The Konmari Method is not a manual on how to properly dust or wash windows. This is a step-by-step instruction that will allow you to put things in order not only in your house, but also in life. Marie Kondo's book made an impression on people all over the world. How can a simple general cleaning help bring order to your life and thoughts? We will talk about this in our article.
About the book and author
Marie Kondo is a 30-year-old girl from Japan who helps clean up absolutely everyone. Last summer, she released a print edition that wowed critics around the world. Every day, many people not only read her book, but also apply the advice given by Marie Kondo to themselves. The book "Japanese Cleaning" will allow you to sort out your life and thoughts with the help of simple cleaning. The theory described in the publication has already been tested by more than a thousand people. They assure that all the above recommendations really work.
The Konmari step-by-step method, which is briefly described in our article, is a great way to understandyourself. If you are confused in your life, then we strongly recommend that you study Japanese theory immediately. Thanks to her, you will definitely bring order to your thoughts.
The overall idea of Marie Kondo's book
As we said earlier, the Konmari method is not a manual for beginner housewives. It does not tell you which rag is most convenient to wash the floor and how to wipe the dust with high quality. The theory, which is described in the book of a Japanese writer, has a large-scale character. It can destroy long-established habits in your life. People who have tried the Konmari cleaning method on themselves assure that their lives have changed dramatically and irrevocably. Marie herself emphasizes that by putting things in order in the house, a person can say goodbye to the past and find his own life path. This is what she teaches the readers of her book.
The author believes that the main thing is a tight time frame. The Konmari cleaning method will tell you how important it is to clean up quickly and efficiently. It is this cleaning that will entail more serious changes.

In addition to the psychological aspects, the book also describes practical recommendations that will allow absolutely anyone to find their way in life. The Konmari method will teach you all the basics of organizing space. In addition, after carefully reading the book, you will learn how to get things out of the closet so as not to disturb the order. Moreover, cleanliness in your home will be maintained as long as possible. The author assures that thanks to this you will have more time, and in life there will comeharmony.
Practical advice Marie Kondo. Individual categories
As we said earlier, in our article you can read a summary of the theory of Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo. The very first thing to start with is the division of all things into categories. In almost every home, it is customary to put all available items according to the nature of their use. For example, put all the clothes on one shelf. This is a long established and completely useless habit. In order to put things in order in the house, and, as a result, in life itself, it is necessary, first of all, to divide all things into categories. For example, remove all trousers separately from the rest of the clothes. For each category, it is necessary to allocate a separate shelf or drawer. By dividing all the things into categories, it will be much easier for you to choose the ones that need to be disposed of. The Konmari Method is a great way to get rid of old items.

The most important Japanese cleaning item
In her book, Marie Kondo emphasizes that her method contains the most important point, which is essential for achieving order in the house and life. The author believes that the most important thing is a clearly set goal and the desire to achieve it. Unfortunately, some readers used the technique for fun. It was for this reason that she had no effect on their lives.
The Konmari Method is a book that will change your life drastically. The most important thing, according to the author, is to set a goal and have a great desire to achieve it. Only in this case, Japanese technology will bring great and pleasant changes to your life. First of all, you need to imagine your future life and wish with all your heart to achieve cardinal changes. Following all the recommendations that are listed in the book, you will feel free, and most importantly - a happy person. If you want to completely change your life, then you will definitely like the Konmari cleaning method. Before and after photos you can find in our article.

Get rid of unnecessary things
According to Marie Kondo's theory, cleaning can be divided into two stages. The first is getting rid of unnecessary things, and the second is the organization of space. In our article, you can find information that will help you quickly and permanently throw away all useless items.
After you sorted all your things into categories, you need to figure out which things you definitely won't need anymore. Sometimes it is difficult to make such a decision. What does Marie Kondo advise about this? The Konmari method, in case of difficulty about the need for an item, advises you to think about whether a particular item brings joy and happiness. If it does not cause any positive emotions, then you can safely throw it away.
Many people keep some things in reserve. This error is extremely common. Most of these things are never used and gather dust on the shelves for years. We strongly recommend getting rid of them. You can either dispose of them or give them to those who are inreally needs them.
Marie Kondo emphasizes that you should never get upset. Each of us, according to the author, should be surrounded only by those things that bring happiness. Few people know, but some items that are associated with negative moments in life can cause chronic fatigue and constant stress. It is for this reason that we strongly recommend that you do not hesitate to say goodbye to all unnecessary things.

Organization of space. How to store clothes compactly?
The Konmari method is incredibly unique. How to fold clothes correctly, you can find out in our article.
Every year, a large number of things accumulate in the house of any family. This is not surprising, because fashion does not stand still and changes every year. Unnecessary things must be disposed of immediately, and those that remain will need to be folded as compactly as possible. As we said earlier, all clothes first of all need to be divided into categories. Marie Kondo's written edition has clear instructions on how to fold things properly and compactly. According to her theory, all the clothes will need to be formed into rectangles. This folding technique will allow you to quickly find the necessary thing.
If you do not know how to properly clean your apartment, then you will definitely like the Konmari method. How to fold things correctly, we have already indicated. After you have formed rectangles from all the clothes, you need to sort them correctly. Few people know, butJapanese cleaning is good because after learning it, you will forget what a mess in the closet and life is forever. The formed rectangles must be arranged in rows in drawers. Marie recommends double folding small items of clothing or rolling them into a tube.
Another important point of the Konmari method is the distribution of things by color. This will save you a lot of time. Now you can forget about hours of searching for the necessary clothes forever.
Do clothes wrinkle during Konmari storage?
We have already figured out in our article how to fold things using the Konmari method. However, every second person is confused by the Japanese cleaning technique. This is no coincidence, because many are worried that after such storage, the clothes will look like mint. Marie Kondo emphasizes that the things you usually keep on the trempel should stay there.

As we said earlier, more than a thousand volunteers have already tested the Konmari method on themselves. They note that with such special storage, things wrinkle no more than with normal storage. Moreover, it becomes much easier to find the necessary clothes.
It is worth emphasizing that the Konmari method is a kind of system. Marie Kondo notes that after each wash it is necessary to fold all clothes strictly according to the technique. If you strictly follow all the recommendations described in the book, the order in your house will be maintained daily. For those who are confused in their lives and cannot properly organize the space in the house, a kind of "lifeline" will bethe Konmari method. Reviews of those who have already tried it confirm this. Thanks to this method, you can save not only space in the house, but also your time. Harmony in the apartment will allow you to achieve more global goals. Simple cleaning will give you the opportunity to put things in order not only in your thoughts, but also in your life.
How to properly clean up the Konmari method?
As we said earlier, the Konmari method is Japanese-style cleaning. Such a technique will not teach you how to choose the right detergents or how to dust the most thoroughly. It will give you a chance to make harmony and order systematic. It is worth emphasizing that the Konmari method implies several nuances that you need to know before proceeding with cleanliness. First of all, you need to prepare three large boxes. In each of them, you will later add those things that you need to either give away, or throw away, or return to their place. Another important point is the allocation of the right amount of time. Marie Kondo recommends cleaning gradually, allocating a certain amount of time for it every day. Starting to clean up, according to the Konmari method, it is necessary from the entrance to the room and move only clockwise. It is important to remember that Marie Kondo does not recommend "jumping" from place to place. She believes that such cleaning will not do any good.

It's no secret that not all people like to clean up. To many, this process seems boring and tedious. For such people, Marie Kondo also found a way out. If you don’t like to clean up and try to avoid this process in every possible way, then try doing it with your favorite music turned on. If you want, you can even sing and dance along. Thanks to this, cleaning will not seem boring and monotonous. As we said earlier, among the three boxes there is one that you must fill with things that need to be given away. This category includes those items that you no longer need, but it’s a pity to throw them away. If you have children's things lying around in your closet that are already small for your child, then you can later give them to friends or to specialized collection points. The same principle must be applied to other objects. Those things that you no longer need and gather dust on the shelves may be useful to someone else. Thus, the Konmari method will allow you to cleanse not only the house, but also the soul.
It's worth noting that Marie Kondo's book also offers you a list of things that you definitely need to recycle. If you don’t know how to properly clean up and what exactly needs to be thrown out, then such information will definitely come in handy. Among the items to get rid of, Marie Kondo includes newspapers, brochures, expired and old cosmetics, worn clothes and shoes, empty cans and bottles, unnecessary decoration items, and broken things. Surprisingly, every home has at least one component of this list. We strongly recommend getting rid of these things. Thanks to this, harmony will come in your life, and systematic cleanliness will reign at home.
Negative aspects of the Konmari method
Certainly, the Konmari method conquered the inhabitants of the whole world. Now it is not so difficult to restore order in the house. Among those who only want to learn the method of Marie Kondo, there are many doubters. Almost everyone is interested in the question of whether this technique has disadvantages. You can find out in our article.
The Japanese method of cleaning has some minor drawbacks. Some say that storing things according to the principle of Marie Kondo is rather uncomfortable. They emphasize that it is convenient to fold only linen using the method given in the book, but blouses and sweaters fall and form the same chaos in the closet. From this we can conclude that this technique is not suitable for everyone. If such storage is not to your liking, then we recommend placing things on trempels. Thus, the closet will be in order, and the clothes will always be ironed.
As we said earlier, according to the KonMari method, it is necessary to leave only those things that bring joy. However, some people doubt this principle. Many do not understand how, for example, an iron can bring happiness.
Another significant disadvantage is the lack of illustrations in Marie Kondo's book. It should be noted that, despite this, the Konmari method is quite accessible and understandable. Photos, by the way, you can find in our article. Thanks to the illustrations, you can easily not only understand the method, but also see the result itself.

Do not like this technique and those who prefer to do needlework and redoold clothes. They note that those things that they do not need today, after a while, can turn into new and beloved ones. For such people, we recommend that you allocate a separate box for items that they can further transform. It is important at the same time to fold things according to the Konmari method. Thanks to this, if necessary, you can easily find the necessary item. It is worth emphasizing that in no case should you leave a large number of things. If you want to transform your home and life, then try to get rid of unnecessary items as much as possible.
The Konmari Method is a technique that has amazed people from all over the world. As we found out in our article, it has both pluses and minor minuses. It can be concluded that not everyone will like it. However, if you still decide to try it out for yourself, you will definitely notice positive changes. As we said earlier, you will not only put your house in order, but also your life. Marie Kondo's book has a lot of valuable information. It is for this reason that we strongly recommend that you find some free time and read it. You can find a brief description in our article. Even if the technique described in the book does not suit you, you will surely find something valuable in the printed edition.