow quickly. Planting material is prepared in the spring, cutting off the lateral apical shoots and planting them separately in pots.

It is necessary to use fertile soil. It is recommended to purchase it in gardening stores. After planting the cutting in the ground, it must be poured abundantly with warm water and covered with plastic wrap. In areas with a warm climate, cuttings can be planted immediately on the street, but it is also necessary to create greenhouse conditions for them.

Seeds for propagation are first stratified (pre-germinated), this contributes to greater germination. In autumn, they are sown in a box and taken outside under the snow. In the spring, the box is transferred to a warm room, where the seeds germinate rapidly.

The tree is little susceptible to disease and adapts well to various conditions. The crown is pruned annually to keep it neater. The soil around the trunk circle must be regularly weeded. This allows the roots to breathe freely and protects the cypress tree from harmful insects.


Any variety of Nutkan cypress grows well on sufficiently moist soil. Regular watering is the most important step in growing this tree. Once a week, each specimen is watered with ten liters of water. In dry summers, watering should be increased to twice a week.

Also, regular spraying is necessary for cypress. Young trees are irrigated every day, and for adults, already formed specimens, once a week is enough.

Sprayingcarried out in the morning or evening hours. Drip irrigation systems equipped at their summer cottage are well suited for this.


Fertilize cypress from spring to early June. In summer, top dressing is not applied, at this time the tree begins to prepare for winter, and fertilizer will cause rapid growth. This will not allow the plant to adapt to winter, and it may freeze in severe frosts.

Young trees are fed two months after planting. It is necessary to correctly calculate the concentration of fertilizer. The dose calculated for an adult plant is halved. They use the Kemira mineral complex.

Fertilizer is carefully scattered around the trunk circle, sprinkled with soil. Then the tree is carefully watered with a bucket of water, preventing the top dressing from washing out of the soil. Mature trees fertilize twice a month, use 100 grams of powder.

Pests and diseases

Sometimes Nutkan cypress is affected by scale insects and spider mites, insecticides are used to combat them. Among the diseases there is root rot, which affects the tree with excessive stagnation of moisture in the soil. In this case, it is necessary to transplant it to a new place. Diseased roots are cut off, and the remaining ones are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If the root system is severely rotted, the tree must be destroyed so as not to spread the disease to he althy plants in the garden.

cypress nootkansky aurea
cypress nootkansky aurea

Nutkan cypress Pendula and other varieties can decorate any part of the garden. It looks original in a solitarylanding in the middle of the lawn. It will not get lost in a mixed composition with deciduous trees. The most spectacular against the background of its dark green needles are flowering shrubs.