Smoke sensor: working principle and advantages

Smoke sensor: working principle and advantages
Smoke sensor: working principle and advantages

The latest security systems allow you to save property and human life. Many of them use fire alarms. It is necessary to detect fires in the early stages and to give a signal. The system contains various devices, including a smoke sensor. In order for the equipment to work efficiently, you should choose this device correctly.

smoke sensor
smoke sensor


Smoke detector - a device used to determine the source of a fire. When the device is operating, the absorption is analyzed, as well as the scattering function in one of the spectra:

  • ultrasonic;
  • infrared;
  • visible.


According to the method of detecting a source of ignition, devices are radioisotope, which monitor the information of a radioisotope camera, and optoelectronic, which set a fire by changing the transparency of air and the brightness of light.

battery operated smoke detector
battery operated smoke detector

There are othersdetectors - aspiration. The device is presented as a self-contained unit, which contains laser and point optical sensors. The equipment registers the early signs of a fire. They are fixed in hard-to-reach places, museums and on ships.

According to the method of physical detection, the smoke sensor can be:

  • smoke;
  • firemen;
  • fiery.

Fire alarm generation can be performed together with smoke response. When it decreases, the notification is turned off. These are active devices. But there are also passive ones that give a signal by the amount of smoke. The battery-operated smoke detector is considered convenient to use.

Use area

The smoke detector is able to detect a fire situation at the beginning of its occurrence. After all, smoke is formed first, and then fire. Timely operation of the device allows people to be evacuated.

autonomous smoke detector
autonomous smoke detector

Equipment can be installed in rooms where the formation of a fire at the initial stage suggests the presence of smoke. But you should take into account natural interference - high humidity and smoke. With these factors, false operation of devices occurs, as well as their breakdown.

In residential buildings, optical point devices are usually attached. If the space of the room is voluminous, then the necessary optical linear devices are of the address type. In especially important institutions, optical aspiration annunciators are installed, which work very quickly. What matters is the speed of the equipment.after all, the safety of people and the safety of property depend on this.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fire smoke detector has its pros and cons. Often, different types of devices are installed in the same room, which can notify you of various adverse factors. Of the house sensors, optoelectronic ones are considered the most popular. Benefits include:

  • quick reaction in case of fire;
  • rich assortment;
  • affordable prices;
  • minimum appliances to install.

From the shortcomings can be identified:

  • consuming a lot of current;
  • dust response;
  • no reaction to combustion without smoke.

Equipment Manufacturers

Shops sell a wide variety of fire alarms. According to the method of action, they are:

  • optical;
  • linear;
  • ionization.

Optical devices are considered the most popular, but they have disadvantages: they react to dust, but there is no reaction to smoke with soot impurities. Such detectors are produced by Russian manufacturers - "Signal" and "IRSET-Center". They have similarities and differences.

fire smoke detector
fire smoke detector

"IRSET-Center" devices are produced with a large voltage range. They can have a little current in standby mode. Characteristics are necessary for work with reception and control devices. From foreign manufacturers, System Sensor products are in demand.


Smoke warning can be targeted and non-targeted. This is determined by the method of connection to the fire system. Therefore, the principle of operation of the smoke sensor is different. Address devices transmit a signal to the control panel, where the fire location is established, since all equipment in the system has its own numbers. They are used in large premises, production facilities.

Non-address devices produce sound, and you can only determine the area of ignition by it. Optoelectronic fire alarm equipment includes a plastic case, where there is an optical camera, a light receiver and refractive shutters. Air entering the chamber reflects radiation from the light source. When smoke appears, an alarm is triggered. Thanks to refractive shutters, the device is protected from light and dust. The device must be wiped regularly so as not to reduce the sensitivity of the detector.

Optical devices can have LED or laser light emitters. Ionizing devices are presented in the form of a chamber with 2 plates located under current. If smoke enters inside, an alarm is triggered.


In order for the fire alarm to work correctly, it is necessary to correctly select components for it. It is important that he:

  • timely detected fires;
  • was reliable;
  • did not give false signals.
smoke sensor working principle
smoke sensor working principle

Autonomous smoke detector can be used in facilities where fire occurs with the formation of smoke, because the actionbased on the provision of a signal when its concentration in the air is exceeded. When choosing, one should take into account the structural nuances of the building, the specifics of the room and the price of the device.

It is advisable to purchase high-quality equipment, even if it is expensive. Such products are available from well-known manufacturers. And if you have any doubts about the choice of device, then you should seek help from a specialist.