APPZ - transcript. Automatic fire protection: installation and maintenance

APPZ - transcript. Automatic fire protection: installation and maintenance
APPZ - transcript. Automatic fire protection: installation and maintenance

APPZ is deciphered as follows: it is an automated fire protection. Such systems are used to prevent fires in residential, office and work premises. Automatic protection is essential in multi-storey buildings with 10 or more floors.

appz decryption
appz decryption

Fire protection

In the modern world, the fire protection system is becoming more complex and multifunctional. For its effective operation, smoke and ventilation sensors alone are no longer sufficient. There is a growing need to use a multi-level system that will be combined into a complete fire fighting complex.

The increase in the number of construction projects and the construction of structures in the form of wholesale megastores, large modern hotels, high-rise densely populated buildings leads to the need for AFS systems that would optimally protect lives and property from fires.

Let's return to the decoding of the APPZ. Special requirements for the system during a fire will be due to the timely detection of foci,a huge set of ways to control ventilation, valves to delay the spread of fire, elevators, a warning complex and control the evacuation flows of people.

fire alarm service
fire alarm service

Maintenance of fire fighting systems

In accordance with the rules and technical documentation for fire extinguishing systems, after their installation and a certain service life, it is necessary to carry out scheduled maintenance (maintenance). Events are held at predetermined dates and approved by the passport data for the installed equipment. Scheduled maintenance is carried out by persons with special qualifications in a particular area and certification licenses for the work carried out.

Deciphering the APPZ is quite simple. The following components are included in the package of such a system:

  • fire alarm;
  • warning system and adjustment of the evacuation of citizens in case of fire;
  • automatic fire extinguishing installations themselves;
  • smoke removal systems in case of fire;
  • plumbing internal fire extinguishing lines;
  • burglar alarm component;
  • visual observation devices;
  • administrative access control system.

Complex of maintenance work

Fire alarm maintenance has a specific list of works. These are activities such as:

  • personal inspection of all annunciators;
  • visual inspection of elements of control panels and other variousfire alarm areas;
  • inspection of electrical communications of the alarm system and their attachment points;
  • Check fuses and connectors;
  • inspection of various switches throughout the alarm system;
  • indicator inspection work based on light and sound;
  • fire alarm software audit;
  • inspection of grounding, and, if necessary, its mandatory refurbishment;
  • inspection of the main and additional power supply (it must be remembered that this type of work should only take place when the power is off);
  • checking sensors and all alarms in general with a fire drill;
  • checking insulation layers of different levels of fire protection;
  • thematic work on staff training.

If damage is detected or, if necessary, all parts of the fire alarm system with defects must be replaced with working copies as soon as possible and in compliance with all norms and requirements of technical documentation.

appz system
appz system

AFP Priorities

The primary task of fire protection systems is to determine the location of the fire. Further, automated protection will use all the necessary signals to trigger fire prevention measures at the controlled facility. What does it mean? It implies the operation of sensors to remove smoke. At the same time, the ventilation system in the general exchange is de-energized. Preservation processes beginnon-spread of air in elevator shafts and flights of stairs, blocking fire dampers and doors, actuating all currently necessary automated fire extinguishing devices.

Also, certain elements of the system notify the responsible personnel who are on duty about a fire incident that has occurred in a controlled area. In addition, information is communicated to all people at the hazardous facility.

Most of the time, automated fire protection systems are in a mode of operation in which all previously described actions are not accepted by the system for execution. The fire alarm in this case (in standby mode) minimizes all false signals, thereby preventing material losses. Now you know the decoding of the APPZ.

automatic fire protection
automatic fire protection

Installation of APPZ in homes

Installation of the fire protection system in residential buildings, dormitories, hotels, cultural services and other similar places is carried out according to the project. It is developed and approved in advance by all the necessary state specialized bodies. Its cost is determined directly on the object under construction, which determines the complexity and type of fire protection system. And that is not all. Moreover, the area of the built-up object and the cost of the amount of material and equipment used are taken into account.

Installation of automatic fire protection includes the following stages of work:

  • purchaserequired accessories;
  • laying cable and pipeline distribution lines;
  • mounting control and trigger devices and devices such as smoke detectors, annunciators, power supplies, relay blocks and others;
  • synchronization of the fire system with the engineering structure of the facility (ventilation and elevator shafts) and its systems (access control in the fire mode);
  • commissioning and start-up activities;
  • documentation properly;
  • checking the object by the fire authorities;
  • commissioning.
  • fire protection systems in residential buildings
    fire protection systems in residential buildings

Designing an APPZ

The development of the project provides that automatic fire extinguishing installations will simultaneously perform the functions of automatic signaling. Fire protection must work around the clock, have a remote and local value of the starting mode. Substances in the APPZ for extinguishing a fire must comply with the requirements for buildings and premises, for fire safety, based on the type of activity of production and the properties of materials. Depending on this, installations for extinguishing fires can be:

  • water type;
  • foam type;
  • gas;
  • powder.

Fire alarm maintenance must be carried out on time and by qualified or properly trained personnel.
