Aspiration detectors and their principle of operation

Aspiration detectors and their principle of operation
Aspiration detectors and their principle of operation

Fire safety is an important aspect of human life. Each of us, while at work, at home or anywhere else, must be protected from external threats, including fire. Timely detection of the source of danger can help to quickly find and eliminate it, protecting more than one life, as well as minimizing material costs. Aspiration detectors are an effective way to ensure the safety of people and premises, protect them from fires. The features of these devices will be discussed in the article.

aspiration detectors
aspiration detectors

General information

The word "aspiration" is of Latin origin. Aspiro means "I breathe in". It is this word that gives an idea of the general mechanism of the device. In an aspiration fire detector, it consists in the selection of air masses within a certain controlled room. The extracted air is analyzed for the purpose of timely detection of threats and detection of combustion products.

The main task for which specialists developed such a device issearch for areas where the fire has just begun to spread and has not yet created a serious danger.

Latest technology

Aspirating detectors, according to experts, today account for 12% of the entire market for fire protection systems in Europe. Their forecasts indicate that this figure will only grow. The development of new types of aspirators makes it possible to use the device more actively, expanding the scope of its use, as well as to fully realize in practice all the advantages of such systems in a wide variety of fields of activity.

The technology that makes the detector work is one of the most advanced among similar devices aimed at early detection of a fire. The idea is to create a flow of air that the system absorbs directly from the controlled room, as well as its further transmission to a special optical fire detector. Aspirating smoke detectors, thanks to this mechanism of operation, can detect a fire at the earliest stages of their occurrence - even before a person can feel or see the smoke. The device will fix the danger even in the process of smoldering objects, heating surfaces (evaporation of an insulating substance on cables, etc.).

Working principle

The aspiration fire detector IPA consists of a series of pipes combined into a system, where there are special holes for taking air masses and an aspiration device equipped with a turbine to maintain air flow.

aspiration fire detectors
aspiration fire detectors

The principle of operation of the device is quite simple, but effective. The sensors that are installed in the system carry out optical control of the received air. Given the level of required sensitivity of the device, laser or LED detectors can be installed in it. The pipes are mounted in the room where the air analysis will be carried out, while the aspiration device - the control unit - is placed in any other place from where it is convenient to maintain and control the system.

Scope of application

To date, aspiration detectors equipped with ultra-sensitive laser smoke detectors provide the most successful fire protection. Such systems are excellent for ensuring the fire safety of power plants with various energy production principles, large hangar rooms with aviation, automotive and other types of equipment, rooms designed to store fuel and combustible mixtures, industrial areas of increased sterility, hospital buildings with diagnostic equipment and other premises. with high-tech devices.

Initially, the systems were developed specifically for objects of high importance, the safety of which was a top priority. The safety of material assets, large amounts of money, expensive equipment, the replacement of which can lead to serious expenses, as well as stopping the entire production process is the main goal of aspiration detectors. In places like this, it's important to get it done as soon as possible.find and eliminate the formed threat at the moment when smoldering did not begin, before open fire appeared.

aspiration detector type
aspiration detector type

It is equally important to ensure the safety of premises with large crowds of people. There, the systems must have a particularly high level of sensitivity compared to conventional devices. These can be large exhibition centers, cinemas, stadiums, entertainment and shopping centers. At facilities of this kind, a preliminary signal, which is received only by the maintenance personnel of the building, makes it possible to eliminate the cause of the fire without resorting to mass evacuation, and, accordingly, to panic among visitors.


The IPA aspiration detector has a number of advantages over traditional systems:

aspirating smoke detectors
aspirating smoke detectors
  • Smoke may simply not reach point-type devices installed in large areas. The aspirator in this case ensures that air masses enter through all openings from any part of the room. Ventilation, air conditioners will not be able to affect the quality of the system;
  • This type of detector minimizes the effect of air stratification in a high room, where warm air located closer to the ceiling interferes with the flow of smoke and prevents a timely response to a fire.
  • Often, designers face serious problems when designing rooms where the fire safety system makes it impossible to implement one or another idea. Aspiration typedevice allows you to hide all external structural elements. It is enough just to make a couple of holes under the ceiling, the diameter of which is a couple of millimeters. Even with the naked eye, they cannot be seen.


The suction system will help to ensure the safety of valuable equipment and people at a high level.

aspiration fire detector type
aspiration fire detector type

Efficiency of work will avoid serious material costs, stoppage of the production process and human casu alties, without requiring complex maintenance or large investments in its installation.
